Millenium Child

Hello Sup Forums. I was born on January 14th, 2000, and I am here to tell you about my generation, and how “based genz.” Is just a shadow effect.
>inb4 blogpost
>inb4 newfag

The newer members of my generation are going to destroy the genz momentum as soon as it takes off. The kids born early, (1995-2002) or the older teens and young adults, are people who have expierienced wholesome and fufilling childhoods. I can say with certainty that my highschool and soon to be college peers will be the last children to learn how to ride a bike, play by themselves or with friends, learn to play a sport or engage in an activity they enjoy, go to a playground, pick themselves up after they fall, and generally just learn how to do things on their own. When I look at my little brothers who were born in 2005-2006, I don’t see them as a real human. I feel an emotional and intellectual disconnect from them. Mainly because my parents gave them iPads and unrestricted freedom. The youngest brother is starting to grow fat because of limited activity, browses instagram cat memes and YouTube all day, and can’t make friends because of a lack of social skill. He doesn’t know how to ride a bike, nor does he get outside much. The older little brother plays on the PlayStation all day, and although he has friends, they all live in California and he plays call of duty with them on the weekends. He can ride a bike, but he is so weak due to atrophy that the muscle he has can’t peddle him up the smallest of hills. He has an iPad too. Everywhere they go, they bring them, and my parents don’t give a shit. At the dinner table, when my parents would once snap at me for bringing my Nintendo Gameboy, now hosts my little brothers soulless minds staring at a screen. I don’t have little brothers. Just button pushing lobotomites. All of my friends have the same problem, where after 2008 the parents just stopped caring.

Other urls found in this thread:

We call these families “IPad Parenting,” which it truly is. That brings me to my next point, the parenting situation. My parents used to give a shit. Keyword, used to. I was horrible at math until my mom sat down with me and pressured me to learn, giving me one example and telling me to do the rest, then spot checking all of my answers and explaining to me what I did wrong. I would do the next assignment right, and now I have great calculus skills with no help from mom. If I got a bad grade, I would be grounded until I brought my grade up. My little brothers now lack discipline when it comes to education. My parents practically do the work for them because just like them, they just don’t care enough about the future. My parents gave me strict but reasonable rules, and a list of chores to do if I was to get any allowance. I did dishes, helped my dad while he was working from home and couldn’t do something, fed and walked the dog. I still do these while my brothers lounge at home and get allowance for essentially doing nothing, which they immediately spend on a video game or app. The family unit is slowly breaking apart because of laziness, and it’s happening in other households where parents are afraid to discipline their kids. Also, there is a mentality that everyone should get a participation trophy and no one gets hurt. Another result of modern day parenting gone horribly wrong because some retarded soccer moms didn’t want to make kids feel bad for not winning, which means when my brothers still did play sports they now turn into whiny bitches when they don’t get something I have, like increased allowances for actually doing stuff.

So now on to the schools. The schools are inherently broken, at least in my district, because white middle class kids who live around the school, have to share the school with bussed in beans, half of which are on food stamps and welfare and a good 25% without legal status. Because the school forces diversity, there is an extremely tense atmosphere where all the white kids sit in one area of the lunchroom and all the beans sit opposite. The school district, which is composed of half beans because they bus them in, and the other half lefty, because school board members usually are, finds any fight or other matter between a bean and whitey guilty finds the bean not guilty and sends the white guy to suspension due to systematic racism or some suburban SJW made up word. Because of the bean influx, all of our sports are shit except soccer, and classes are segregated as white people only in honors and AP and beans in regular classes. The school board also found this rayciss, so they force the cream of the crop of the beans in the regular classes, so like a B+ as a high and nothing below a C as a low, into our classes where it fucks them up and slows all of the white kids down. Back to the Apple devices, sluts now have a 24/7 hookup device and every girl is interested in image more than grade. Instagram is king, and if you don’t have one you might as well be a nobody. The kids like me who have the common sense to use the internet when it’s reasonable and not time to take notes or do things that actually matter are shunned by the general consensus of the school. Lastly, if you’re an average student, you’re revered as some sort of Albert Einstein for being able to do first level algebra by the beans.

