Border Patrol Thugs were caught destroying food and water left for undocumented Americans crossing the border...

Border Patrol Thugs were caught destroying food and water left for undocumented Americans crossing the border, left by international aid groups and the United Nations (in protest of the enforcement of immigration law and inhumane conditions in the desert). They are killing people by getting rid of the only resources they have in order to get here.

This is the dystopia that Trump supporters want.

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You're not supposed to feed wild animals

That's really fucking disgusting. I get it if we did this to rednecks and Midwesterners - nobody likes them, they make shitty food, and we don't need them - but doing this to entire families is Satanic. Republicans are heading straight to Hell.

Fbpb (you)x1000 lmao nigga


Have you considered...*not* illegally crossing the border?

What the fuck is an undocumented American?

Either the find and water are abandoned. So destroying it is no issue.


It was left to assist the infiltration of parasites who will aid in violations of the NAP against tax payers.

No violation of the NAP either way

Not OP but he has a point; its considered a war crime and disgusting act by the United Nations and decent people to destroy food and water left for people being persecuted by drug cartels and immigration law enforcement.

It's a disgusting war crime, and Border Patrol should face consequences for enforcing immigration law and destroying the food that lets undocumented Americans cross the desert safely

>war crime
Does that mean we can start shooting the invaders instead? Its apparently a war, after all...

>They are killing people by getting rid of the only resources they have in order to get here.

>the only resources they have in order to get here

or you know, they could just come here legally and not sneak in.

> Border Patrol Thugs
You mean citizens trying to uphold order in their own country.

> left for undocumented Americans crossing the border
It's already stupid to call people bypassing legal immigration processes (which are there for a reason) "undocumented immigrants" instead of illegal immigrants. But to call Mexicans who have not even stepped on US Ground yet undocumented AMERICANS is amazingly dumb, even for US Democrat Standards.

> by getting rid of the only resources they have in order to get here.
> here
> [using EU Flag]
Fuck off, Californicuck.


Did you forget to write this, or is this a failed attempt at samefagging?

>Spy satellites
>Cameras everywhere

And people cross the desert "undocumented".


>in protest of the enforcement of immigration law and inhumane conditions in the desert
>in protest of...
>...the desert
The UN is protesting the climate of arid regions

Fucking retard samefagging

Newfag doesn't know about IDs

Interesting... League of Villains on border patrol.
Nice arch.


newfag doesn't know about bait

>israeli hiding behind a Europoor flag

Border Patrol is full of criminals, thugs and villains. Fitting, isn't it?

>They are killing people by getting rid of the only resources they have in order to get here.

That's not killing. Furthermore, they have no right to be there in the first place, nor do those groups have the right to leave stuff for them, so...


Holy shit, see you guys on Plebbit

/u/basicallyadoctor is a fucking faggot


Boku no Border Patrol

this isn't news and it has nothing to do with trump

read more news, this guy also went undercover with private prisons

>Not OP but he has a point
first day working for the JIDF? get cozy, mate. we aren't like most of the forums you usually shit up

stop posting this shitty manga you fucking weeaboo leftist.

>left by international aid groups and the United Nations (in protest of the enforcement of immigration law and inhumane conditions in the desert)
>inhumane conditions in the desert

If only there was a way to avoid walking through a desert? They could.. I don't know, cross the border legally?

Fake, but if not: YOU ARE RUNNING OUT OF WHITE MALES WILLING TO ENFORCE RACICAL INTEGRATION ON OTHER WHITE MALES. (I would love to see you attempt to form a race mixer rainbow army. That would justify everything the pro white crowd has been saying for decades.)


>in protest of the enforcement of immigration law
>in protest of the enforcement of the law
>in protest of the law
Fucking leftist commie faggots. Too bad they can't deport traitors as well as illegals.
>undocumented Americans
That's supposed to be undocumented Mexicans.

>literal newfags just barely finding out about border patrol doing this
ffs... The border patrol have done this for DECADES. The did it under Obama, the did it under Dubya, they did it under Clinton, they did it under H.W. Bush... This isnt new, they've pretty much always did it to discourage wetbacks.

Maybe it would discourage them from treking across a desert to more than likely die a horrible death?

>ay karamba it is hot out here esse
>where is the hand outs? I mean water and food?
>look it's been destroyed!
>what kind of a man would perform such deeds?

Aren't we all just undocumented Americans?

Why even have borders or non relativistic moral standards?

I bet you take issues with something like pic related and support trump like a bigot.

It's okay to be white

Cactus niggers have a +50 resistance to desert biomes. What are you worried about?

The wall will reduce these incidents, it will be better for all. The people who argue that illegal immigrants will just tunnel under the wall or enter through Canada are missing the point.

New speak for criminal.

Yes and good


wtf this is actually great, they'll have to turn back or starve.

Those officers have my respect for that.

saved, forwarded, deleted

this faggotry is so annoying. k y s

Holy shit, this guy is hilarious.

Can't believe all you fags are falling for babies first troll attempt.

no one has fallen for the old video from 2012 you utter brainlet


This is good if it is true, but I would have preferred if they poisoned the food/water instead.


>“The practice of destruction of and interference with aid is not the deviant behavior of a few rogue border patrol agents, it is a systemic feature of enforcement practices in the borderlands.”
As it should be. Who the fuck is leaving food and water out for illegal migrants anyways?

can you pass the test OP?

