My family has been in America for nearly 300 years. For twelve generations...

My family has been in America for nearly 300 years. For twelve generations, my family has toiled upon the sea in the name of commerce and warfare for this country. And not without sacrifice. My family gave a son for the War of 1812, my family gave a son for the War in the Pacific, my family gave a son in the pursuit of whale oil to light our towns and lubricate the machines of our industry. For twelve generations, including my own, we have worked for this land and its people.

And now, I have become a stranger in it. As I return home from another tour at sea, I walk down the street. More and more of the dive bars I once knew and loved are replaced with upscale establishments catering to college students who tell me I'm irrelevant because I don't have their education. I see the family diners I frequented as a child replaced with Mexican groceries and restaurants, not a word of English within earshot. I see the old family-owned stores and shops replaced with WalMart, Costco, and Target. I'm treated as a suspect by my own government, who spies on me at will, while at the same time allowing in those that would happily see my culture and religion wiped from the face of the planet. The pews in the church grow increasingly empty, and outside of them, abortion activists and atheists tell me that I am the insane one. The news tells me I am responsible for the crimes of people I have never known simply for sharing their skin color. And my children, my own flesh and blood and heirs of our family's legacy, come home from college and lecture me on my bigoted and hateful ways. This, as any other father would know, hurts most of all.

My family helped build this nation, but little did we know, it wasn't being built for us.

Other urls found in this thread:

Shut up racist bigot immigrants are better than you diversity is our strength

We have to go to war. There are no other options remaining.

Didn’t read any of that. Just so you know

I love America, i love its history, but this isn't a country anymore its a soup kitchen now.

Was pretty good user

Surely there is a new frontier we could claim. Let us take over Western Canada and wait for global warming to turn it into a paradise. Fuck these immigrants.


Well user, the black pill is that the society you loved created the one of today. Modern America is what Old America made of itself. There is no segmentation of these two worlds, one just flows right into the other.

You can look back on them as glory days or you can look on them as the simple precursor of what was to come.


You must be old. I'm a 13th gen and I'm really old.

Your family were always strangers here

Or he can raise up and cast out all interlopers and find enough rope to hang the traitors

good for you faggot OP

my family has been here since plymouth colony and has seen its members serve as governors and presidents

Then you obviously failed in your mission.

If you kill you self without wreaking havoc, you're a massive faggot. Bomb congress or something.

maybe you should have kept up with the times instead of glorifying "toiling at sea" - what are we, playing in the bathtub with duckies here? Your whole family is a bunch of saltwater succubi

Fuck timber-niggers, they don't own shit

Wow thanks for sharing

]To come to the point at once, I beg to say that I have not the least belief in the Noble Savage. I consider him a prodigious nuisance, and an enormous superstition. His calling rum fire-water, and me a pale face, wholly fail to reconcile me to him. I don’t care what he calls me. I call him a savage, and I call a savage a something highly desirable to be civilised off the face of the earth. I think a mere gent (which I take to be the lowest form of civilisation) better than a howling, whistling, clucking, stamping, jumping, tearing savage. It is all one to me, whether he sticks a fish-bone through his visage, or bits of trees through the lobes of his ears, or bird’s feathers in his head; whether he flattens his hair between two boards, or spreads his nose over the breadth of his face, or drags his lower lip down by great weights, or blackens his teeth, or knocks them out, or paints one cheek red and the other blue, or tattoos himself, or oils himself, or rubs his body with fat, or crimps it with knives. Yielding to whichsoever of these agreeable eccentricities, he is a savage – cruel, false, thievish, murderous; addicted more or less to grease, entrails, and beastly customs; a wild animal with the questionable gift of boasting; a conceited, tiresome, blood-thirsty, monotonous humbug..
