Earliest known soyboy smile sighting?

This is from June 2017. How far back does it go?

Other urls found in this thread:


I think it began with steve o from Jackass

Steve-o is not a soyboy




nigger I'm not watching this shit just give me the exact second where 4 eyes here does the soyboy face


Why are their mouths always open

It began with the soyboy generation imitating old fashioned advertisements (of the 50s-80s) where kids and families do exaggerated smiles. Generation S began opening their "Think Geek" toys and so forth. The earliest "official" one could probably be traced to mid 2000s once the feminist soy had really sunk in deep.

pleb lets see you get your armpits and facial hair brutally waxed off steve-o is as manly as they come

It's an insecure defense mechanism probably trying to imitate girls' selfie faces ("happiness" = laughing), or it's indicative of a (man)child's wonder.

Ian mynigga.jpg

The picture of the no mans sky devs dates back to mid 2016

Bottom right trap is the cutest. I hate fags and trannys but 9/10 would snuggle with that dude

The producers 1968

does anyone have the calvin and hobbes strip where his dad tells him to stop sulking, and he opens his mouth all the way and walks around with this face? please help

I don't do it cause it looks forced.

this is so fucked up, goddamn kikes

What a shitty slide thread.

Soyboys copped the look in order to look like badasses and it backfired. They did it with tattoos too.


I bet you can go back to the Weimar Republic and find plenty of soyboys




Sorry for kindergarten paint skills

Soyboy seems to have its inception back in Aug 2, 2014 but wasn't popular until years later when it became too late to stop it.

The guys at least seem happy with their lives much more than 99% of shitposters here. LEL

This guy's best friends with H3, known bluepill.
Proof that Ethan's an okay guy.

Started in IT somewhere in 2015, started seeing them for the first time back then.


First time I saw it irl was at a party December 2016, we took a group photo and all the guys did that open mouth thing, then told me to also do it because it's 'fun'. I told them no.

How do I pose for a photo without making my face look like its ready for an anticipatory cock?
