Master race

>master race
>perfect genetics
>only ones that should breed

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Everyone knows those groups are honeypots

Honest question, americans: there really are so many meth addicts and inbreds in the south or is this just a meme? I just see so many white trash pictures, is it media retaliation against Trump suporters?

There is. These people’s family trees are a straight line.

And no, it’s not the fucking media.

Yes, that's why blue states are far superior and should be our actual representation ... the south is so embarrassing to America. They have always been (e.g. civil war.)

Lol tell me Allll about your vast knowledge of the civil war and how the oh so good and noble north freed those downtrodden negroes, merely from the good of their northern heart! Not so the north could have a shot to compete economically

>le 50% we wuz the master race

Being fat isn't genetic, it's poor diet and self control

>>AHahahahahahahaahah really?


stay mad kid

stay mad kid

so weak

sure kid

>Classes body weight as genetics
Kikes detected

Stay mad you fat fuck. Weak little bitch.


Body fat DISTRIBUTION is genetic. IE the places it gathers. The actual amount of fat present in a body at any given time has absolutely nothing to do with genetics.

tfw people actually believe fat spawns out of thin air and genetics define your weight just as they do your hair colour

is this you?
it was posted on a child porn site?

its what the weak do

Christopher Cantwell with Andrew Anglin.

Excellent show, a must listen to!




>typical right winger.jpg

For sure they belive there are just a few rotten apples.

yes, this is definately me lol

Fuckin liberals can't keep their shit straight


while i agree for the most part, if the fat bitch stopped drinking, didnt get those fucking tattoos and exercised a little, she'd look pretty fine.