Love Live, if your waifu's figma isn't sold out by this time, she is crap!



Nozomi: SOLD OUT.

Umi, 8% off.

Eli: 12% off.

Kotori: 13% off.

Hayano: 14% off.

RIN: 18% OFF. KEK!!! Rin fags BTFO!!!!!!!!!!! SAME PRICE AS PRE-ORDER!!!!!!

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Ah yes, Hayano. My favorite member of Mesu.

But Nico is trash

Figmas are trash.

What about Honoka?

Time to get more Umis
Thanks, user.

Oh yeah, forgot about the main character..

Honoka. 12%OFF

She is crap too!

post em with cum

>Hayano: 14% off.
>RIN: 18% OFF. KEK!!! Rin fags BTFO!!!!!!!!!!! SAME PRICE AS PRE-ORDER!!!!!!

Weren't those two characters made to please to the female audience?

I doubt either of them are a favorite among male fans.

No, every character was made with help of the public.a
Sunshine on the other hand...

Nico Nico neck yourself, faggot.

>I doubt either of them are a favorite among male fans.
Rin is my second favorite.

Rin's maracas pose is pretty cute, shes a good girl.

figma are shit, step up your games fags and get dollfies.

I'm a guy and Hanayo is my favorite.

>KEK!!! Rin fags BTFO!!!!!!!!!!! SAME PRICE AS PRE-ORDER!!!!!!
Stop typing like a preteen, retard.

Rin is my wife and I love her.

>Weren't those two characters made to please to the female audience?
dunno about that but girls love nozomi

Who the fuck cares?

>nico sold out

Impeccable taste as always buyfags

>Umi, 8% off.
I'd buy it but I don't like posable shit

Nozomi is probably the one idol that's popular with male and female fans. Maybe Maki too

I doubt girls like Kotori much. She is kind of a Mary Sue.

Meanwhile Hayano is ugly and perfect to ugly girls self-insert into her.

*Hanayo not Hayano. fucking copied from op post.

But Umi will never be crap


>buying and caring about jointshit
I came here to laugh at you.

Figmas are great, especially the Love Live ones. Posing them is very fun and enjoyable.

How long until the LL meme fades away?


If your waifu is sold out it means she is a slut*


>sales status

So, what I'm supposed to see here?


>She is kind of a Mary Sue

How is that possible when she has no personality?


I don't know, I've seen a few girls who really like Kotori as well. I think because she's quite sweet and even if she does kinda serve to embody more traditional gender roles, from a meta perspective, she does so because she had a genuine artistic passion rather than simply because it is socially expected of her.

I can definitely see why Nozomi is popular with girls though, like, despite her insecurities, she's very good at appearing self-assured.

>Kotori on sale
>That bland shit character called Maki is sold out
Kotori should be number one always

Disgraceful birdfag. What would Kotori think of your shameful bullying of Maki?

I don't even dislike Maki but she's the most boring and generic girl by far, even Rin, Hanayo and Nozomi have more. Maki is supposed to be tsundere but Nico outclass her by far, she just has no reason to exist

Why girls like Nozomi
>despite her insecurities, she's very good at appearing self-assured

Why guys like Nozomi

Thats the genius of Love Live. Theres enough good girls that its pretty much impossible to have a favorite. Even for plebeians like you who can't appreciate the subtle charms of Maki's character.

Nico is pretty popular between girls too, mostly because of the "Nico Nico smile".
Maki is more popular between guys.

>impossible to have
I meant impossible to NOT have a favorite.

You know, the more I get into Love Live, the weirder it feels to sexualise them. Like, thinking of Nozomi as being soft and warm and good for hugging is one thing but like, it feels a bit weird to think about them on a sexual level, you know?

But that's also it's greatest flaw because your also have some girls that just aren't that up for par with the rest of the cast (see: Hanayo, Eli, Honoka to an extent)

>subtle charms of Maki's character
When it comes to her personality she's basically Nico without the childish behavior and Umi's bitchiness
Her design is very generic and lacks any recognizable features, i'm not shitting you when i say i've seen artwork of her and i didn't even knew it was her, i thought it was some OC character and this hasn't happened to me just once. A similar situation could never happen with Kotori because she has her own personality and original design \

Damn very true. Good post, deserving of quad 4's.


I know what you mean but with someone like Kotori or Hanayo instead. Even getting into Love Live, Nozomi always did seem like the "sexy" idol of the girls so her being sexualise isn't that jarring.

I get you, I can only barely sexualize Nozomi, and mostly because of her predator attitude towards the others

The anime tones it back but originally she was supposed to be more naive. Arguably she is childish, just in different ways from Nico, given how focused she is on appearing mature and above silly games and banter.