Although I admit that there are a lot of right wingers at our school, it’s mostly kekistani cringe. The real right wingers, like non RINO republicans, libertarians, racists, facists, and confederates are actually a sizable portion, but not enough to put a major dent in demographics. The majority of the genz shadow play is seen here. Sure, these genz will capture the spotlight as a conservative generation, which they are, but they’re mostly RINOS and libertarian kids who followed the meme and swung hard white because of the beans at our school preaching hate for white people. Make no mistake however, most of the campus are phone zombies and literal sub iq beantards, and the racial makeup of genz is separate races meaning no inbreeding but still hovering at above 50% white. (At least in my sect anyway)

Anyway, just giving you a heads up that Genz will mostly turn out like GenX and the Silent Gen, just a generation that doesn’t matter and maintains the status quo.


Your posts were depressing. Thanks

I'm Millennial and what my generation wants is not what I want. What happens to people like me?

No one cares. End your life if you hate it so much, faggot.

You become a cop or a nurse or a fireman or a soldier or what not. We've been redpilled and try to help the normies when it is our purpose in life to protect the elite. Fuck normies

Are you me?
I had a pretty perfect childhood in the 2000s but I get pretty fucking angry when I see my younger relatives.
They're either on their parents smartphones, on the Xbox, on a DS or an iPad 90% of the time; it makes me fucking sick. Why don't their parents make them play outside, play a board game with other people or read? They aren't experiencing a childhood!

Just keep up the good fight. Born in 87, I can understand your frustration, we are all rootless in this world without any purpose to guide ourselves.

Eventually people take up the fight to
A) Seek Prestige via ego stroking to find purpose that way
B) Do what many here are doing and wanting things to go back to simpler times.


The faster modern society crashes the faster we can improve it. This is great news and I hope future generations will be even more incapable.

Why would someone give a kid an iPad?

>there will come a time where it will be weird you KNOW how to ride a bike

fucking hell m8

>Mommy has to spend some own time looking at clothing.

because they are fucking lazy and don't care if their children succeed or not.

Much like reading a book, Mike Judge wasn't too far off that society is indeed eroding. Literacy rates will go down in the future.

Gen X were as bad as the Boomers.

Boomers - young in the 60s - hippie and feminism shit
Xers - young in the early 90s - read up about the 1990 - 1993 wave of political correctness. It went haywire my friend. That was the Xers.

The Silent Gen (born 20s - fought in WW2) and the in between Boomers and Xers (Dont know what to call them - people who were born between 1975 and 1985 - Late Xers and early Millennials) are the ones who didnt make an impact.

I think by Xers you mean these people, they're more late-Xers. Gen X is between 1965 and 1975.
All these generations quieten down with their politically correct i-hate-my-parents bullshit once they get decent jobs and get on the property ladder. Notice how by the late 70s the hippie shit had gone away ; by the late 90s the Gen X shit had gone away.

By the way i was born 1992 and didn't have a mobile phone until 2008 when i was 16. I didn't use MySpace (it was huge in 2005/6/7) and only joined Facebook in 2010. I left FB in about 2016, havent used since.
and while this all looks great, I have some social issues too. It's not inextricoably linked to cellphone and internet use. I'm not autistic or anything, but after school ended all my mates all went separate ways and none of us really kept in touch. At uni I didn't meet anybody similar to me and i'm unemployed . Besides, friends you make in jobs are never real friends anyway.

So there has to be more to your argument than just "muh iPad use" -- I agree it's bad and worse than it ever was, but what else is there? I blame the politically correct culture. That's more damaging than ipad use.


You're 18 and you're not a kid anymore. Word of advice - stop giving a fuck about all the fucked up shit around you. Focus on you and the things your can change. Start your own family. Give your life meaning. You aren't going to get ahead in life by bitching about everything.

