Why do some people worship demons?

Why do some people worship demons?

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Because they generally give you what you want, for a short time.
Then it's time to pay the piper.

It's the ultimate redpill, to reject religion and everything you're been told about God.

some of them are demons

Hillary Clinton is a shapeshifting lizard that was sent by the Devil

My warning about trying to frame me stands
Don't make me do it

>My warning about trying to frame me stands
Did you skip today's medicine cycle, buddy?

uhhhh jews arent people

I'm really not playing around, don't fuck with me on this one

Organized religion is a tool of control. Religion should have always been a completely personal matter and not a tool for the elite to influence society.

Consider yourself already framed. They did it, and you're going to pay.
Just a matter of time.

>completely personal matter
Of course, an American.
The founders wished to relegate religion to the personal sphere, out of the influence of politics and government. Look where it has ended.
Children confused as to which bathroom to use as opposed to 1000+ years of Christian civilization that begat Western Civilization.
Good on you, liberal.

Worshipping demons is stupid. Summon them, conduct your mutual exchange of goods/knowledge and then move on.

>Consider yourself already framed. They did it, and you're going to pay.
In what world do leftists think they have the moral high ground by trying to frame their political enemies? This is just saddening, more than anything.

You're dealing with people who consider themselves gods that don't quite worship demons it's more of a "get me this and I'll give you that", and the offering is usually a sacrifice to an old static ego that's been around since the first consciousness formed on this planet.

I am also part of the conspiracy against you and I will help them frame you. I am doing it right now and you can't stop me.

I am also lying and you can't prove anything I'm saying is even marginally true but you'll believe it anyway because it excites you to believe you're important enough to be the object of a conspiracy.

Demons take a more active part in interfering with humanity, whereas higher order angelic beings consider us too immature and morally retarded to interact with most of the time. Demons typically trick us into performing depravity to try to get us to stray further from God in exchange for power. Lucifer's pov is that humans are unworthy of God's love because they are like beasts. So he and his minions entice humans like modern elites to behave like beasts. Cannibalism, pedophilia, all sorts of sexual depravities etc. By behaving like that they merely prove Lucifer right.

Obviously the actual pov of Lucifer on humans is something I cannot really comprehend, but this just just how I choose to interpret it in my limited way.

Because they’re weak retards who can’t seek out the knowledge they need to succeed in life without ensuring their never ending suffering in hell.

>internet free at public library, has more information than you could absorb in a million years
>”nah, google is too complicated”

>set up elaborate ritual to possibly attract fallen angel that will tell you how to make your roastie whore crush notice you and condemn yourself to an eternity of excruciating pain
>”yaaaaaasss! so edgy and cool!”


Are you by chance a Muslim? If so I wish you luck in your shithole shariah pursuits.

Bro, my gmail account was (provably) compromised. Just stfu already

No. I'm not.
I'm just not a liberal.

Do you approve of Theocracies though?

Yup. They are basically proving Lucifer right by becoming depraved idiots and being duped by occult ideals. They are then tortured in hell by Lucifer, their own depravity condemning them to a long time, perhaps eternity away from God.

You mean the kingdoms that created Western Civilization? Those weren't pure theocracies. The King and/or Queen ruled the land; and upheld the moral and divine law as taught through the Church.
There are countless examples where the Church and State were united and the monarch went against the will of the Church. A State where it is disconnected from the Church is a State where the State and its ideology becomes the Church.
In America, that is secularism and progressivism; the direct descendent of classical liberalism.

I'll take the civilization that built Western Civilization over the Whig-Jewish capitalism founded by Anglos; Protestants, who then later founded the first secular, godless State in recorded human history.

And that secular state became one of the greatest in history. Why do you hate what seems to be the better system?

The greatest?
Are we the greatest because we are able to commit infanticide?
Are we the greatest because we spread pornography across the globe?
Oh, I know. We're the greatest because we unleashed contraception upon the world, lowering birth rates everywhere.
Perhaps we're the greatest because we are the greatest accumulators of wealth and material goods?
We're certainly the greatest at funding and seeding revolution and unrest in every corner of the globe; effectively a tool of the Jews since our entire financial system is based upon State-sponsored usury.
We're the best because we're secular; State indifferentism. This means that all are welcome in the American Pantheon. Jesus Christ can stand shoulder-to-shoulder with the Buddha, with Mahomet, and even with Satan. All are welcome in the American Pantheon.

