Why did white people give up their power? I’m not sure if I buy the whole “we’re moral now” meme...

Why did white people give up their power? I’m not sure if I buy the whole “we’re moral now” meme. No people the history of the world would just give up that much power and influence willingly.

Are we really that different from our ancestors?


Humans (chinks excepting ofc) have always had the ability to feel empathy, but back then there were more pressing needs like not dying of starvation or getting raped and killed by enemy hordes. Modern society is pretty cushy, and as a result of having less issues to deal with, we can afford to spend more "care" towards the suffering of others

we were tricked into doing it

Those tricks have been played out for centuries. You can't claim the victim card.

Whites just basically sold out.

Its as if some external group or force has applied pressure slowly over time to fundamentally change white people from being powerful badasses who brought civilization to the planet to a bunch of degenerate pussyfarts holding refugee welcome signs and cheering as their invaders disembark the bus the brought them intentionally to leech off the wealth and power of their homeland and destroy their people.

But what kind of people blend in, yet segregate like tribal chameleons in every white society? In order to cause such change over time they would have to be pretty powerful. They would probably need to first control every major bank on the planet, and the system of banking in every major country. They would also need to spread their messages so they would need to control television, media, film, and music. They also would need to indoctrinate the youth so they would probably be over represented in education as well. Their end goals would likely need to undermine the white world by attacking its bedrock, sex, gender roles, monogamy, marriage, and everything wrapped up in it. For a group of people to do this they would need to hold political power and also create and promote mechanisms for the destruction of these institutions - porn, gay rights, trans acceptance, feminism. They'd have to be behind all of those things too.

Do we know of any group of people in history who have done something like this??? A group of horrible parasites bent on destroying all that is good in the world and subverting white people at every turn??

jews started mining our empathy

Two World Wars tend to put a civilization into decline.

Tell me about it, we ruled the whole fucking world, the whole fucking world. Global empires like ours have never happened before in the history of the world. And we were strong, powerful colonizers. And we gave all of that up because of fucking fee fees. Honestly I blame the universalism of Christianity, making non-White souls equal to European White souls and making them fellow "brothers in Christ." That immediately caused our decline, it was from that the left was born. We would have to plunge the world into bloodshed to reclaim it all back again, and that's exactly what we should do. We must become the dominant race on the planet once more.

Jews brainwashed us/subverted Christianity so that we started thinking that it was okay to "give power back.".