Focusing on macroeconomic issues going to help you at all.

Reading a book is pretty much dead at this moment.

People can hardly read their course work and actually interpret it.

I was explaining something to a girl 6 years younger than myself.

>me: The purpose of X is Y
>her: ok
>me: do you understand why the questions that are asked in X ae beneficial to knowing Y?
>what's the purpose of X?
>I don't know

the beavis and butt head guy?
what do you mean by this?

He made the movie "Idiocracy" also

Pic very much related


Hey user, good posts, good writing, good analysis. It sucks that you're not alone, and a lot of what you're describing is the status quo these day. What's important about places like Sup Forums is that it exposes intelligent people like you to the truth. Even though many people around you -- adults -- are making stupid decisions, you are doing the right thing by noticing that they're wrong. Hopefully you decide to speak out against the negative actions of these people, because they likely know they're wrong too -- or at least they have an inkling that something isn't right, but their brainwashing is preventing them from realizing it.

If the people like you are the ones who end up pursuing power, maybe real change can actually happen. Good post, and good luck.

>Xers - young in the early 90s - read up about the 1990 - 1993 wave of political correctness.
Bullshit, 1990 to 93 was all madchester & rave culture then by the mid 90s it got hyper laddish, it was all football & Oasis & tits oot 4 teh ladz, not at all politically correct, you have no idea what you're talking about.

Yo pic related is right, but who is dumb enough to be blown away by this? Honestly feel sad for these people without the capacity to think this shit through for themselves. Britain. i was more talking about America.

But we had the 90s PC here too, though, just not as much of it.

Yep, Mike Judge produced Idiocracy and in that film literacy is dead.

I do not mind the shift to digital print via kindles and other E-readers due to convenience and amount you could fit on them, but it is a double edged sword, should we destroy all printed literature and make a full switch to tech, if tech is wiped out, all our literary history is lost.

It's fucking sick how no one sees issue with giving young children expensive tech tools for web-browsing. My dad told my sister and I that video games would rot our brains. We had a trampoline and went exploring in the woods. Now he and his wife live on facebook. Couples post romantic memes back and forth instead of bonding privately. Everyone communicates with pettiness and irrationality because that's the cool thing. Everyone's AQ is higher.

Pretty much this, we were in the transitive stage of technocratic change.

I spent most of my childhood playing Vidya but still I know what they speak of. I see it as much as they do. But I am more concerned that kids are being too politically driven instead of just having fun. It isn't just technology, propaganda has been driven far down the throats of younger kids more and more.

Nobody paid any attention to feminists & PC in the 90s, and if they did it was only to mock it, the 80s was more concerned with PC than the 90s was.

Less difficult to find and cheaper than an on-demand babysitter

Same problem with my little brother and cousins that are 10 years younger than me. It's like they are brain damaged. They don't know how to talk to people and kids dont even hangoit irl anymore only with online friends. My friends and I were talking about it the other day. it's worrying but they are too far gone. My sister started her career being an elementary school teacher last year and noticed that they all have this problem but that something strange is that the races in the school segregate themselves a lot more than when we were kids and the white kids are attacked for anything constantly.

This , this is was i was saying here it isn't just the tech, I was using vidya a lot as a kid. And internet too. and i'm 25.

The political climate was much less toxic in late 90s and 2000s though, that's the main thing DESU.
I agree the tech has gone way further than I thought, but with decent parenting, teachers who give a fuck, and no constant barrage of SJW bullshit kids would probably be OK

it's those things that fuck them up. The tech probably harms girls more than boys, and desu who gives a fuck about girls anyway

I think it will end up becoming good in the end though. These kids will make employers less stuck up their asses and they will have to put up with fewer social skills. We live in an overly socialized world where everything is considered weird or strange at the drop of a hat. I only regret I wasn't born in Generation Z and was forced to be born Millennial instead.

