Jew explains that Jews are the real victims

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We're up another half million?
Someone needs to stop that Hitler guy. I remember when it was 3 million tops.

And next week it'll be 8 million.

The number will be 10 Million dead by 2050

chinamoot should make it so that youtube links are automatically converted to hooktube links

6.5 million?

This guys sounds like he's barely into whatever he's saying.

those poor 6.5 million white people

i belive him. why would anybody lie on internet.

Actually its 7 million. Don't be disrespectful to other 1 million

Nazis using time travel again. Gott bless their time war!

Guys get informed its 7 mil now. Don't be bigots

The arabs took from us. we took from them 10 times over.

It's compounding

Wasn't it 11 million? He's not counting the non jews for some reason

Are they adding the people that died of old age years later to that number?

nice music

or 300 kek

if we count civilan death in ww2 its way more than 11 million. in russia alone they killed 12,500,000 million civilians.


What the fuck


The Eastern Campaign wasn't part of the Holocaust

Shut up goy. How dare you deny the 3 million jews viciously exterminated by the Nazi regime? I'll have you know that my grandparents fled for their lives as Hitler, Goebbels, and Himmler gassed 5 million innocent jewish souls in occupied Europe. How could the US have waited so long while 7 million jews were murdered? Sure, you guys came through for us in the end but because you waited so long, they killed 8 million of my people. Please send money.

Epigenetics. The descendants of holocaust survivors get added to the total they inherited trauma.


Claiming this is why it's ok that every western man, woman and child, imported or native, in the past (even black slavery was invented and run by Jews), now and in the future (yes even your unborn white / yellow / black kids as well), are tax slaves for the Jews.

Have a nice life, goy.

Ofc they had to use sad music

Do they add to the number as survivors die of old age?



good historical estimates based on good research put the jewish death toll in WW2 between 5.1 million (estimate by jewish historian Raul Hilberg who in a 1250 page long book details a fantastic amount of german documents that show how the holocaust happened and that it did happen) to 6.7 million

most agree it to be more likey at least 5.5, but less than 6.3

so it is not far out of range, and may even be right...

Hmmmmmmmmm ok shlomo

what you have a different figure in mind?

> that image
I thought porn wasn't allowed on Sup Forums.


Personally I cannot get enough of Jewish suffering. Nobody suffers like the Jews, cha ching!

Can’t wait to see the movies!

I was taught 13m killed 6m were jews.
I asked my teacher why no one talks about the majority that died & why the focus on just the jews?
I got kicked out of school for 3 days for my comments. Now the numbers are switched to stop the questioning.

Jews made off with most of Russia’s industry at the end of the Soviet era with help from other Jews in the USA.

Yup, they died of stress 70 years later

>picture of a nigger in the top right corner, not a figure of history or anything
This is modern schools everyone, help educating your kids, let them know what they should or should not learn from school.

don't waste your time arguing with burgers about anything WW2 related, it's just a meme for them

That's why everyone hates you.
You keep taking and you don't stop.

There is no such thing as "jewish". The concept of "jewishness" is an oppressive social construct that must be deconstructed.

yeah, I suppose so. But isn't it annoying to be told lies by idiots?

Actual number is about 7.300.000 and still raising. Can we get 8.000.000 guys?

oh shit i forgot about interest rates again, it's my goy brain

holocaust numbers are rising
based hitler

any jew that lived in the 30's 40's are considered holocaust survivors regardless of where they lived at the time, its just another jewish trick

Bullshit. Show us some 'fantastic' verman documents kike.

Lying god damned kikes!


Killed by jews themselves who bombed food routes.

There werent even 20M jews alive before ww2 lol

enough with the refu-jitsu

>a fantastic amount of german documents that show how the holocaust happened

>We're up another half million?
Of course.
and remember they all have a right to financial compensation.

Oy vey
remember the 666 milion jews

When the russian jews ran away from the Tsar to Germany, they already claimed 6 millions were killed in an antisemitic campaign.

It's a miracle, goyim!

i kno right ? keep this pic in your 'truth and justice for mankind' folder, here's 15 instances the lugenpresse invoked 6 million ded jews OTHER than the holocoaster

you mean the guy who uses other books written by other jews claiming that some camps were nuked and had electrical floors with bear pits as his main sources for the death tolls in some camps?

you mean the guy that One Third of the Holocaust literally manhandles from his own retardedly deceptive book?

I saw my grandfather a few months back and he talked about the 11 million Jews that died in the holocaust.
I'm not even kidding, (((TV))) documentaries talk about 11 million kikes dieing.

There was around 6 mil in Europe at the time that means that they had to gather all of the Jews in Europe and gas all of them.

You used the wrong picture. That's not a Jew, this is.

Interest rates


Hans what are you doing? The gestapo will get you for a comment like that.

She could get my penis in a repetitive-thrusting motion inside her vagina if you know what I'm saying.

>send money

dere you go bref

I like how holohoax beliebers say that the 6 million figure is something that's never talked about and it just a made up number by "Holocaust ™ deniers" and yet completely ignore that the figure is pushed by the same people they're on side with.

They can't ever know.

>Raul Hilberg
Raul Hilberg explains how the Holocaust was planned through telepathy

>But what began in 1941 was a process of destruction not planned in advance, not organized centrally by any agency. There was no blueprint and there was no budget for destructive measures. They [these measures] were taken step by step, one step at a time. Thus came about not so much a plan being carried out, but an incredible meeting of minds, a consensus -- mind reading by a far-flung bureaucracy.

teh scientific jew™

Why is this thread misteriously sliding?

