Seriously, how come we never see this kind of sadism from blacks/hispanics/Jews?

Seriously, how come we never see this kind of sadism from blacks/hispanics/Jews?

Creepy, torture chambers, prolonged unnecessary violence seems to be exclusively a white characteristic. Is it because you are control freaks who has no respect for life?

Other urls found in this thread:

Blacks and hispanics aren't competent enough to organize it. Jews on the other hand have a long and illustrious history of sacrificing children for blood rituals


why are these two in the tv? what did they do?

you joking? go on /r/watchpeopledie, literally all of the gruesome shit and torture is from blacks and mexicans/hispanics

Mexicans would never do this to their own family, although we need them to start doing so because they shit out like 13 kids a family.

Social workers have to deal with this shit constantly. Blacks and hispanics commit horrendous violent and sexual crimes against their own families on a staggering, horrifying basis.
They commit genital mutilation on their males and anybody in the scientific community who challenges this practice is treated like a nazi lunatic.

Basically this.
Why any brainlet would imagine they would report on it anyway is beyond me. Why would you want to damage your own (((agenda)))? Remember Emmanuel Samson? Neither does anyone else.

Why did you put blacks before hispanics?
Blacks tend to be more mindless about their violence. Jews on the other hand have orcastrated this kind of shit for centuries. If you want more black videos, just look up Tommy Sotomayor, his videos on black mother violence against their children never stops.

Hispanic's not a race fuck tard

Blame MEXICANS for all the shit

Why should hispanics that look like Ted Cruz be blamed for the shit the aztec mutts do?


Actually explain


Found the 56%

You have to have a brain for you to have physiological disorders.

>Unable to give me an explanation of why people on the top of the spanish caste system should be blamed for the stuff mulattos do

Are you a mestizo lover?

Retard white and black isnt a race either, your still just a spic regardless of race. All self haters need to die.

Because Whites lack empathy and are psychotic subhumans.

>Whites lack empathy
bitch we are fucking pathologically empathetic, like you have no idea how good you have it, I swear to god, when we're gone, the Chinese are going to assfuck you literally to extinction

Cops and people in general don't care what happens to niggers and other shitskins so you never hear about it but it happens more to nigger families then whites

Google Marcus Wesson. Sage.

How quickly we forget about Ariel Castro.

All whites are white

All blacks are black

Spics come in orange, yellow, white, brown, black cause it's a geographical word

So why don't you explain instead of bitchin?

whites are beyond a doubt the nicest, least violent race on earth.

Blacks and Hispanics just kill their kids. They don't plan out a whole family sacrifice to aliens based on a comet that won't come for 30 years or whatever this was.



I remember two cases of black mums who rosted their children alive and one fat one let them starve because she ate everything.
Whites tend to be more organized and systematic when they do creepy shit.

And spics cut off faces of living persons and cut off teenager heads with chainsaws