Amazon Shortlists 20 Cities for New HQ

ITT: Talk shit about geopolitics and your fellow burgers; place bets on where Amazon will place their second HQ.

From original RFP (
> Metro with pop. >= 1 million
> Public transportation, highways and airport
> Pool of tech talent
> "Business Friendly Environment"
> Other "tax and government incentives"

Fuck Toronto, Google is already taking over that shit.

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They'll probably go with Atlanta. Cheaper to live there than in other areas, and their airport is huge.... Unless they look at the actual demographics and crime statistics. Very black and very violent.

People here in Boston are pretty confident we will get it.

Nashville will win and I'll have to move.

Montgomery County is a bit of a surprise, but I don't see it happening there. Honestly my best guess is Newark since it's in between DC and NYC and right alongside I-95

I think they want something in the BosWash corridor. Building here attracts talent from Massachusetts to Virginia. Ivy League, some of the best schools in the world, best cities in the country.

Boston - close to MIT, Harvard, strong working class suburban population that could fill warehouse jobs

Newark or NYC - best talent overall guaranteed, widest appeal for importing talent, best city, best transit system, tax cuts if Newark. Environmental sustainability selling point.

Washington - smaller scale of Boston essentially but the fact that they have 4 options on the list near the Capital makes me wonder if they want to be close to government.

Real contenders here are Austin, Dallas, Miami, Raleigh, Boston, Denver

tactically speaking miami would make most sense

Dallas has an international airport and it's surrounding suburbs have extremely cheap housing options in safe areas. Based Texas has excellent taxes as well so employees would be able to keep more of their money.

Nashville is a 4 hour drive away from the largest FedEx hub and one of Amazon's largest warehouses is also here.