How much nigger ancestry did ancient Egyptians have?

Did they have any?

Egypt is in Africa so I wonder

Before or after Ptolemy took over?

Also nice picture

Most of them had none. They're closer genetically to modern day Turks and Copts.

Came here to say this. Learn some geography OP.

My picture is meant to demonstrate blackness.

African does not equal black.

in the atlas maior egyptians are depicted as pale skinned

Egypt had no niggers because niggers would be too stupid to figure out how to cross the Sahara

Before Ptolemy I guess. Nobody really cares about Hellenistic Egypt.

>Nobody really cares about Hellenistic Egypt.
*blocks ur path*

The Atlas Maior (which I'd never heard of before you posted) is from the AD 1600s.

Egyptians definitely would have had nigger blood by the time of the Atlas Maior. The Muslim slave trade had been going on for a long time by then.

maybe some peasant had it. Higher ups were white

the founders weren't nigs, they were Central Asian. They discovered gold in Nubia and colonized it. They took in nigger slaves. After centuries some niggers were assimilated.

Egypt peaked during Rameses 2 but the success bred degeneracy and the Empire collapsed after his death.

Then it teetered for a while until the Nubians invaded with an army full of niggers. Egypt got blacked.

Assyrians Esarhaddon and his son Ashurbanipal liberated Egypt from the niggers. They beat the shit out of them and pushed most of the niggers back to Nubia.

Egypt teetered for a while unto it was finally conquered by Greeks and then Romans.

Romans liked products from nigger lands like Ivory, leopard skin and Ethiopia had a port where shit from India arrived.

Romans opened up Egyptian borders to niggers to get shit from black Africa and stuff from India.

Egypt never recovered.

Ultimately the Arabs came in and finally erased all that was left of the ancient culture.

>which I'd never heard of before you posted
You should definitely look for a copy, the heraldry is beautiful.
The egyptians are depicted like the greeks on this picture (bottom right), dressed with turbans and possessing light skin.

Maybe the peasants but not the rulers (except for the 25th dynasty of course.)

Interesting picture.

The slaves were niggers and maybe some peasants mixed with them.

Ancient and current Egyptians are largely Hamitic, which are Caucasoids ranging from fair skinned North Africans to darker skinned northeast and east (the Horn primarily) Africans. They had and have no Bantu ancestry which is the nigger kind.

Arguing over skin colour is dumb because no matter what they we're still Caucasoid which is defined by cranial/facial features and other things like hair texture etc, not skin colour

Nowadays Egyptians have nigger blood.

No they don't. They're largely still E1b1b1 and J, both of which are AfroAsiatic Caucasoid lineages.

In Africa it's usually the other way around where the Niggers have some Caucasoid blood, which comes from when they invaded Eastern Africa and killed/mixed with the local South Cushitic (Caucasoid) people. It didn't help much as they're very much still negroids. The Rwandan Genocide was inspired by this, where the Hutu negroids killed the Tutsis, and ethnic group that has some South Cushitic blood. The Hutus were largely jealous and mad because white colonialists had made the Tutsis the ruling class of Rwanda because they were closer to Caucasoids. You can easily guess who the Tutsi and Hutus are in the photo attached

Maybe the lesser citizens were niggers but the pharaohs have been proven to be of european descent

The Pharaohs were of varying descent. Mostly Hamitic E1b1b1, and some European (Macedonian) and others.

I hate when people make general statements about ancient Egypt, a "concept" that stretches over 3000 years almost. You need nuance.

wrong. fake news.

The original Pharaohs were of R1b Central Asian stock.

E1b1b's came after the mixings. Tut was R1b and he was sired by a dad who upset the status quo by going full monotheistic. His dad got deposed and he died without kids.

The original melange was likely heavy on the R1b and probably some R1a and Q. The J1 and J2's probably came from Iranian, Iraqi, and Syrian fucks who wandered in later.

R1b also appears to be the oldest Eurasian y-chromosome found in North Africa, Sahel region. The one from Chad is one from right after the end of the ice age and at the dawn of the R1b movements.

All of the remains that have been studied demonstrated lower levels of sub-Saharan admixture than the modern Egyptian population.

Did the remains even have a single drop