Crunchyroll subscribers of Sup Forums: how do you feel about CR's near constant shilling of VRV these days?

Crunchyroll subscribers of Sup Forums: how do you feel about CR's near constant shilling of VRV these days?

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Fuck off. Digits.

Why would I care? I sub to anime strike, crunchyroll, funimation, hulu and netflix. Yall fuckers are poor.



It's more that you just make a ton of bad decisions.

>not spending your money on something you don't want or need makes you poor

>Spending money on a trashcan.

They're afraid of amazon's anime strike. Amazon has the business model of using the profit provided by its web services to finance its take over of other areas. Basically Amazon doesn't need to make money on this for a long time. And that scares them as it should.

Let me help you with that

check em

Rich people don't waste money on things they would get for free

Only their kids do

I'll show you the power of the king of games.

I don't care.

The fuck is VRV? Also

Check these


CR subscriber here.

They're doing it because they're fucking broke as hell and are taking money anywhere they can get it. It's actually shit. Only reason I even sub to this shitty service is because I'm too lazy to torrent every show I watch.


go back to twitter
It must be hard being this fucking retarded.

If everything you watch is on crunchyroll you have some shit taste

>CR subscriber here.
Get off of Sup Forums and contemplate killing yourself.

uff just watch my dubs

No, it's about half torrent, half CR trash. I think about unsubbing every month but pretty much all currently airing shows come from similar HS rips, anyway.

Didn't two people just tell you to leave? Why are you still here?

Dance thread?

Because someone asked about an even shittier service that I don't want them to mistakenly waste money on. Believe me I know CR is awful and that I'm not wanted, but I definitely don't want a legitimate CR shill to sucker someone else into wasting money.

Fucking amateurs.

What the fuck is VRV?

One tweet in and I already hate it

They had to force Crunchyroll and Funimation into their "combo" $10/month shill because all the other services they offer are literally free channels on YouTube.

Like, really? I see RWBY, Bravest Warriors, Happy Tree expect me to pay to watch these in a special app?

It's a good deal for crunchyroll and funimation together.

Says the pleb who can't afford BDs and buy raw manga. You're like a frog in the well.

>the incompetence in this thread

here's how its fuckin done kiddos

VRV is the failed dream of an executive at Ellation, to create a hub for premium streaming content. Ideally it would be hosting subscriptions for "mainstream" content owners like CBS, not just CR and some Youtubers. That didn't happen, but it has superior infrastructure to CR which, last time I checked, still uses Flash (and probably has festering issues internally). So with amazon getting into the market, they're trying to promote the shiny new service instead of the legacy one.

Where do you put your trash?

Got it.

>Crunchyroll subscribers of Sup Forums
Fuck off.

>is because I'm too lazy to torrent every show I watch.

If you set up an RSS on Shana Project, every episode will automatically get downloaded when available. The only hassle you have to go through is going on shana project and clicking follow for all the shows you're watching at the start of every season.

I Think we need to start smaller.

This thread is cursed I swear.


Oh come on you fucking losers

Check my 7



Too many failures to check.


Get on my level


check 'em niggers

hail animeupdate

I think we're gonna break some kind of record here.

The guy who does get the dubs should be shit on.


quads outta nowhere!