You don’t actually think the holocaust happened, do you user?

>you don’t actually think the holocaust happened, do you user?

Other urls found in this thread:

I think it did, in a way. The decline of white identity is Hitlers master plan in effect. Do a half assed genocide on the jews so posterity will forever condemn any form of white national identity so the kikes can get away with importing boatloads (read: raftloads ROFL) of refugees to replace the goyim but the jews did not realize that when whitey is completely gone Harambe and Muhammad mohamed al mohamedin won't actually do any goddamn work so the economy will grind to a halt and the kikes cant go to the bank anymore and at last resort to first eating their own noses for sustenance before destroying their race in beyblade style one-man-enters-one-man-leaves dreidel wars. In Hitlers view, the destruction of germany and the final apocalyptic end of the human race are acceptable side effects to the removal of the eternal kike


The Germans rounded people up, and not just Jews.
They were paid by the Zionist for each one they got to go to Palestine (Transfer Agreement)
Hitler clearly had the final solution of his Madagascar Plan and not death camps.
Most of the pictures of mass death is due to typhus.

Of course it happened. How dare you question the authenticity of a factual event?


it happened, do some research and stop denying reality because you hate jews


Fuck off kike

If you post too much holohoax information mods with Shoah the thread.

Of course I do. What, you thought I was one of you history revisionist snowflakes? I learned how to deal with reality long ago, no "muh holohoax" or pretend superiority to blacks necessary

If a waifu stares at me with those dark evil eyes I will be tempted to say no. But then I remember that I look like a Goblin and. That she is using her jedi vagina power against me because she sees me as pathetic ( and god knows she ls right)

So I am forced to state that I believe in the holocaust due to pride and to punch her in the face then jump on my feet while people stares and are ready to smite the goblin thing

Suddenly a whale antifa of unkown gender yeels

> he did well , she was a nazi

People are now starting to watch me in a better prospective. But I can t stand antifa so I stab the whale with a dull butter knife...which is super effective since its body had the same consistency of butter ...I yell Allah akbar while doing that because I Don t want compassion and I Don t want to be patronized.
People gather around me and they start to lynch me ...and they Don t even know why , I Don t why. But it is fine I Don t have to pay the bill for the coffee

Of course it happened
>Jews were rounded up and put into labour camps
>Jews died in said labour camps from typhoid and malnutrition towards the end of the war

What i don't believe in is the systematic killing of said jews.

>Believe everything the government tells you, this same government that is responsible for all that is going on currently.

Yes, everyone! Do some (((research)))!

But here's the thing. The guys telling us the government always lies also told us death panels would happen. ANd that Obama/Clinton were gonna take our guns. And that Pbama is a secret Kenyan Muslim with a fake birth certificate. Not to mention the Clinton hit squads that are alleged to exist. You guys spread nothing but asinine bullshit and then get offended when nobody believes you. That's not a conspiracy, that's you being a fucking idiot and then trying to play the victim card over it

If you consider that the 6 million number has been spouted since before ww1, the one who made up 5 additional millions has recently come out and admitted it was a lie, that the footage of holocaust-related material has been recorded by american literal propagandists, that the soviets heavily tampered with the camps once entered, that the idea of gassing people in showers is highly impractical, that zyklon b was used for lice and has been used for it after ww2, and that allies bombed railways that were transfering jews thus making them all starve to death, no, I don't believe in it

Sure it happened, didn't you pay attention in school?
>American education

I don't know if it happened or not but I am 100% sure that I have been propagandized HARD my whole life into thinking it did.

Of course not.

The Zionists exterminated their enemies, the Nazis - which we can clearly see by noticing the worldwide presence and power of Zionists, and the absolute absence of Nazis.

The Zionists always blame their own atrocities on their victims, as we see today in Palestine and Iran.

>lol of course not, but it should have ;)

If you can't differentiate moronic nonsense from actuality I can't help you. Nothing is this linear user, it's not how the world works. The danger of misinformation is a real one.

