Czech Presidential elections 2018

Hey there Sup Forums
As you all might already know, Czech republic is the border of the western and eastern europe. We still haven't been cucked, and now there is this problem.
We have the presidential elections finale on 26. of February.
They are really similar to the elections in the USA back in 2016.
The 2 finalists are:
Jiří Drahoš(left on the pic)
Miloš Zeman(right on the pic) this is his reelection since he won the last time

I will now tell you something about about them

Jiří Drahoš(68):
Nice and polite, knows how to make that one count. Sucks Brussels dick, he is your typical leftie. Does sports and makes sure everyone else notices him doing it, visits people to spew his bullshit on them. Constantly bashes on his opponent. Wants to accept refugees even after seeing the shitstorm in Sweden, Britain and Germany.
Makes quotes like '2000 refugees cannot do no harm to us'.
Gets support from young peeps, all the normies and all the faggots.
He's a puppet, it's hard to read his intentions from the opinions he states as if these things aren't from his own mind.

Miloš Zeman(73):
A drunk, old, broken man. Makes Czech republic look really shameful by doing stupid shit and being really vulgar during his speeches.
As one of the few he supported and continues to support Donald Trump.
Heavily supports China and Russia.
Made a huge push against feminist band Pussy Riot right after his victory in 2013. It is clear that he hates feminists and all the leftist crap.
Is against refugees.
Receives a shit ton of hate, most elders support him for the reasons to me unknown.

A president cannot fix or ruin economy at all, he can veto tho.
I am surprised by how cucked people are in here, people who want leftists are absolutely fucking retarded and should die. Sweden, Britain, and Germany are fucked because of them and you want to invite them in here, the border between the insane and sane, Czech republic.

The fight has started.

My vote would go to Zeman, now you Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

gonna do the same, the alternative is shit from Kavárna and other neomarxistic places so that's a no go zone

>Makes Czech republic look really shameful by doing stupid shit and being really vulgar during his speeches.

that's bullshit. Whenever Obama or anyone else would say something vulgar, people would cheer and fucking clap, they wouldn't bash him for it, the only reason Zeman is getting the bashing is because he dares to speak against EU every once in a while and because he dares to negotiate with China and Russia and not dismissing them at every fucking occassion like a fucking neocon degenerate

Bump for interest

I vaguely remember Zeman referring to the country as "Czechia", is that controversial in the Czech Republic?

You're right brother.
It's however the main source of the hate at him and one of the main reasons for people not to pick him.

Not controversial at all my man, it doesn't matter a whole lot. I am used to using Czech republic after all these years.
Czechia is however more correct.

actualy Drahoš is against refugees into europe and againts quotas, you might think otherwise since he signed the petition of scientists whitch was (((against xenophobia))) but it seems he has changed his viewpoint acording to interviews

the real downside of Drahoš eor me is that he is for the implementation of the euro, but allinall he seems to be mostly neutral on other issues in general

i was honestly considering not voting in this election (the 2. round) but if it is true that drahoš is against imigration then I am slightly more in favour for him than zeman.

>We still haven't been cucked

perhaps i would be for zeman aswell if he was the same as in 2013 but as you said he is a broken shell of a man

Interesting. Who do you think is more likely to win? I don't know much about the Czech Republic but they make some amazing fire arms.

Quads confirm.
However, isn't it just an act? The vast majority of the country is against it, so he could say he's against it to gain votes. Not sure if he can be trusted.

OP why have you left you own thread

not sure either but what can we do, shit that comes out of the mouths of the candidates is the only thing we have to make our choice and anyone can say that they have changed their opinion on a subject and sometimes it even is true, I for example was a bleeding heart liberal only 2 years ago and since then basicaly all my views have turned 180 degrees

True. I, too, used to be a leftist until 2013. Then I started to look into race and iq...

the polls are not out yet I belive, also we have a debate to look forward to, but my opinion is that the odds are something like 50/50

lets roll czech faggots

we have to educate people, education is key to a good future

> ekonomicke-migranty-bychom-meli-obratem-vracet
.. a ubohych negrov utekajucich pred vojnou prijmu aj 10 milionov ;) nedajte sa ojebat chlapi

My vote is for z-man

when do you have your next election slovak?
also how is euro working for you? i heard that you are starting to manage it quite well

no podle výzkumů drtivá většina migrantů je těch ekonomických, takže záleží na tom co nejrychlejc ukončit tam ten konflikt aby se tam mohl vrátit i ten zbytek. Ale asi máš pravdu s tím, že je podezřelé jak to takhle obratně specifikoval.

nj, slováci sa nechali a volili serešovského análnika "lebo fico"

anyway, I read that drahos demanded to get questions for presidential debate or he wont even show up, Im now 100% sure that he is czech variation of our president, presented as "nice, neutral, clean guy" by (((media))), but in reality he is libtard puppet, that isnt even allowed to voice his personal opinion and all his speeches are wrote by ngo parasites and will call people fascists and racists as soon as he will get into position

also listen to that slovak user, sure he is (((against))) "economic migrants and quotas", then the eu will single handedly make them refugees and he will be perfectly ok with voluntarily taking million of them

it is true that he basicaly came out of nowhere and instantly everybody is shilling for him, witch is strange to say the least

Good luck pepíci.

We fucked up brah, both presidential election and euro, due to not having any other voting option.
Euro seems to be effective now, but it will likely turn to a pump and dump.
Peoples minds are fairly uncucked tho.

Are they lying?

>Drahoš je „vítač“

>Dezinformace: Jiří Drahoš chce do České republika přivést islámské migranty, podporuje kvóty

>Fakta: Jiří Drahoš opakovaně deklaroval, že je proti migračním kvótám. „Nutit je (uprchlíky - pozn. redakce) trvale žít tam, kde nechtějí, a učit se jazyk, který je jim cizí, by bylo v rozporu s evropským pojetím lidských práv,“ stojí na jeho webu, Odmítá také ekonomickou migraci s tím, že takové migranty „nepovažuje za ty, kteří by v Evropě měli dostávat azyl“.

>Dezinformátoři šířící lež „o vítači“ argumentují také Drahošovým podpisem pod výzvou Vědci proti strachu a nenávisti. Ta bývá jeho odpůrci vykládána jako důkaz toho, že Drahoš podporuje otevření českých hranic pro migranty.

>Ve skutečnosti to není výzva k přijímání, nýbrž výzva k diskusi „s chladnou hlavou“. Je to výzva proti strachu, hysterii a rozdmýchávání nesnášenlivosti. Žádné „vítání migrantů“ neobsahuje. Což lze snadno ověřit v plném textu výzvy.

>„Spojování prezidentské funkce s rozhodováním o migraci je navíc nesmyslné,“ dodává Petr Nutil z iniciativy Pravda vítězí. „Prezident nerozhoduje o migrační politice země a mimochodem ani o přijetí eura. Nemá totiž zákonodárnou moc, tu má jen Parlament.“

>Peoples minds are fairly uncucked tho
thank god fot that
since we are in the center of eourope, we have to resist propaganda both from the west and the east, hope the tide will change though and the west will start to wake up from their own retadation, because being a part of the eastern block again is not a happy thaught. ferhaps there is a way to be independant from either side, but one can only dream