Trump says we shouldn't aggravate Russia

>Trump says we shouldn't aggravate Russia
>Mattis says Russia is greatest threat and we must have a stronger military than them

Other urls found in this thread:

>listening to the lying press in 2018

>implying it was ever over

>we shouldn't aggravate Russia
*sends arms to Ukraine*
>Russia should be our friend
*proceeds to bomb Syria air base with tomahawk missiles*
>we need good relations with Russia
*FBI raids Russian embassy in CA*
>I love Russia
*Claims victory over ISIS in Syria even though CIA niggers tried the hardest against Russians*

This is 4D chess, amirite magapedes? xd xd xd

>bombs Syria air base
We had to send a message, not our fault yous sided with the wrong people. Trump was kind enough to give Russia advanced warning and no Russians were harmed.
>sends arms to Ukraine
So stop trying to conquer land. We have the right to sell weapons to whomever we want, they won't be used unless Russia aggravates them.
>claims victory over ISIS in Syria
Any victory in the Mid East is our victory. Deal with it.

just admit, mutt, that you have another (((president)))
Say it with me, mutt: "MUH BEST ALLY ISRAEL. BASED BIBI"

Yeah, he's got Jew influence, but only because he's dumb. He goes back and forth based on who talks to him. But whatever, siding with Jews is letting us take out Muslims, who are equally bad. Honestly I'm all for it, causing disruptions in other countries is making sure no one can have a chance at taking our spot. Russia and China are getting too big and ambitious and need to learn their place, under the American boot.

>American boot
>Israeli bootlicker projecting, kek

JDIF shill detected.

user, is it warm and cozy there in Isreal?

My family immigrated her from Germany and Ireland. I may not be fully white, but I don't have Jew blood.

It's actually China. If mattis can't see that, we've already lost strategically.

>Trump says we shouldn't aggravate Russia

Since when? He said he wanted to work with them on defeating ISIS, that's about it. They don't wanna do that either, judging by the fact their MoD takes screenshots from video games and uses it as propaganda to say we work with ISIS.

Honestly, why are so many of my countrymen fucking cucks? Do you think China, Russia will suddenly be our bestest friends and not our geopolitical fucking contenders simply because we have a new president? Do you think world powers are like anime characters or something? China and Russia will pull the same shit they always have whether or not we have a president who agrees with them or not. And Trump basically said the same thing; he'd like to work with them, but if they don't want to work with us, that's cool too, fuck them.

Goddamn. You people need to get a set of fucking balls. "Oh noooo I hope we don't piss off Russia theyre gonna nuke us" jesus christ you fucking retards remind me of libshits saying don't piss off Muslims.

>I may not be fully white

He said Russia and China.
My family have only been here for 3 generations and moved into a German community. I don't have Indian genes.

>Oh noooo I hope we don't piss off Russia theyre gonna nuke us

But that's precisely what they're doing with China. They won't even mention them militarily.

It's China, period. China has the means to derail future American prosperity. Russia does not.

Russia is constantly siding against us and trying to take land in Europe. I have no doubt they would side with noko. They aren't a direct threat now, but we need to watch out for them.

>defending a foreign policy that can result in nuclear war and yourself being melted alive

Seems legit.

The USA is rapidly becoming irrelevant. I can hardly think of any product that is competitive with European or Asian ones, that is not some soft crap, like Facebook or pop music. The dollar is weakening, and US rating is falling is chinese agencies.

A tsunami of easy dollars is returning home, and they cannot take them without inflation and default.

Therefore, the only remaining alternative is World War. Understand that the US will push for war wherever they can because the alternative is bunkruptcy and economical and political irrelevance.

If it wasn't for Sup Forums I wouldn't care what the judenpresse is lying about.

Incredible insight.

EU shitposters are worse than leafs

Russia is playing vulture. The only real thing they can do is distraction and culture subversion. Chinese are the ones with angles of economic and resource superiority.

but drumpf is putins agent they said!

I have to stop you there fellow mutt. Israel is in a tacit alliance with Saudi Arabia, and our CIA intervenes on their behalf to support head-chopping salafists. Syria had a secular dictatorship before we armed an Islamic fundamentalist uprising.

This user is completely right, and it's why I personally don't mind the constant wars. We need to create chaos in these rising countries to remain relevant and keep American influence around the world. First it was Muslim countries getting too big from selling oil, now china's next. And I wouldn't be surprised if we eventually went to war with the EU to stop their military they are trying to create.