Who wins from putting every "conspiracy theorist" in the same bag? Don't be fooled and expect to not be regarded as someone who can't or does not want to understand the (((real game))).

Plus, there will be always idiots believing the right things for the wrong reasons. And (((they))) capitalize on that.

Define holocaust. 6 gorillian gassing deaths? No. Holocoaster? No. Lamp shades and soap stories worked for awhile but nobody believes those. What did happen? Jews were put into camps and made to work producing war goods. Terrible conditions sure, a lot of death sure. But you don't let them have an orchestra if you are industrially and systematically killing them. Anyone with an ounce of knowledge of history can see that it would be silly to waste such a good labor resource, and actually waste affirmative resources gassing them, when you're engaging in total war.

This is honestly the best attempt to shame me into not noticing obvious liars I've ever seen. 10/10, if I were less educated I'd have fallen for that.

SO I guess to address the Holocaust specifically. For it to be a hoax would mean that the following groups have to be kept on script: All world governments, particularly those of European countries, the US, and Israel.Literally every soldier that passed through Germany and saw a camp. Literally every surviving inhabitant of the camps. That on it's own is already a massive stretch, without getting into the myriad of other holes in denial. They were already being victimized en masse, making up a story wouldn't be worth the risk in the first place. If they wanted their victim status as your theory necessitates, they didn't really need to do anything, and if the Jews are as shrewd as Neo-Naziism suggests then they would know that. Holocaust denial is one of the key examples I use to help figure out who's feeding me bullshit, and all your cutesy dog whistles and echoes are just discrediting you further in my mind.

holocaust happened. every denier has been btfo. not one is standing today. leuchter, cole, irving, faurison, mattogno, germar - all of them REKT so hard that they've tried weaseling their way out and constantly changing their claims --- and this all happened in fair and free debates and occasions too. besides irving, who decided to go to court, and realized he fucked up when he deliberately lied and falsified his sources.

irving fucked up so bad his OWN fucking research proved gassings happened. he accepts this, but only plays around with the numbers now - and claims that hitler didn't order it.

there's a reason holocaust denial has dropped in 1st world countries, mostly among whites, and increased in 3rd world countries, among shitskins.

Of course it is kikepedia so they say it was just a trick, then go on to explain how they had been trying to resettle them for DECADES.
They spent over half a century trying to peacefully resettle them, then allegedly killed and disposed of them with hilarious inefficiency, despite being notoriously efficient in everything else they ever did.

Also, all camps liberated by allies were work camps; all liberated by commies were allegedly death camps.
What are the odds?

women without make up are my fetish

don't care. happened way before my time. I don't even believe nukes are real. nor that we went to the moon.

whether they do or not really actually has no bearing on my life.


thot spotted

Hearing somebody say "nukes aren't real" when I've been within feet of them before is trippy.
Like, I have physical experience proving they do but there is no possible way I could convey it to you, that's some weird shit.

Also yes I am high.

I always thought it doesn't matter if it did or not.
What matters is the world shouldn't let israel and the kikes take advantage the goyim using the holocaust as a means to morally blackmail the former.
This is the true redpill, ignoring it hurts (those who would abuse it) more than denying it.

>notice that Dick Sucking Black Belt around her neck
I walk away user. I walk away

>I'm (((Educated)))

You clearly need to lurk more, faggot.

According to German records released in the 90s by the Russians, 403,000 people died of all races and religions in all the camps put together over 4 years, most of them dying from outbreaks of typhus... then from starvation after the Allies bombed the trade routs into Germany. Zyklon B is a pesticide used to kill ticks and lice that was spreading typhus throughout the camps, not a toxic gas used in chambers with doors that open to the inside and chimneys that were built after the camps were liberated.
>In a dramatic and unprecedented videotaped interview, Dr. Franciszek Piper, senior curator and director of archives of the Auschwitz State Museum admitted on camera that 'Krema 1,' the alleged 'homicidal gas chamber' shown off to hundreds of thousands of tourists every year at the Auschwitz main camp, was, in fact, fabricated after the war by the Soviet Union -apparently on the direct orders of Josef Stalin.