2000fag here

I think that this overall trend is good because the more Chad kids in school are very based in attitude if not in words, so there’s still an abundance of cool people to hang out with but the majority of kids are stupid and also do drugs compounding their braindeadness so just being pretty smart and good at a sport is enough to go to an Ivy League school nowadays. That means that for smart people the world is so much easier because you can just get an elite degree, go to a top tier grad school and then make bank out of there.

Help your brothers for fucks sake! Take away those ipads and soyboystations and teach them what you know - EVERYTHING.

Ride a bike, paint, medical treatment, fighting, talking with girls, no porn, working out, hiking, eating healthy, standing your ground etc.

Fuck you parents for making your brothers fucked up and lazy. But it is now your duty as a BROTHER to help them.

Be a good rolemodel and don’t take any fucking disrespect or trashtalk.


I feel like I was one of the last lucky ones. I was born in 93 but didn't have access to the internet until 2006, not out of poverty (we're actually a pretty wealthy family), just out of a lack of need. I would spent my childhood years out playing with friends in the street, kicking footballs around, pushing people in trolleys and generally fucking about. From the age of 10 I would cycle or take the public bus to school in London. I didn't have a mobile phone until I was 12 and even then it was a Motorola thing only good for phoning home. It was like in this last bastion of old fashioned, utopian childhood that has long since vanished. I don't think it was even really still around by the time I managed to experience it, since I was in a posh ghetto. Now kids can't even walk to school without a fear of being kidnapped or having acid flung in their faces.

The generation below us is stunted, craven and destroyed. At the same time, it is exactly that sort of loss of identity that breeds a comeback. It happened after World War 1, and it'll happen again. Already people are turning towards digital detoxing and trying to regulate things.

your sister is getting redpilled. She can see the race war is inevitable. Supply those redpills user. get her onside. or is she already?
You put too much weight on music's impact. Oasis were huge yeah but the general music scene in the 90s was a reflection of early 90s PC : this also includes their attitudes to life, being a slacker, a loser, kicking out against tradition and history.
Suede's first album (biggest selling debut at the time, huge deal) had two disabled lesbos kissing on the cover and lots of songs about gay sex
Stone Roses were big into drugs, this ties into PC - legalize it, the banning of the outdoor raves by John Major, baggy - baggy clothes - as far away from a suit and tie as you can get

"nobody paid any attention to feminists in the 90s" Ever heard of Caitlin Moran ? Julie Birchill ? Janet Street Porter? all huge in the 90s.

90-93 PC was not so pronounced here in Britain as in America but for sure it was there dude.

Besides Im from Scotland and all the Britpop stuff was nowhere near as big up here by the way. You put way too much focus on that.

Usually it seems a matter of laziness or just outright poor judgement skills of the parents. I go to 2-4 houses a day and every fucking time I go somewhere where the kids 6-20 they are just hooked on an ipad or watching youtube videos of minecraft; not to mention if you were to believe the parents then 25% of all boys are autistic, it makes me want to scream. They're not autistic they were just never socialized.

I can only imagine much much earlier kids are getting hooked on the pornographic jew with this tech in their hands since birth.

I got hooked when I was like 12 when internet pornography was still pretty crude and hiding it from your parents was a difficult task.

Kids nowadays with their own personal devices and the increasing degeneracy of porn genres don't stand a chance

in a way we have access to all the printed literature ever written in our pockets.. yet our ability to comprehend it is dead...

Huxleyan future.

If Oasis had taken a break after Knebworth, they would've been able to compile The Masterplan with Be Here Now, perhaps a few of the SOTSOG tunes and make a major comeback in 2000. They just rushed ahead thinking they could emulate their first two albums for a third time.

In the interviews and commentary behind Beavis and Butthead, Mike Judge mentioned how degeneracy as a whole is what allowed him to build up the world around Beavis and Butthead, and how he believes that though the world of Beavis and Butthead, as well as the two main characters themselves are obviously satire and a parody of current culture, that eventually truth will become inseparable from fiction. Hell, Mike even mentioned how Beavis and Butthead themselves were modeled after two dip shit brain-dead teens he knew recently in real life.

