Other urls found in this thread:

Why would we administer a heart transplant for an illegal alien? He has to go back and try to get one in whatever shithole he snuck in here from.

Laws are laws. This guy had 30 fucking years to become a citizen and didn't. Fuck him and fuck his family.

where do we even get alien hearts from??

Reminder to never respond to or awknowledge meme flag and meme flag threads. If you ignore all meme flags they will eventually go away, this is the only thing we can do to combat them


Why does he need a heart transplant? I'm willing to bet drug abuse.

If he is an illegal, he shouldn't get free medical care. It's not very hard to understand.

Because we should have learned the first time we gave a heart transplant to the undeserving:

Black family claiming "raycism" for not giving their teen a heart transplant:

Said teen dying after car jacking, burglary and shooting at an old woman:

What is there to defend? He shouldnt even be here to attempt a heart transplant.. Go back to your shithole and get a new heart.

Get fucked beaner

Fat fuck.

I’m guessing it’s excess weight. Moving back to his shot hole and starving for a while might save his life.

Oh, so now when he goes back to Mexico his wonderful government will be able to provide him with a heart transplant. Right?

>meme flag
>seen this thread before
fuck off kike

Imagine donating your perfectly fine organs in an act of compassion not knowing they will try to keep an disgusting fat Hippo alive.
I wouldn't give any organ to a comical obese fatass like this, illegal or not.
You stuffed your face with tacos now suffer.


Not a shithole according to them, so they should head back.

>General Welfare isn't in the constitution

How do burgers not even know their own government?

There's some homeless white man living in a gutter because this dirty Spic stole his life and stole his chance to have a family.

And I'm supposed to feel sorry for the Spic when the chickens come home to roost? This is why they say, "cheaters never prosper." The longer you get away with it, the more interest you'll have to pay.

Their citizenship is though. I don't blame you as you have a Euro maymay flag.


weird thing to think....

YOu people are humourless

How many times is the same actor used?

We are wise in the ways of good and ignorant in the ways of evil.

The beaner is the only heartless person in this story :^)

30 years to fill out some paperwork

>you have to go back

This was already shown fake since it's against the law to deny someone base on their immigration status. The original source linked to a gofundme/kickstarter page and was pretty much immediately outed as a scam

That would be the spic.

I'm not the one you should be calling heartless

Heart transplant for real along with shitloads of medication and some beetus kits.

Fat fucking retard deserves it, don't care who he is. Piece of lard ass shit.

Lets see
1. Mexicuck.
2. Stole a (Looks to be) mostly white woman from a could be white father.
3. Child looks to be of Autistic nature, and does not need to exist.

Plus illegal.


Why does he deserve a heart transplant? Does his family plan on paying the hospital bills, or will they just ignore that and complain when people don't want to give them free shit anymore?

>30 years in country
>doesn't apply for citizenship
wew ladio

It's great, inspired me to report several #undocumented #unafraid twitter fucks. I wish hospitals could do the same with the pregnant ones.

I've been thinking about taking myself off the organ donor registry. If I die I won't care who gets my organs, but I also have to be realistic. If I keel over dead, it's not going to be some cute little girl or boy getting my organs and being able to have a real life, it's going to be some fat old fuck that ruined their body with a lifetime of bad decisions and they'll burn through my organs in record time and be right back in the hospital.

maybe if he stopped being such a fat, useless fuck he would still have a working heart
someone more deserving will get one in his palce

Speaking of heart transplants, there's that nigger who got one and crashed himself in a stolen car.

guy with family deported after 30 years is really fucked up

if anything he deserves more protection than DACA for being the US more as an adult

He was rejected for being obese. Stop making this fucking thread.


are you serious? do you really think an illegal should have the same rights as a citizen? do you think it's normal to save an immigrant instead of the guy that paid taxes to that country all his life?


Yes, give it to the citizen, and not the Mexicuck


You again?
If you aint white, you aint right.

He has to go back.

Space niggers

sounds like he is the heartless one

Looks like he's the heartless one.*

*Heart that is projected to work past Match 2018.

Give that heart to an American


Sounds like he's the heartless one.

do aliens' organs get harvested for donation?

because if they do then the US should give them too

He's not a citezen. Bam fucking defended as easy as that.

Dad got denied because he is known as " Dieabeto" and is a land whale

Why is it so hard to go through proper channels to become a US citizen?
Fucked priorities and they know theyre criminals. That's why.

imagine if this dude dies because they refuse to give him a heart and then his kidneys, liver, etc go to save "real American's" lives ... it's fucked up

He's a big guy

Go get a heart transplant someplace else. We're full

Obese patients should be denied heart transplants just like alcoholics and smokers are denied.

We don't know and do not care... He's a freaking illegal. They can all get fucked for all I care

Sorry, but he should've taken better care of himself

why couldn't he become a legal citizen IN THIRTY FUCKING YEARS?! get fucked.

propably the 10th thread about this shit I saw the last days. Fuck off!

now look at that fingerbox. god damn, what a great fingerbox.

>implying conservacucks contribute anything to anyone

trumpcuck states are literal cesspools full of parasites that rake in liberal tax dollars and squander them at wal-mart. you deserve to be worked to death in camps, at least then someone can squeeze some productivity out of you niggers.

No transplants for transplanets.

Well let's see... First off he's an illegal - fuck him. He had plenty of time to do it right and never did. Second - look at the size of that fat fuck. He did this to himself, so why should we help his border jumping ass?

I believe that man in the heartless one in this situation.

The heart went to an american citizen. It's not like they threw out the heart, its just that someone else lived and he will die. There's nothing wrong with that.


>parents bring him here illegaly
>30 years in the us
>no attempt to fix his status (visa, greencard, or citizenship)


gay space niggers?

they cant just give your organs away you have to agree to it before you die and its not like this fat fuck had any organs worth a damn

Several people die waiting for organ transplants, even native ones.

>30 years
>didnt get a citizenship
What the actual fuck

>Implying that a heart transplant is gonna support such a big guy
Shit would explode, unless they use an elephant heart

why would you waste a heart transplant on him when he's just going to die of diabetes anyway?

He's an illegal? No do not help him the fuck?

>due to not being a legal US resident
We won't deny you care at a hospital for any reason.

Maybe he'll have better luck getting a heart in mexico ,it's pretty easy to buy a heart on the black market there

So they probably denied him heart transplant due to him weighing as much as his family combined.

Fuck him. I hope he dies.

The guy had 30 years to stop eating a bucket of fried chicken and a pitcher of mashed potatoes and gravy for every meal. He can get the fuck back to his birth country where im sure he will gorge himself on a whole pot of carnitas and a bucket of refried beans.

We won't deny you care for any reason.
More likely, they're on a waiting list. Shit sucks but there's limited organs available.

Well, he'd already be dead in mexico.

All fried in lard

Bye bye. Hehehe

This happens to citizens. My uncle died 30 years ago, a drafted Vietnam vet with children under 10, needed a heart transplant to survive and it was not allowed due to insurance. Citizens first, fuck off.

That's why they picked him. They wanted enough strikes against him t to cause the greatest amount of division. Same situation when they choose a cop shooting case: they'd pick one when justification would seem blurry.

That guy is not what they care about, they care about division.