The Jews managed to convince the world through propaganda and movies for decades that the "Holocaust" was the most outrageous event to ever take place in history, ignoring the 60,000,000 men that gave their lives for a lie and propaganda pushed by Jewish interests, and the tens of millions who were killed by mostly Jewish Bolsheviks in the USSR.

Josef Kramer, Assistant Commandant of Auschwitz:
>I have heard of the allegations of former prisoners in Auschwitz referring to a gas chamber there, the mass executions and whippings, the cruelty of the guards employed, and that all this took place either in my presence or with my knowledge. All I can say to all this is that it is untrue from beginning to end.

Holocaust denial vs. Revisionism is the issue. First of all holocaust means burnt offering and this offering is important to Zionist Jews as a term and symbol. So agreeing to call the casualties of WWII 'the holocaust' is already propaganda. Further, certainly there were camps, Hitler spoke against the influence of the Jews and all of that. Where it gets murky is whether the 6 million number is accurate and whether testimonies are accurate. People with nothing to lose will make up qualifications and will pretend to have a past in a concentration camp to get gibs. We see that happening with the refugee crisis today. It is also not the least bit unusual for nations to fabricate histories in collaboration. It is a method of conquest by myth. Every single individual doesn't need to be lied to and convinced. The official story just gets put out there and people believe it because well, why wouldn't they?

Boy, I was lurkin before you had the muscle control to type lol. I've heard every bullshit bit of evidence you guys have, I come here to mock you after years and years of exposure to this nonsense. I've seen the best you faggots have to offer, and this is certainly not that

I that a dude with a wig?

Your obsession with indoctrination, shame, and Holocaust™ worship gives you away, Shlomo.


user: In WHAT font do you think a document will demand the most respect?

Holocaust-Denier-Neckbeard-WASP-Gas-Station-Attendent: Comic Sans!!!

Sup Forums for the win every time

Muh farkin sides tards

>has to claim anybody of differing opinion
is jewish shill

Ya that's totally the sort of thing people with facts on their side need to do lol. COuldn't imagine being so fragile that adherence to reality looks like all those scary buzz words you threw at me

dat thousand cock stare

>60,000,000 men that gave their lives

I think you added a zero there cowboy

I also don't think the word of a Commandant of Auschwitz that is on trial for war crimes would be a reliable source.

>I stood next to something I was told was a nuke
If some whore you fucked showed up with a child and claimed it was yours, you would just accept it, right?

stop talking like a nigger

So you see, guy who has no clue what he's talking about but is still somehow condescending, submarines like the one I was on have reactors. SO we keep detectors for radioactivity pretty readily available, including one on our person. I haven't just been told there are missiles, I've literally seen indication of the radiation from them. Not to mention I got to be on board for a missile launch test, so I in fact have personal observation of both aspects of a nuclear missile.

But please, tell me mot about how I should ignore the evidence of my eyes.

In your analogy, she shows up with the kid and then we get a paternity test and then after that I believer her if it's positive. That's how stupid you sound, you couldn't even make up a patronizing comparison that actually had a universally negative outcome

>all those scary buzz words you threw at me
>history revisionist snowflakes
>pretend superiority
>nothing but asinine bullshit
>fucking idiot
>obvious liars
>you faggots

But here's where your stream of projective diarrhea most gives you away:

>COuldn't imagine being so fragile that adherence to reality looks like all those scary buzz words

But thanks for being such a good example of irrational religious zealotry in defense of hugely profitable dogma.




You really must be delusional to actually believe this

>give up goyim don’t you see Hitler was a jew to haha we win again silly goyim there is no hope just go back to sleep goyim give up

Try neck.

Holy shit, a right winger smart enough to notice turnabout. consider me impressed, you're literally the first person to call me out on that in years.

THe other shit is the usual conspiracy theorist "don't you wanna show the man?" posturing; any opinion not like yours is taught and trained, and is more "religious" then any actual religion. All you need to do is call me a communist and the Bingo card will be full lol

>guy who has no clue what he's talking about but is still somehow condescending
I was busy replying - thanks for contributing even more examples of how projection works.

