Is this the most unlikeable and obnoxious TR*GGER protagonist?

Is this the most unlikeable and obnoxious TR*GGER protagonist?

Nice to see that Marilla Cuthbert is still in good health.

No that's Simon



No, that's you

No. This stupid bitch was.

Ryuuko was fappable and not a literal autist. That automatically makes her more likeable and less obnoxious than Akko.

t. not fappable and literal autist


Ryuko is a very good character, plebs.

Where's she going?

>likes motorcycles
Kys faggot.

Yeah, I've never understood why some people only like moeblobs.

hello Sup Forums

akko is pure and you can fucking kill yourself

No, the autist from Kizunaiver is.

Akko is love.


This, nobody likes Kizunaiver.

What I mean is if your waifu is someone like Onodera you should consider suicide.

Ryouko is best MC and I thought she was the cutest Trigger girl, then the TV version of LWA came it, Akko is even cuter than Ryouko.

Are you implying she isn't? She wins every fight by outsmarting the opponent.

She is literally dumber than her shirt.

Senketsu came up with a plan to turn things around 2 times, Ryuko 7 times.
It's not even close.

Akko is perfect, kill yourself


She's not unlikeable but she's definitely a moron that can get on your nerves every now and then.

Akko is a great protagonist though. Not her fault the story is poop and the supporting characters don't get nearly enough story written about them.

LWA the TV series was a big mistake.

Simon wasn't obnoxious, though- just really, REALLY dull, like even after you got over Kamina.

No, actually, that would be me



Characters like that almost always get shit. You retards who seriously think there are two types only show how shallow you are.

I hope Chariot doesn't die from this dumbass, that would ruin the show for me

>TV series was a big mistake.
Here the truth.

Chariot dying would be the only way anything ever stuck in Akko's stupid head for more than a second.

I have never been so legitimately frustrated by a main character before and I've watched some dumb shit. Akko is not cute, she's overbearing and insensitive to other people. She's only good when other characters are showing how and why they're better than her.

The TV series was a mistake in that Akko is the sole protagonist. If the other girls had larger roles she wouldn't be nearly as intolerable.

>Akko is not cute, she's overbearing and insensitive to other people.
That was Akko in the second OVA if anything.
In the series she always goes out of her way to help everyone and to try to understand others.

>Akko is not cute, she's overbearing and insensitive to other people.
She just can't keep her mouth shut, but TV Akko isn't as much of a dense cunt as OVA Akko

She wins every fight by getting a bullshit powerup.

She wouldn't be so overbearing if the show wasn't 100% about her all the time, she be fine if the show share attention to other supporting characters


She's just fem-naruto so it's expected that she's shit

what the hell are you talking about


Did constanze make that for her?

She's easily the best and it's not even close.

> Better than Luluco
> Better than Ryuuko
> Better than Inferno Coppu

I'll give you Kiznaiver and InouBattle, but come on. She's so fucking obnoxious with no redeeming traits- only the people around her make her tolerable.

Her stupidity becomes tiresome.

wt* did you just say about akko

Think about it for 5 minutes. They're literally the same character.

The protagonist from Kiznavier is worse

examples? I cant think of any

but if she suddenly become smart it wouldnt be entertaining
Sucy yay is now depend on Akko yay

get your shots done at you local GP first girl, otherwise you WILL find out that a STD is something other than an area/country code on an old telephone.

She's a real bitch in the 2nd ova its really poorly written there was no reason for her to be mad at Sucy, the 2nd ova felt rushed


She's easily the absolute best trigger girl,you people are autists and worst mc is luluco

whats the difference between her and akko

Luluco is halfway good at what she does. Akko is not.

Akko is halfway good in the OVA

Dropped LWA at episode 2. Does Akko get any less annoying later in the series?

>over emotional

that every protagonist ever tho

She stays the same even tho she said she learn something she doesn't.

As long as we all agree that pic related is the best Trigger protagonist.