Whatever you say, im not trying to change your mind. It just sounds lot more like personal preference. When you use the term 'generic,' I think you mean 'not my type.' If I wanted to, I could argue that every single character is the epitome of generic character writing, especially Kotori who is the stereotypical soft spoken pretty girl.

I'd buy the kotori figure, but figmas are so god damn horrendous

Maki is one of the the few good tsunderes I have ever seen. It's not just a bitch, has a hard attitude but you can easily see her own shyness through the front she puts up. Very perfectionist, but her strong personality can surface at any moment if the situation requires it, like when she confronted Eli with the others back when they were just four, despite she still being pretty much tsun tsun about idols at that point.

Nowadays, tsundere just means a stupid bitch, and that sucks because tsunderes don't have to suck.

>lacks any recognizable features

I love that thing her hair does, bulking over her shoulders, however it's called.

Yeah, she always carried the bulk of the sexulization, but even her only sometimes crosses the line between playful and sexy. I can't help but see all of them as little sisters, and not the ones one would fuck, so while I see some lewd Nozomi it feels so weird, like a girl trying to play cool. Not helped by the fact taht Nozomi is actually really insecure.

Praise, brother.

I meant preach

nice dress!


Most of the LL female fans I've seen love Kotori. I don't know where you're getting the opposite assumption from. Her demeanor and bird motif is really endearing.

Maki is a ginger.
Gingers have no souls.
Maki has no soul.
Maki is a shit.

Maki is the group pervert. Her thing is that she molests the other Love Lives for fun and embarrasses Nico. It creates comic hijicks and stuff.

This is exactly the shit i was talking about, if i would have seen that picture in any other thread it would have never crossed my mind that this is supposed to be Maki from Love Live, i would have thought it's just OC anime girl in a red dress if it weren't for the purple eyes
Now pic related is just iconic
>She's now stealing Nozomi's traits too
Someone needs to stop her before she starts copying Kotori

>tfw Panafag so it's easy to get what I want

Yeah keep eating those shit raibus you like so much I'll be in the ELITE corner with my collection.

It's funny how original raibus look so much like chinese ripoffs.

ELITE only applies to Mari. Sorry Pana

I'm pretty sure she wouldn't appreciate you insulting the other girls and their fans like that.

NicoMaki is the best ship.

First I wasn't a Kotori fan but her thighs in the movie were too delicious.

UmiMaki is the superior Maki shipping.

Well, her hairstyle is almost unrecognizable in that pic

>She's now stealing Nozomi's traits too

It seems Nozomi wasn't that much of a pervert in the original designs, I think that being molested fits her better than being the molester.


That version of Nico was kind of a weird cross between Kotori, Hanayo, and Noizomi. Once they scrapped it in favor of egotistical Nico, Noizomi and Kotori picked up the leftover traits.

Patrician tastes.

I'm glad Nozomi has become more popular lately.
I remember that while she was well liked while the show was airing, that she wasn't all that popular with the nips.

>tfw Rin-fag
go ahead, make fun of me. I can take it.

haha rinboi

Twintail is the patrician pair

Fuck off. NozoEli is the officially canonical paring.

Nozomi deserves better than Eli

Yeah but no one likes Eli.


>RIN: 18% OFF
s-shut up

Do you like football Sup Forums?

No, baseball and hockey are the only sports I'm interested in.


people still give a fuck about these old and busted whores? please, everyone with any taste moved on to aquors about 10 years ago

Bandwagoning piece of shit. I bet if there's a third set of idols you're gonna immediately flock over to them.

Aquors was a very big mistake that can never be amended, the only thing one can do is pretend it doesn't exist

It's not bandwagoning, if you bought a superior set of clothes, would you still languish in the old, crusty set? No. Get with the times boy.


Ok, I'll just enjoy my second season

>we got best girl

but seriously, Bolivia needed Umi more than us

Shit analogy since Aqwhores are clearly inferior to Muse. But yeah, enjoy the second season of your shit that's never gonna top whatever Muse managed to attain.

Do I even need to try?

Explain the reasons behind everyone but the Russian one

This is newfag bait but you're still retarded, these new idols should have never existed. They could have made a loli squad with the girl's sisters, a cake.milf team with their moms, supported A-Rise or use the fodder girls from the game but they decided to throw all that away and just shove a bunch of shitty pseudo-lolis down everyone's throats
>tfw Mexican but also German from my mother's side
Fuck it i'll just say i got best girl Kotori
None in particular it's just that football is big in those countries

I can't wait for PDP to properly debut and then we will get:

>ยต's vs Aqours vs PDP


japs are still mad at aqours, all of aqours events (sif) are ded af

So that's why we're getting a third generation this soon?