For everyone else: recognize that the entire Holocaust™ myth and the Zionist tale of the "evil Nazis" is the collective projection of the Zionist inner nature onto the Zionists' victims, the Germans.

This is why the stories of "the Nazis" so perfectly describe the behavior of present-day Israelis. The Zionists, with all of their decades of screeching about the "evil Nazis," were unknowingly telling the whole world about...themselves.

I used to fuck a chick that look like that. Anyways, continue on with the thread, Gas the Kikes and all that...

We were talking about nukes, and how I've literally been near them. YOu can't even keep up with which bullshit I'm calling you out on, how am I supposed to take your attempts to play the "that's just what the jews want you to think" game seriously? xD

>but muh box made clickies! Das pruf!
>I saw a missle launch! Only nukes are misled!

Hell, if the evidence of my own eyes is just Jewish propaganda, that throws a hell of a lot of doubt on your whole perspective if I'm honest.

Oh shit how are you gonna steer people away from noticing your Darvo this time? FIND OUT NEXT TIME ON DRAGON BALL Z!

shit happened

it wasn't a "holocaust"
we don't have to stop the world for perpetual observance

especially not in America
ZERO shit happened to American jews

1. I saw the box make clickies that literally only makes clickies in response to radiation, verified by almost every day use. Or are you claiming the reactor was fake too?

2. You missed the entire point of why I brought that up. I know they're nuclear, and seeing the launch proves they're not just some sort of secret radioactive material compartment or something. Those are two seperate pieces of evidence that come together to cement the idea of nuclear missiles. Honestly I'm pretty sure you did understand that and are just being obtuse, but there is always a chance you're actually that retarded.

Kind of sad I blew the 1984 quote already, this is definitely peak "deny the evidence of your own eyes." Fuck, unless you double down on the "fake reactor" thing. Please do that, it'll be funny to me

>Dey tol me what de clickies men

Also, do you really feel like I am denying rocketry, or is it just extra-self assurancefor you?

Also, you seem to be aware that dem clickies can occur when things are not nuclear weapons. How would it prove you are dealing with an atom-splitting WMD?
>Dey tol me

Radioactivity being detected doesn't prove a nuclear missile on it's own. The "missile" part is absolutely needed to prove the whole package; without the missile, it could just be radioactive material of some kind. Spare fuel or something, pick an example lol. It's not a matter of you arguing against it, I just feel like radioactivity is not sufficient single point proof myself, given we had another radioactive thing like 20 yards away

And no, I observed the "clickies." Spaces where radioactivity is clearly present having the detectors respond as expected, practical experience. You can't fake day-top-day unsupervised operation of a piece of equipment, especially not in an environment wher emost folks are significantly brighter then the average person.

Fucking anti semetic scum bag. Fuck you ya fuckin piece of shit. I'm a 57 year old truck driver with more life experience than all you lousy fucking youngins combined. You have no clue what the fuck you're talking about! You are evil, miserable, maniacal scum bag pieces of fucking shit. The Jews didn't do 9/11 that was al quada and terrorists you fucking scum bag bozo fuck. I married a woman who happens to be Jewish and she is the most real woman I have ever met. According to you fucking scum bags the world would be a better place if she was dead. Fuck you scum bags and your wild conspiracy bull shit theories. Fuckers.

It's almost like this is why I keep bringing up the missile thing. Cause fuckign obviously radioactivity on it's own isn't missiles, we literally had another radioactive thign 20 yards away lol. Clearly not only missiles are radioactive. But you're going to tell me confirmed radioactivity on top of confirmed missiles doesn't sound an awful lot like verified nukes?




Oh boy,m can't wait to find out what context you're leaving out. My money's on "It's a garbage bill and letitng it through would actually set back healthcare for decades," but you guys have surprised me before

Im thinking it did happen, although maybe the numbers have been skewed, and I also think the main motivation was experimental research by (((them))).

I lold