Akko sucks but every character sucks even more for putting up with it and folding to whatever she wants. Even situations where characters are completely correct about how garbage she is as a person it gets flipped as if they're in the wrong.

>believe PSG to be trigger

Like pottery.

I'm watching ttgl, currently at eight episode and it's unbearable without kamina. Does it get better? I enjoyed the first episodes, but Simone is a bitch.

Watch it faggot

>not even best girl of her show
some artists which worked on PSG are currently working at Trigger. If you want to talk only about the studio side of business, good, but the animation was made by animators, and they are can switch studios. And at the end of the day, it's the ppl who drew this that created the characters.

Trigger producing anything over 7 minutes is a mistake.
I wanted a proper sucessor for gainax but we got a studio that can't pace or structure shows for shit.

Yeah I just meant that strictly speaking it's not made by trigger.
>Not even best girl of the show
Finally something we can all agree upon.

You've hit the biggest dip in the entire series. Stick with it, the best is yet to come. Kamina believed in Simon and you should too, believe me.

Yup. I got frustrated with Ryuuko's retarded "I'm a monster!" character arc but Akko's just retarded all around so it's 24 times as worse.

>Ryuuko's retarded "I'm a monster!" character arc
There was nothing retarded about it, it was even foreshadowed when she lost her shit about Senketsu being a weapon created to kill life fibers, it was obvious her reaction would be even worse being about herself.

Akko is literally the Homer Simpson of anime characters, she's annoying as fuck.

Since when did Trigger become the next Gainax as the spankboy for the bulk of Sup Forums bitching?

When they decided to make more anime.

Akko is the cutest bawka ever. I want to lick her armpits so bad!

Didn't that arc last like one episode before she got diddled and mindfucked? I don't remember her whining about it long enough to really get frustrating.

Blame the shit writing.

Luluco is the worst.
She's Akko times thousand and doesn't even have a good enough design to justify her shittiness.

Luluco was (marginally) better than Akko.
I at least felt bad for the bad things that happened to Luluco, as she really didn't deserve most of it.

Nope, pic related. I forgot she existed.

Diana worse

Fuck off, underage shit.


I never said Panty was the best girl in PSG (she is pretty great tho). Just she was the best Trigger protagonist in Trigger, which is true.

The problem with Trigger is that they got all of Gainax's best animators, but not their best writers.

All the Trigger talk that goes in in the LWA threads reminds me that I'm still a pleb.
>mfw my 10 y/o brother just told me through the phone he watched all of Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann while I was out of town for a week (studying, uni shit), and is now begging me to watch it by myself
I have never watched it and I had other things on my "animu/mango priorities list", I only know there are giant robots throwing galaxies at each other, a timeskip, drills and a chick wearing revealing clothes and cool glasses. Should I watch it? also considering KLK and stuff, is it fine that a goddamn 10 years old kid watched TTGL? I literally have no idea what kind of stuff happens in the show or where it is in the spectrum.

Onodera is great. Back to Sup Forums

>Should I watch it?
>giant robots throwing galaxies at each other, a timeskip, drills and a chick wearing revealing clothes and cool glasses aren't enough incentive to watch TTGL
Rap is a man's soul, user. Come on.

>(she is pretty great tho).
Nah, she's a cunt.

My sister and I recently re-watched the 1985 CBC series.

Comfy shit, man. Makes me yearn for childhood summers back in PEI.

Should I watch this show?

Just watch the first OVA and episode 8 of the tv show those are the only good things in LWA

Will I miss anything major if I skip to episode 8?

Can't see why 8 got so much praise. It was a fairly boring filler that used an old idea every cartoon show ever already came up with at some point.

Its fun surreal and kind of an adventure which is what I wanted from the show, I also wanted it to be more about akko sucy and lotte doing stupid shit but its too late to want that now

No you won't , I dont recommend the show at all just that episode the show has a boring overarch story line about akko being the chosen one and its really gay

akko deserves rape

Really brings me back.