This is happening rather quickly, can we expect her to rape him soon?

This is happening rather quickly, can we expect her to rape him soon?

It's been like 2 years and this hasn't gone anywhere, i'm starting to get bored.

the author already spoiled endgame in one of their chapters.

>chapters upon chapters of just teasing
It hasn't gone anywhere, and I bet it won't anytime soon. This series could be the new detective conan in the sense that the author can come up with teasing scenarios for 20 years because the chapters don't add anything to the overall plot of the story.

Yes, i'm getting sick of Takagi-san as well. It was cute when it started, now it's insipid and repetitive. If I wanted to get disappointed with no plot progression i'd go read tomo-chan.

>actually thinking it will go somewhere

but I'm interest in how it'll get to that point.
What of she really did rape him, got pregnant and made him his slave
damn, sounds hot

my headcanon is that they get together in 2nd/3rd year of HS when takagi horniess can't be keept under control anymore and she rapes him in a broom closet or something with one of her "If you lose you'll done anything i say" games

>get tired of Tomo
>start Mousou Telepathy
>get tired of MT
>start Takagi
>get tired of Takagi
I'm fucking cursed, I know it.

>whoever cums first loses

>tune in next time where the MC blushes at something takagi says
>repeat ad nauseam

>Reading Tomo for plot
>Reading Takagi for plot
>Reading Mousou for plot
You only got yourselves to blame really.

I'm reading for the moments when MC makes Takagi says. Very rare, obviously, but very worth it.

They all seemed generally interesting with a hook, I thought they would actually go somewhere. But the authors are too concerned with milking the status quo forever.

Tomo-chan used to be interesting until popularity got the best of fumita so he started stretching the series with tons of useless and boring arcs and resetting the status quo anytime something may happen with tomo and jun.

If autists didn't find Carol or Misuzu cute the threads would be 100% dead.

He goes all in. And looses / wins (on purpose)?


do not proceed

Gotta make her cum before he's allowed to pull out. Clearly he loses

>I thought they would actually go somewhere
Nigger, they're clearly episodic. Were you expecting Kaguya to go somewhere, too?

But the cumming game is a team sport.

It's clearly an excuse on her part to get him to knock her up anyways the details can be hazy

Turning points need to be just a little bit more frequent, she's actually very easy to knock off-kilter he's just too much of a dummy to figure it out. That's part of why she likes him though.

D-don't say that. Kaguya's close to going somewhere. Any chapter now.

>tfw can"t post my smugs because rangebanned

>Not after getting leglocked

But Kaguya isn't episodic you moron. Just because we haven't been introduced to +4 girls who want the MC's dick in the first 30 chapters as fucking Nisekoi did, it doesn't mean it doesn't advance.

Guys, you're not supposed to read this for real plot progression. We already know they get together.
It's just cute.

They made a figurine for that, the fuck?

That's hardly a fair game. But I can see it and her smug face

>Tagaki cums - a lot
>Oh, no! I lost!
>Convinced he has a surefire way to always win, he challenges her to this game over and over and over again.
>One day, she leglocks him and clamps down with some insane pussy game. Turns out she was luring him into a false sense of security and waiting until her cycle was at the peak time to ensure impregnation
>Looks like I won, she smugs.


>ywn ensure there is more smuglets in the next generation than in yours
Why live

When's the summer festival chapter?
A kiss under the fireworks incoming.

Consider that when a mango writer makes a mango that takes off they initially had a short term plan of what was going to make it interesting without planning forward or even being familiar or comfortable with what would be needed to extend that setting or scenario out from where it began

have the writers actually made romance mangoes before or did they just have a bunch of funny ideas and skits in their heads that ended up taking off and that's their wheelhouse?
Consider it a blessing in the skies beacuse they could end up writing a really dumb romance plot instead of just remaining in neutral.


>no bra

I think going on a date and getting seen by his friends without saying anything is progress. He's already admitted he prefers to be with her over his friends, etc.

That being said, how do they actually progress? Once they official date the manga is over. I guess a series of bets until an event like a festival can do it.

they've been dating for a while now user

its not a date unless they both call it a date

I love this game but I lose most of the time since I take forever to cum in 3d puccie.

then you should win retard

Well, the point was actually cumming right? Just like the "just the tip" game.

It is just going to end in disappointment like Mysterious Girlfriend X and nothing will ever actually happen.

Years later and I'm still mad.

>expecting something to happen

What the fuck is wrong with you guys?

I'm glad I inspired something.

Because in real life, he already knows. In real life, he likes her teasing him so he pretends to not notice in order to keep up the comfortable relationship.

In real life, she eventually gives up and moves on, leaving him in a pit of despair and regret.

To be perfectly honest, can you see the canon sex we know they're having at some point in the near future unfolding any other way? I mean I'm sure there's plenty of nights where they just stare into eachother's eyes while making love passionately, with lots of cuddles and kisses, but most of the time you know it's going to be business as usual and the master of teasing is going to cook up all kinds of bedroom shenanigans that always keep him from staying on top too long.