California Happening soon?

Is the San Andreas fault beginning to destabilize???

Other urls found in this thread:

learn to swim

>An Earthquake in California
>Holy shit it's happening
You understand the more these smaller quakes happen, the chances of a bigger one decreases? How about you learn to fault line, fag?

amazing post

you sure convinced me to follow your viewpoint

And anyway, that's not even the San Andreas fault, that's a completely different and unrelated fault line.
Eat shit

Told ya a Baja Quake was this week.
bye bye cabal D.U.M.B..

No one on this board knows anything about California. It's weird. It's like when the eurofags bitch about murcas food and the like. Most of this place is paradise - the cities are where are all the filth lives.

Shake down the cities god damnit! San Andreas wrath when?!!!

>the more of these smaller the chances bigger decreases


"The Southern California Earthquake Center last year warned small earthquakes along the faultline could trigger a larger one in the future.

Professor Thomas Jordan said: "Any time there is significant seismic activity in the vicinity of the San Andreas Fault, we seismologists get nervous.

"We recognise that the probability of having a large earthquake goes up.""


My last 2 digits are the magnitude of the next Cali quake

It was closer to Mexico. Not even BC. Mexico. You really got to waste my time and energy with fake news?
Yes, I'm sure a Texan who has no idea how a fault line works knows how a fault line works. It releases energy, but sure, stay in your scientifically impossible wet dream of it happening the same way it did in 2012.
This is where you messed up and this is where nobody takes you seriously. Absolute epitome of tinfoil hat fake news. It's Canadian Sun tier.


The botnet is malfunctioning.


Stop being such a retard. It wasn't in California. It wasn't even in Baja California. It was in Mexico and it was an unrelated fault line.

im a bit far fetched with this but let me just be schizoprenic for once.
What if (((they))) nuke cali

It's is actually you tard

I fucking hope so

I’m praying for mayhem
I’m praying for tidal waves

For Christ's sake, stop bumping a worthless shit thread.

Kek will bless California with a mind altering tectonic dab.
Give me digits if this be the Lord Kek's will

express is fine

they're quoting a professor in seismology, dumbass, and he's right

You are saying it like it's a bad thang.

That's what you'd like to believe, isn't it? Express is also the same website that thinks aliens are real. This quake happened in Mexico so no, it's not happening.

kek lmao.

I was out in the desert for work for 2 months. There were 10 noticeable earthquakes and 2 big ones.

Nobody talks about how the Earth moves a ton. Tectonic plates move. wiki tectonic plates. You'd be amazed at the Earth.


california user here. we need to go. i just hope trump rescues me

Nobody is coming user, we're on our own

Them they kill off half of the America's Jewish population, and 1/4 of the world's. It will never happen.