Is this the solution for the white birth rate?

Is this the solution for the white birth rate?

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this is

Japan is better on its own, if the whites get to them they will act as niggers and take their women. If the jews get to them they will use negroes to race mix with them. Japan must stand up on its own, whites today are pathetic. Hitler wanted a racial purity, but most weebs which are whites fantasizes nips women.

With just a glance at the title, it would seem like a good idea.

Families are expensive.

i have a better one
don't take the money away from the earners

White birth rate is not really a problem in areas where whites are based (Eastern Europe etc). Just because it's not third world breeding levels doesn't mean it's a problem. And the whites in Western Europe deserve to go extinct. Such stupidity (in the information age, no less) should be allowed to disappear naturally.

The problem with fertility in the western world in a nutshell:

You need a high earning male for every fertile female. There simply aren't enough of these guys.

Once you get to a point where you have a large excess of fertile, unattached females running around, things change drastically. High earning males no longer care about monogamy. They play the field forever. Low status males are nearly completely locked out.

Subsidizing makes all males equal, solving most of the problem.

Birth control really changed things. In the past, women would chase the high earner, get pregnant, find some low status loser to help raise the baby. Now women can play the field forever, or more accurately for women, chase the high earners forever.

Paternity testing and child support is making this different again. Now the women can have the high earner's baby and collect their resources. In a sense, Paternity testing + child support has created a new polygamy.

That's too hard. Let's just bring in millions of low IQ savages instead.

The problem with giving a certain amount of money to parents, even if its only white ones, is that the incentive is greater for poorer people.
A rich high IQ family will not make more children because they get a few hundred bucks per child.
Trashy people on the other hand will and we can see it happening right now. Yes you might end up with more children but the wrong ones.


Taxation is theft!!!!
Don't tread on me evil governement!!

Yeah duh

die korean

That can only work if you have no shitskins.

>Mr Kumagai insists all this largesse has merely boosted the share of the town’s ¥4bn annual budget devoted to raising the fertility rate from 2% to 3%

Youre fucking kidding me

>Yes you might end up with more children but the wrong ones.
You have to remember that such concept is high heresy for progressives.
"Everyone is equal, if science says otherwise it is hate speech"

in a convoluted way i think it is

Fiscal policy is really the main factor in declining birthrates (for simplicity's sake let's put all the "dont have kids" media brainwashing aside, i'm not discounting that). Our fucked up monetary system is squeezing young people dry and normal couples in their 20s who aren't on welfare/foodstamps can't really "afford" to have kids until they're in mid 30s, which is incredibly old by historical standards

In the short term yes but it's a band aid fix, but hell i'll take anything at this point, it's obviously working already in north america. the state-subsidized demographic is churning out kids like crazy . To be normie friendly you don't even have to bring race into it, it's just a fact that people utilizing state assistance have way more kids

the white birth rate is a red herring.

you will never meme a baby boom into existence

you should not have to outbreed invaders to retain democratic power within your own country

over 1 million permanent immigrants come to the US each year and whites will become minorities regardless of whatever meager accomplishments you achieve with regard to birth rates

Only mighty black seed can save japan

Leftists will never allow this. They want white genocide remember.

That'd be the case for shitty countries. Still, endemic children > foreign children.
For a country it's way more valuable a blank slate that a kid/teen/adult that comes with pre-stablished valued from a different culture.

If you're a coutnry like Iceland or Switzerland with good education, strong culture and values (or isolation from damaging influences) it is good that you increase your minimum common denominator. You don't need high birthrates among the wealthy, most things that require a society to function are accomplished by commoners while the few with high IQs and influence are the ones that create the oportunity to make it happen.

If you're a country like Spain then sure, you'd like to make a soft reset by promoting breeding patterns among the middle-upper class rather than the bottom feeders but if you're in a country like Spain the quality of the population is probably the least of your worries.

>subsidizing families and financially incentivizing childbirth creates stronger bigger families
Huh, who wooda thunk it

In japan, maybe. In other parts of the world this will turn into a business, and more kids will land dead in a dumpsters just for a bit of cash. also crime rate gonna skyrocket in 20 years when these kids made for money gonna grow up

Oh vey, delete dis.

NO GOY! The ONLY way to solve your problems is eugenic replacement! THE ONLY WAY REEEEEEE

absolutely not
we already have child benefits and the only people who make use of it should not be breeding in the first place
it's alright in Japan because all Japanese people are generally decent and wouldn't abuse it

You frame it as a womens rights issue.

Because it truly is. No woman can have and raise kids and work a full time job. It's impossible.

Most white people have to rely on grandparents who now raise another generation,

Where brown people get it all free on the backs of these poor whites.

In homogeneous countries maybe

Limiting the help to married couples would do wonders to cut down on abuse.

we kill all migrants and refugees
don't come to japan

In an intact society I wouldn't be so worried about getting a few more retards but in the current system of governance I think it would be quiet harmful.
Increasing the bottom part of society which are at the moment highly dependent on government handouts will create more people who would vote for socialist policies. This will further degrade the moral foundation of the society.
In a non democratic system without welfare policies this isn't much of a concern because even the dumbest had to care for themselves and had no way to vote their duties onto the productive parts of society.

Ooga booga where da yellow women at

stationed in japan currently dating one a beautifuly girl from nerima

but i'm white :)

This assumes the benefits to be monetary. Tax cuts would likely incentivise higher income earners, and of course many poor people are intelligient.

>many poor people are intelligent

I agree that tax cuts might be a better way to go or no taxes at all might be even better of course.

But if those poor people are smart why are they poor then?(Apart from being young of course)

>Is this the solution for the white birth rate?


>give cash to people just because they have kids
>dump people make more making kids rather than working
>bad genes spread

The only way to rise the birthrate whitout causing disgenics is giving taxbreaks for young families

Material conditions, lack of education etc. There is some data which confirms this. While some taxes are necessary, I agree that income and VA taxes could be done away with.

Money. Money scaling with the average taxes paid in the last 10 years. At the high end, families should be able to afford building rooms into their homes with the money recieved per child.

Every study I've ever seen shows a strong positive correlation between intelligence and wealth.

There is a correlation but it’s very far from 1.00.

>Low status males are nearly completely locked out
Not quite. This is where the Asian waifus come into the picture.

we believe you

So for policy purposes you would prefer decisions are made solely for exceptions to established trends rather than by aggregate trends. Policies aren't for controlling individuals, but rather groups after all.

Hey, Japan? I love you.

Yea it would help... just let people keep the money they earn and stop redistributing it to poor r-selected people... they will use extra money to support bigger families. What a novel idea.

>let's encourage poor people to have kids they're financially and emotionally unable to raise

That's how you end up with a gibsmedat downward spiral

but norway-kun y-y-you didn't say no homo

>making parenthood economically viable encourages natives to have children
who would have thought

I merely pointed out that: more poor people ≠ more stupid people.

And that is objectively false.

More rich people will make some dumb people too. Yet all of this is moot with gene editing on the horizon.