Christian convert from Iran converting Muslims in Sweden

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Same desert cults worshiping sand people.

I wonder how many people will report her honor killing when it happens?

Wow I thought Iran protects Christians, why would they need to flee

Never underestimate the zeal of the convert!

why u so mean to our beliefs :-(((((

Fuck off Pekka


No wonder the Swedes deported Aideen Strandsson. They wouldn't want something like this happening on a larger scale. How can they act in accordance wih their father's will and destroy Christianity if the muslims convert to it? It defeats the whole point of replacing the population to begin with!

There is a very unhappy devil right now, praise God.

We have lots of this shit. We have a Christian TV channel in Arabic whose only purpose is to convert newly arrived immigrants to Christianity.


just waiting for islamic terror in large scale in one of our neigbours (looking at you sweden) then i belive Finno Paganism will make a comeback >pic

Väinämöinen will return soon, brother.

There was no cultural depth in Finnish paganism. The fairy tale you all believe in was made up by a Fennoswede who felt sorry for the Finns who had nothing resembling Beowulf or the Viking sagas of the Germanics. Bear in mind that Finnish has only had the written word for a couple of hundred years after we gifted you with it. Swedish was printed by the press before the first word in Finnish was written by hand.

That's supposed to be good. You dumb shit

Fucking retarded poo in loo they do this so they cannot be deported because fear of persecution.

No, Christianity is shit and only 20% of Finns are Christcucks

That's nice. A legitimate light in the darkness of the modern world.

>t. mahmud
We'll butcher all muslims once we come to power, you know that, don't you?

how many death threats so far i wonder? loving that progressive shithole

Fuck of Pajeet. This is also Sweden yes material.

I despise any cults.

Still better than Islam


In what way is this a light in the dark?

Seriously. This is why noone can take you christfags seriously.

Now fuck of too your pedo church, faggot.

> Iran NO!


Then why are you opening the doors to the largest cult France?

>Fox news
>Neocon website

I can travel to the united states if I wanted to and they'd consider that fleeing.

Government apologizes for and refused to deport her inevitable foreign born Muslim murderers, calling it now.


Why does they look like white niggers.

hahhahhaa wtf

She should convert into a pile of ash together with here foreign compatriots.
I would say that at least 80% pretend to be faggots and Christians to avoid being sent back for humanitarian reasons and whatnot, and even if they were honest about their confessions they shouldn't be here.
And don't mistake me for hating Christians, I just dislike foreigners who resides in Sweden more equally, I don't discriminate.

>doesn't understand the sweden yes meme
go flush yourself

Why is a woman wearing a clerical collar?

>being flooded with shitskins is good if they have the right kind of superstition
Christians are traitors.

>female priest

Let's not mince words: Christianity will not save Sweden. If anything, more Christianity signals more tolerance for immigrants and, thus, a darkening of Sweden continues.

Pastors are not priests.


They will see a tenfold increase in stoning.

Hm... In Finland priest and pastor are pretty much synonymous.

They both run a church but it's not the same.
Proddies don't practice priesthood.

They know the purge is coming. It's just Taqiya.
The jews pulled the same shit back in the day, which is what spawned the inquisition.

Paganism isn't coming back. It's too tribal. You'd be Roman Empire'd within a century.


Why not a channel that converts people to despair with endless Ingmar Bergman films?

We have a channel like that too, it's called SVT2.

Unless you have a viable, non-cucked spiritual alternative you really have nothing to say tbqh.

>it's literally always a Swedish person who makes this post
back to the cuckshed sven

Who cares
Religion is sham. Let them get fooled. I mean shit, they're changing religions like THAT. It's obviously something people don't really care about

you do understand the roman empire was sacked and destroyed by the germanic tribes right?

As if Christianity hasn't been used as a proxy for other religious beliefs before.
Kind of easy when the religion it's self is based on even older archaic mythologies.

Good, based former muslims

Both Rome and the Germanic tribes were pagan. Rome was better at war because of the culture of war they created over many centuries of trade, industrialization and social organization.

>Still playing the old faith game

The worst part of a multicultural society is that it puts back the average timeline 1000 years.

Wonderful to hear! As long as souls are being saved in the name of Yeshua and many blessings upon these people, I wish mass-immigration didn't have so many negative side effects that it had to warrant this sort of thing.

Of course, God is punishing Europe by giving them over to their sins, as He has always done, but at least in the darkness, there is light to be seen.

May everyone here turn and repent to Yeshua, through Him we can have a relationship with our Heavenly and Holy Father, who loves us all dearly, and wants to be apart of your life, as long as you trust in Him.

because christians are persecuted where they're from and will not get sent back
same thing happens here

For a second I thought that Iranian christians converted to muslims when they came here


Top fucking kek.