

Thats why Democrats get stuck at dead ends.

You only want to go forward if you are facing your desired destination. So saying that we should vote Democrat because it will move us forward is circular.

Well when you're driving off a cliff then R would be your best option.

Bang a uey then!

Also like driving you need a valid ID. Sorry, Paco.

Trips of truth

Checked and Kek'd


>travel to America
>park your car
>don't lock it
>can't be stolen


holy shit i want mass third world immigration now, thanks bumper sticker

so weak

If you think voting is like driving, you are the dumbest motherfucker on the face of the planet and, accordingly, you probably vote Democrat.

Bad analogy. If it were true you would need ID.

enforce voter i.d. laws when?

mfw in N and just along for the ride

only good leftist meme i have seen in a while

Wtf I hate backing out of parking spots now

Leftists confirmed for needing a gearbox that does everything for them.

On a stick that requires just a bit of effort there's only one letter.



When heading for a wall its a good idea to use r to save yourself and not fucking gun it with d.

It's almost as if were going backwards.

Holy Fuck Rekt

You need a ID to drive

and when you've driven to the edge of the abyss?

>choose one of two options
>thinks that is not retarded

muh tribe...

fucking cucks.

Here you are shitting up the board with your contrarian political stance. Ooh you're so edgy, putting loser Nazis, those evil White nationalist and the like in their place! Of all of the great deeds you could've accomplished today I feel honored that you chose to visit this Cantonese chess club forum and debase me. You could've picked up trash or volunteered at a soup kitchen, you could have even visited dear old grandma and brightened her day. But nope, the only loftiest of deeds for you user, shitposting. Great job

This is why Dems keep losing



Third post best post.


Damn son

>always go forward



This is true. I'll look for the stats but manuals (as we call them) are the lest stolen cars. Blacks can't drive stick.
