100 years from now when everyone else is colonizing other planets they'll still be blaming whitey
Somehow this will be white people's fault
>out of HAND
can someone explain how a warm, tropic, sunny, low density continent such as Africa can be starving? I am able to easily grow food and sustain my family on a small amount of land in a freezing region of the world. How are they unable?
>out of hand
Are you white(ish)?
>can someone explain how a warm, tropic, sunny, low density continent such as Africa can be starving?
You do realize that niggers live there, right?
That's why.
Interesting I'll give it a read and yes I am german/british
I know niggers are dumb but sustenance farming is neither difficult of capital intensive.
The article doesn't address the root problem, but it does at least describe the symptoms
Negros aren't human, animals eating each other in the wild isn't as uncommon as you'd think