Furthermore, Mike directed and produced a mockumentary on 00s to 10s culture called Idiocracy, which at the time was scuiffed at by critics for being unreasonable and painting a negative picture that was simply untrue, which is funny, because as of 2018, Idiocracy actually looks more like a legitimate documentary than a parody / mockumentary.

Mike Judge is not the best animator, or writer, and many of his ideas could be done better, but it is scary how close his once fruitless satirical works now resemble more of a telling tale than a joke.

Jesus the fat one sounds like a fucking soyboy, especially how he watches cat memes all day. Show him what real fucking memes are jesus christ, if my brother was a fatass that sat down all day watching shitty memes, I'd show him some better memes.

The future is gonna be a bunch of overweight motherfuckers on iPad's watching/reading shitty memes, prepare.

My parents wouldn’t even let me buy a phone until I was in college. My dad bought my little sister an iPad when she turned 10. Why the sudden universal change in parental behavior? I almost want to blame some sort of CIA mind control.

Welcome to Costco.

I love you.

The stranger danger meme started in the 90s but increased from there. In the US some parents were also dumb enough to not allow their kids to play with toy guns and lobbied to have dangerous playground equipment removed. They also shreiked if kids didn't wear their helmets.

And then what? He is not the parent. The money user goes to work / uni or anything like that, what is stopping the brothers from complaining and scheming until the parents give them whatever they want? It is not too late to save those kids, but the thing is, they actually gotta want to be saved, and from what user said, it seems as if they are more than content as it is.

Cannot teach someone to have aspirations, you know, if the person doesn't want them in the first place and their environment / upbringing (lazy parents) are not willing to instill said ideas onto their children in the first place.

>They also shreiked if kids didn't wear their helmets.
Here you can immediately recognize the Germans tourists when they're cycling. They all wear a bike helmet, while among the Dutch only little cihldren wear them

>Although I admit that there are a lot of right wingers at our school, it’s mostly kekistani cringe. The real right wingers, like non RINO republicans, libertarians, racists, facists, and confederates are actually a sizable portion, but not enough to put a major dent in demographics.

I'm actually pretty pleased by this because I thought it was just a meme. I honestly couldn't give a shit if somebody describes themselves as a neocon at this point as long as they'll vote Republican over Democrat. We don't need purity now, we need as many victories as possible, no matter how small.

The iPhone and computer addiction makes sense though. I think this is what will hamstring us - no matter how bad society gets, our young men will always have the alternative of the screen to turn to, which will prevent them from making any effective change. Unless we can get them to wake up.

Sorry that your family is pathetic.

I feel you pain my dude...I'm 20, and though I had internet pretty early on I spent most of my time ridding my bike or walking through the forrest in my back yard. Mostly thinking about history and war. I didn't get a game counsol until I was 10. I did play games, but they were pretty wholesome desu. Age of empires 3 (pol the game), rome total war, I even had an architectural cad program, basically doing Minecraft before Minecraft.

In high school I was the edgy libertarian kid and in many ways still am. In recent months and through deep contemplation I have swung so fucking far to the right on old-school social conservatism it's not even fucking funny. Now that I understand what these values really mean and why they existed, I'm horrified to see it all die so quick.

I've done what I can. Redpilled two close friends about the world. Sadly they are the only ones with the capacity to even understand this shit. We're planning to move out northwest to find a nice place to die once this county is long gone.

oasis' positivity came after Nirvana (who were steeped in early 90s PC ) and their bleak, gloomy music. Famously Noel G. says he heard about a Nirvana B-side "I Hate Myself and i Want To Die" and he said "fuck that, im not having that". And wrote Live Forever.
then the kind of mid 90s lad-culture stuff is almost like a knee jerk reaction to early 90s PC - but only in Britain

Britpop wasn't a thing in America, for example.

However as I've said before the early 90s wave of PC died down because by the mid 90s the economy had picked up (Clinton was a decent president from an economic standpoint) and the Gen Xers had all got on the housing ladder.
The same way the hippies bullshit died down by the time they started owning their homes in the late 70s and early 80s.

