Prove you’re not a blind follower and name one (1) criticism of capitalism

Prove you’re not a blind follower and name one (1) criticism of capitalism.

>name one (1) criticism of capitalism
you can't buy glory.
you can fund that shit, though.

Free market enterprise doesn't demand you abandon history, reject property, or delude yourself on race

it promotes appealing to the lowest common denominator since that's what makes the most money, resulting in a degeneration and trivialization of culture

capitalism is not an ideology, it's natural law that came to be when men have freedom. There's winners and losers, which might not be fair, but then again, that's life.

Big businesses become as oppressive as a fascist government.

Capital is regressive.

When you have a million you can risk a thousand to make another million.

When you have barely a thousand you cant risk a dollar to make two.

But we have to take immigrants because muh GDP

>Monopolies like Google, Twitter, etc. abusing consumers while having grown so large they're practically invulnerable to free market competition
>Market forces rewarding trivial nonsense and the degradation of culture
>Bezos et al. putting good, hardworking citizens out of business
>Profitability coming at expense of beauty (art, architecture, etc.)
>Allows individuals to grow so wealthy they can challenge or otherwise influence the state

some things are worth more than money
hoppe understands this

>name one (1) criticism of capitalism.
There are a billion of these.
The most obvious probably being that unregulated capitalism will inevitably lead to consumerism.


Nazism isn't the third position, Fascism is. And yes, they are 2 different things.


>Hitler puts nationalism in the worst light possible
>nationalism is not viable anymore outside of Japan and dictatorships which end up corrupt anyways so they don't even count

B R A V O ADOLPH, WELL FUCKING DONE, ruined the entire world

>placing all the blame of two world wars on one guy
bravo brazil, well fucking done

I said that Hitler is to blame for nationalism to be so frowned upon, what the fuck are you going on about?

>name one
Capitalism has no defense against internationals and the global banking system.

thats why we dont have pure capitalism in america but the system we have now has given us the highest GDP of any nation

>what the fuck are you going on about?
I'm talking about
>placing all the blame of two world wars on one guy
bravo negro. really, do go on about how hitler was single handedly responsible for the wars and the holocaust and globalism and everything

again putting words in my mouth, how about you learn to read first? if you're not going to provide a rebuttal then at least don't reply to me, amerimutt

Jews get rich in capitalism.

holy shit you brainlet. this is my third post now attempting to convey to you the degree to which your retarded opinion is facile and superficial. nationalism is an entire political school of thought that was commonplace the world over and you blame its disappearance on one guy. you implied, and I quote, that hitler
>ruined the entire world
please, go ahead and expound this groundbreaking revelation for us all and show us what brazilian intellectuals are truly capable of

>AnCap for unlimited decadence
In Brazil, since we are already in the bottom of the decadence pit, would it get worse or better?

Unlimited growth is unsustainable in a closed system like, say, the earth.

You are americsn and therefore most likely too dumb to understand it, but it's worth a try.


OP's image is almost as gay as he is.


Capitalism venerates privatization to highly that we privatized our currency, effectively giving monetary control over our entire society to an alien body. It didn't happen to us after the 1960s when the hippies emerged. It didn't happen to us in the 1990s with all the grunge Gen X MTV apathetic were emerging. It didn't happen in the 2010s when everyone became a soulless vapid social media whore.
It happened in 1913.

Capitalism and free market principles dealt us a fatal blow well over a century ago. Currency and banks should both be owned by the people, not Jewish foreign interests. The system needs regulation, it needs to be forced to work for the people's benefit.

unlimited growth is the ideology of the cancer cell

Likening humanity to cancer is the ideology of a self-hating leaf

Leads to the death of ethics over time.

As Mises himself has said: "The anti-capitalist ideologies survive at the cost of the same."
No entrepreneur declines the opportunity to profit on the hate for capitalism. This has provided a demand for authoritarianism, that will probably be supplied by the market itself. Just look at past soviet satellites whom, ironically, are now the most anti-communist/socialist populations on the world, while the entire west is succumbing to the fantasy of utopia. Not even Russia could disseminate these ideals as efficiently as now capitalist societies.

>Poland survives communism to become at least a somewhat nationalistic and redpilled country
>capitalist countries become degenerate shitholes

Capitalism apparently is more harmful to a population than communism

money can easily be converted into power through bribery and illicit funding of criminal elements. Capitalism will probably result in governments being controlled by corporations in due time. I still think capitalism is the least bad of the systems, though.

I don't. I want representative consular meritocracy.

It's run by jews

However o agree with this
Art suffers, or at least the public appreciation of it does

Its not really the economic freedom associated with capitalism thats bad, its the culture of ideals that sprout forth from it.
Capitalism and free market ideals feed directly into the notion of egalitarianism. If given the right opportunity anyone can rise to the top. The idea that hard work is all it takes to succeed.
Those delusions lead people into accepting things like mass migration and slow disintegration of national identity.

Man doesn't go forth into the world and see everything as his equal. We learned to harness our environment, how to tame animals and master them. All of our technological and societal progression has been based around this one fundamental axiom, that we force things to work for us. Except when it comes to economics, here the Capitalists tell us that we need to leave it unrestrained, we'd be better off if things ran their course!
This is patent nonsense.

That's only because art turned into one of the greatest money laundering vectors.

*its poo.

Stakeholders are systematically disadvantaged and stakeholder-oriented enterprises cannot compete against purely shareholder-oriented enterprises.

Normal capitalism is the natural expression of cooperation between adult non family members and has been so since the Stone Age.
Capitalism as we know it today (without capital, replaced with fake authority) is a crime against humanity.
Capitalism is like a train that should be applauded for getting the goods to you on time. Sadly (((someone))) cut the brakes and now the train is hurtling around and around the tracks and will kill everyone if/when it derails.

>name one (1) criticism of capitalism.
Natural monopolies. Check mate ancap faggots!!11

There are no flaws it is the only legitimate way to handle the scarcity issue. Nationalism is a spook

It is only a spook when you don't have socialism, but when you have socialism you need nationalism to stop outsiders from exploiting socialism.

Natsoc here.
Capitalism only goal is profit. If something harmful must be done to earn more, FUCKING DO IT.
Push young naive women to have sex with anyone or even anything, in front of a camera. Does it make a profit ?
Yes. Do it. Fuck your daughter, fuck you.
Workers in other countries cost less and stfu ? Import them or send the jobs aboard. Fuck you, fuck your family.
Etc etc.
If anything, however vile and disgusting, bring schekels, do it.
The market must be under scrutiny and punished with absolute severity when harming your nation.
Natsoc here oc.

It doesn't give me free money to be a leech, but i still love capatalism.

Pure free market capitalism can be gamed to an extent if corporations establish a duopoly or monopoly.also leads to anti consumer and anti environmental practices.

Capitalism is the best thing we got going so far. Robotic automation and AI may change all that later. The only problem with any organization including government is the bigger it is and the less checks and balances it has, the more it can be corrupted. Capitalism needs a ceiling lest any one entity become too large and challenge the structure of the free market.

When most people think nationalism, they think Hitler.
When most people think Hitler, they think bad.
Therefore, when most people think nationalism, most people think bad.
Doesn't matter how many other people practice it, people will write it off just because of muh six million jews