Yeah, we're the best.
Remember, the world hates us because we're good.

>Lowering birth rates everywhere
Except the United States has helped feed the world due to our surplus of agriculture. We have spread Christianity through missions and charities. We took a huge swath of land and have the largest by numbers population of European whites in any country. We fought and stopped anti-religious communist groups. Abortions and condoms don't negate all the good we have done for the world. I'm confused why birth control and naked people is your major problem with the USA.

alright ken E

>(((some people)))

The Tower of Babel was destroyed by God.
Why would the willingly replicate a modern equivalent of that with the EU?

>We have spread Christianity through missions and charities
What Christianity? Ecumenism and the World Council of Churches was created by Protestants and Protestant missionaries as a cease-fire between one another so they could "evangelize" and not fight with one another in the process.
What has that led to? A total breakdown of Christianity into a dogmaless, group of Gnostic sects.

It is obvious that you are a child of Protestantism. Let me explain.
Contraception takes what is fruitful (the marital act) and makes it sterile. It is philosophically the same as sodomy.
On a pure economic level, the market follows demographic trends. The less children being born equals less paying into the system equals higher taxes to take care of the aging and welfare recipients equals unsustainable economic collapse. Look at the demographics; specifically look at the population replacement rate. Then look at ours. This is one major reason why immigration is encouraged.
Secondly, contraception fuels sodomite acceptance and "marriage."
The Obergefell vs Hodges case even cited this as being a reason why the sodomite sentiment is more acceptable.
When the only measure of the goodness of the act is merely pleasure, who is to say what pleasures can't be extracted from it?

So, birth control has wrought: lower birthrates, higher divorce rates and adultery, promiscuity and general lowering of morality, abortion, and sodomite acceptance.
Oh, and contraception also came from the Protestant camp; it was approved for married couples by the Anglicans at the 1930 Lambeth Conference at the protest of Protestants, Catholics, and seculars for the reasons I laid out above. All seculars and Protestants capitulated, and most Catholics now have after the sexual revolution of the 60's.

Because they believe that god is dead
>he isnt

You get to fuck children's tight butthole and have magic powers. It's a cool deal if you're a remorseless shit

Because worshipping demons and sodomizing young boys gives you ultimate power, according to Crowley and the Freemasons.


The ultimate redpoll is that only god knows wtf he is doing and we are completely clueless

>Why do some people worship demons?

Nobody beyond low IQ cringe tier LARPers actually worship demons. The "occult" to which the elites subscribe is all symbolism for secular humanism and nature's cycles.


Apart from edgy middle schoolers trying to stand out? People worship demons because what they want are things too degenerate and detestable to ask God for. They fear the light, and thus seek affirmation from the creatures of the darkness.

They didn't grow of their teenage rebellion stage, especially the LARPers.

The original Wicker Man (not the BS Nick Cage remake) is insanely underrated.

So you are saying they don't commit human sacrifices?
Because they do.

Where do I sign up?

Ooh, the EDGE

Because they don't actually know anything about demons and think it's a 'say some magic words and get whatever I want' deal. Similar to "Christians" which treat prayer as a spiritual gibsmedat

Convert to Judaism, I guess.
Then again, your flag indicates you come from a Muslim country, so I'm not surprised you're interested.

I'd gladly split open the buttholes off a thousand screaming children to possess the power of Hitler

Surprised you can speak english, Pablo

Thanks, I praise you for your use of Google translate to communicate with us.

Because that's the modus opparandi of the hyksos jew. They are the euro-noble ancestors who wrote the history books as well as the bibles. Our last six thousand years of development have been by their sight of hand and the plan was to destroy this global society because it's theirs to do as they please.

You always get piped down by the piper... in the end (pun intended)

>Why do some people worship demons?
This is just sort of protest, like being anarchist. Usually goes away when the person grows and becomes adult but some people tend to stuck in their childhood

Most satanists are just Ayn Rand and Nietzsche lovers who belive in social darwinism and laws of nature. Very few people and groups like JoS actually worship the devil

I dont get what you mean by "so many"

t: Ex-JoS member

some beings are retarded, spiritually