The current wave of PC - or SJW-ism as we call it, has been on the go since about 2013/14. And it's gone on for a longer time this time because there isn't really a housing ladder to get onto now. The Millennials don't have the chance Boomers and Xers did to grow out of their adolescent strop and settle down with a house and family.

To that end, this current wave of PC could go on for a very long time.

the black pill about gen z being marginally more conservative is that they are the way they are because they are more hispanic as a population and hispanics generally form more conservative families who still go to church

i suspect the actual white kids of gen z are just as pozzed as millennials if not more so, trannies for them for example aren't an issue whatsoever and they were thoroughly raised to accept homosexuality as completely normal

>people born in the year 2000 can post on Sup Forums

>You put too much weight on music's impact
Music WAS young people's culture in the 90s, at least a very large part of it, as was comedy, you really don't know what you're talking about, the 90s was very un-PC compared to the 80s even, it was far less serious & much more irreverent, and certainly nothing at all like the stern authoritarian wrong think culture of today where saying an un-PC thing on social media can get you a visit from the bizzies & thrown into gulag.

how do i prevent my kids from turning into braindead " button pushing lobotomites "

desu my brother who's born in 2006 acts exactly like how you described yours. Can this be fixed?

Limit technology use to one hour daily

Fucking this. I see even well off and intelligent families giving their 6 year old Ipads. It is so beyond fucked I cannot begin to describe it.

To be honest I think those people are just normie sheep that go with whatever they perceive to be the consensus. Since no other parents seem very concerned by it they wouldn't want their child to be excluded, would they?

The premise was obvious to anyone at the very beginning that the "based GenZ" was a farce.
And giving kids internet devices is a mistake. 60% of all internet is porn, and how fast do you think they will stumble upon it? They will be the most degenerate of all.
No place is safe from globalization, even my small town has fallen apart in but a single generation.
The sight of little kids who shouldn't even know what sex is fucking in the bushes completely naked just outside your house is more disturbing than witnessing death in person.

Live near other kids their age so they have friends to play with IRL. Having siblings is good too.

Even though I was born in the 90s I'm pretty much a lobotomite because I was an only child in a neighborhood with no kids and started school late. I learned to read and use computers early but never got the crucial social skills when I was very young, so even in kindergarten I was already far behind. It's just gone on from there.

Srs what the fuck.
Who have a mood deleted this.
7 year olds shouldn't be allowed to post here.

He’s of age faggot

My brother was born in 2006, and he's ok. He can ride a bicycle, swim, skate, play football rather decently for his age. It is true that he does spend a lot of time on his smartphone and tablet, mainly watching shit about minecraft and star wars. I wouldn't call him hopeless though. At a young age is important that they have a role model in the family, and I'm guessing you didn't exactly help, considering they turned out to be vegetables.

10/10 made me contemplate suicide for a moment

I love to get my fix of depression when I wake up.

By the way, reality is going to wake these guys up fast. But first we have to tackle the soyboys in MY generation (Millenials)

Who is "we" in the "we call these kids"? You probably barely remember before an ipad was a thing. But I feel you youngfag
My kids have kindle fires for kids (no questions asked 2 year warranty) but they only get to use it 2-4 hours a week for games and shows while the reading functions always available. I don't want my kids growing up as ignorant as tech as I did, but I'm not going to let them become little vegetables either.
It's a tool in the toolbox unless your kids are on them all them time, then it's a waste of life.

seeing as they're still both

Lol, I told my dad I wanted a phone to fit in with friends and he didn’t give a shit, so that’s not the reason. It’s almost like someone hacked his brain and completely turned him into a different person.

Yeah, and society will never rein that shit in because it's good for capitalism. Unless we go full Putin/Duterte

>the white kids and the spics sit at opposite ends of the cafeteria
This was the biggest redpill ITT for me.