Hey OP. Lawful immigration isn't perfect but it is better (for us) than illegal immigration. It helps us filter out violent criminals from law-abiding citizens.

Do you have a better strategy?

Get this yuro guy

How can it be illegal,to destroy cache supplies,which were left,for people who SHOULDNT be there in any cicumistance?Of course we are speaking about the law,so destroying something that would help to aid to break the law,doesnt break the law.

These people are entering the USA illegally. How is trying to stop them a War Crime?

Not to mention that water could have been put there to help drug smugglers. Pretty much any illegal can be turned into a drug smuggler. Drug lords will pay them a grand to walk a pound of coke through the desert.

Shoot the saboteurs. That will be $20, OP.


No More Deaths

Because mexicans are phony cowardly conquistadors. Theyre waging a demographic war. Theyre planning on just taking back america city by city by reproducing like fucking cockroaches.

kill yourself shareblue fag

Thank you, German bro.

>image name in heeb

clicked on the linky and within ten seconds a pop up in english and spanish is asking me to donate. What link to I click to tell them to eat a bag of dicks?

>food and water left for undocumented Americans crossing the border, left by international aid groups and the United Nation

How isn’t this an act of war/aid terrorism by the UN.

Build the wall! MAGA!!!


Do they really believe in that stuff though? Seems that the ideologically motivated ones are white cultural marxists who want to exploit them with identity politics.

Like a soft revolution, or a fifth column type thing?

>On August 10, a caravan of seventeen LGBTQI migrants presented themselves at the port of Nogales to claim their right of asylum in the United States. Five remain in detention and need your support.

>in protest of enforcement of immigration law
>inhumane conditions in the desert
So the UN and international organizations are committed to obstructing our federal law, hampering our efforts towards national security and trying to pin Mother Nature on us?
Fuck you, fuck your mother, fuck the shitty Mac
laptop you're using and fuck your Starbucks drink.

Good. May they perish. Next? You. OP. Do you have enough resources stored up?

Maybe you can go down and offer to give them a ride back. Good luck.

Divide and conquer is also a favored tactic of theirs, nigger.

Zing. Thread over.

Good let them die

I think they just want a job to feed their families.

>implying international banter means we're divided


By the way, is the UN a criminal organisation because they're assisting in people smuggling operations openly.

this bait sucks. sage goes in options field.

I wonder how much these do-gooders would care if the illegal immigrants were white Protestants. They would probably accuse the government of favoring them over Asian immigrants who actually have to earn citizenship over decades. But because they aren't white, crickets, and instead we have to listen to talk of "white privilege" while being taxed to fund them.

Dabbed on

>Aren't we all just undocumented Americans

No. We have records on us at every level of government from our birth to death. They have a clone image of your every pc hard drive and cell phone.

The us government is titally cucked by mexico because of nafta. If we start to enforce our laws, the us will be embargoed by mexico and the un and every rabid leftist organization in america will riot because they need taco makers and toilet scrubbers.

No, they're getting killed because they decided to try to cross a humongous desert, that has immense border fences and strict security the entire way up, without the proper resources. These people are dicks but if they tried making their own damn homes better instead of invading ours, this wouldn't be an issue in the slightest.

>They are killing people by getting rid of the only resources they have in order to get here.

normaly invaders would be just simply shot

is it actually Mexico sending us all the immigrants? I always figured they were coming south of them, since they seem to have the same problem we do. Except they actually seem to enforce their immigration laws

>The Rainbow 17 received legal support and solidarity from Mariposas sin Fronteras, the Transgender Law Center, the National Immigrant Justice Center, Family Trans Queer Liberation, the Institute for Women in Migration, the Kino Border Initiative, Instituto Legal, and No More Deaths’s Keep Tucson Together legal clinic.
Whose side are they on I wonder

>undocumented Americans
pick one and only one faggot.

Should have just injected it with poison. Makes their death much faster.

They are illegal Invaders of a foreign country.
They're lucky they aren't killed on sight, i.e. Russia.

They don't, really. We have the same problem.
Every day I go to work I have to deal with streets filled with central and south americans aliens, our government lets them roam freely on our country and do whatever they want.

Well they can get a fucking job in mexico. Instead of coming to america and having their hard work “exploited” you do realize most illegals send money back to mexico so their cheap labor isnt fucking cheap. Their families back in mexico got it better than most.

>be american
>bored as fuck on border patrol
>see a big crate
>fuck it open cooler and get some drinks
>use the crate as target practice

You guys do realize patroling that thing is boring as fuck right? We spend hours everyday looking for spics and usually get poor results. We have a counter for how many we catch a month and the one that gets the most gets a free steak dinner at Texas Roadhouse for his family.

$8.00 is a hundred fucking pesos.

>destroying food and water left for undocumented Americans crossing the border
Oh no, that sucks.

>left by international aid groups and the United Nations (in protest of the enforcement of immigration law and inhumane conditions in the desert)

So the UN is aiding and abetting foreigners to illegally cross into the US. America should pull international aid funding until they stop.

Are you saying the United Nations and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) sponsor human trafficking?

Do you really want to claim that?

A war crime? The illegal immigrants are an invading military force? Are you really sure you want to claim that?