The media probably never realized that when they decided to demonize wh*te people on national television, every day all day all year, that white KIDS in middle school/high school would actually start sticking closer together since every other race thought they were literal nazis.

It became a societal norm, like Christianity was in a way. The establisment is the new God, and whatever it promotes becomes an absolute.
Welcome to the New World Order, they've already won.

This is why Sup Forums is now four times bigger than it was 2 years ago.

Stop and think for a second, you fucking brainlets. Sure your dad, 10 years ago, didn't want you to play vidya or use a cell phone. But in the last DECADE, every person that your dad associates with has come around and:
>uses their phone around him 24/7
>shares pictures, events, and memories with each other through facebook around him 24/7
>has been telling him how easy it is to raise kids when you just give them an ipad and an xbox. "Get this Steve, my kids don't even cry any more! It's great!"

Your dad may have hated the "new fad" in the 00s, but everyone in his life finally convinced him that it was a good thing. He doesn't realize it's actually a dopamine-driven mind control device. The only reason that you understand that is because you grew up with them and have seen the effects firsthand.

Future generations will still probably be more conservatism, since natural selection seems to be selecting for conservatism.

tfw you realize you an oldfag.


I th-thought our average age was like 25

A-a-are the majority of you i-in high school?

And what will they be conserving?

19 here, born in july 98. The thing I see with the children is that they are disconnected from 'the world', they have no backbone and they do not stand up for themselves, just soft man. Also, to echo what you said about your little brother. I have a 3yr old cousin, he's smart albiet a little awkward because he doesnt play with alot of kids or because he doesnt have any siblings (I'm the next youngest in mny family). He was mostly raised by females in his first 2.5 yrs, they were always in his face and suff talking all soft like that, always pleasing him. sometimes he use to hit his family dog and pull his moms hair. He always cries for "MOMEEE MOMMEE". I guess what im getting at is they dont have a soul. I care for my cousin and will kill for him but I just feel like he's empty on the inside, just no inner human i guess, I can see his eyes but theres nothing behind them.

Fair point. Offering sound advice and attempting to be the best you can be in order to set a positive example is all that can be done. Even if they don't care now, maybe they will look back on that when they get older and clean themselves up. Probably not, but it is worth a shot and better than nothing.

>Spics are shit tier animals that ruin sociecty
You have to go back

>our average
Nothing can be averaged meaningfully on/pol/. Our diversity is our strength.

It won't happen fast enough for us to do that, unfortunately.

>90s was un PC compared to the 80s

do you even know anything at all ? this is just untrue. in the 80s you had the NF. in the 90s you had New Labour. big difference.

it wasnt as bad as today that is true.
but as i said before I am more talking about America though desu.

No but we graduated within the past 4 years so we are more like 20-23

He also already knows how to use a phone pretty well, if he starts fussing they turn on some twinkle twinkle shit. the kid is 3.5 he shouls deal with his emotions instead of listening to newborn music. Hell, I had my first phone when I was 14. I'm gonna do my best to make sure he doesnt grow up all fucked up and sperg'd out.

According to the mods and the stats we have access to, as of 2017, the most common posters are Americans, Australians, Canadians, and the Brits. The most common sex of /Pol? is male. The age range tends to fall somewhere between 13 to 35 years of age, despite it being illegal for those under the age of 18 to be here.

tldr, kys blogposting newfag

He's 3 you dumb faggot. If you see him a lot you can bece the big brother figure. Influencing kids is easy, your strongest weapon is making fun of his bad habits. But don't abuse it and also encourage him to stop.

OP good post but break up the sentences a little I felt like an illegal mexican climbing over that wall.

It's truly saddening how many children I see being raised by shit on iPad or things like (((YouTube kids/Disney))).

Parents deserve shaming for this. Societal attitudes have been changed to be this way they certainly can be changed back.

Your generation is eating laundry detergent.

become the big brother figure*

Fuck off Swede it's a decent thread.

>Our diversity is our strength.

Literally gag a bit anytime I see or hear that line at this point.