Virginity should not be seen as negative trait, rather it should be ignored

Virginity should not be seen as negative trait, rather it should be ignored.
This bourgeois cultural hegemony along cultural norms that have been influencing western culture since 60`s are full of degeneracy.

Sex is not commodity, nor thing that you should have with strangers or people who you barely know.
Sex is thing that should be ideally reserved between lovers, to strenghten their relationship, an intimacy shared by only them. Also, all research indicates that sex does help in emotional bonding with person you´re having it with.

All of you sick fucks who still support this cesspool culture of "sexual liberation" set forward in this capitalist society to make it commodity and norm make me sick.

Our modern culture in this regard is destructive both for mind and spirit of my fellow men out there.

This culture that is fed to masses by capitalist class via mass media and mainstream culture is destroying our views on sex and society.

There should be no reason to tolerate this degenerated culture and not to strike against it via counter culture.

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Pathetic raid from leftypol


>anarkiddies are left-wing

Topest of keks.

good post

t. reactionary who still wants all communists shot, you unknowingly are a main front of advancing jewish degeneracy

That is market capitalism and its ideological hegemony. Our current social values arise form capitalism.

The thing is, we can agree that sexual liberation has been just a disaster, however I don't think you see the bigger picture.

It's not Capitalism that made this sex obsessed culture. I'm a Capitalist and I disagree with the notion of the sexual liberation.

The issue is subversion. Free sex and porn is being used to subvert both men and women into being nothing more than docile servants.

Now, to whom you may ask? There could be many answers: China wants to see that its Communist regime takes over; Israel actually started promoting the image that "porn = freedom". Anyone who studied the impact of porn would understand that it has been used by a weapon, not by the forces of Capitalists but Imperialists who want to conquer a nation.

I don't think the cause is Capitalism as given people who were Catholic oriented, they were against sexual liberation and held the value of not having sex until marriage(which worked push society forward). In fact if you had sex, you were forced to marry the girl which if anything was good.

All that I can say to that is, that capitalist countries keep porn legal while China bans it for the social good of society.

In fact I'll add another point of contention. During the Soviet Union, they promoted the idea of "free love" which did exactly what you see is happening today in the west.

If you read a book on the Orphans of the Soviet Union, you'd find that they employed the same "everyone love everyone" tactic, and destroyed state powers that would give consequences to such actions.

The end result was a huge influx of orphans in the Soviet Union who were forced to starve and serve the government. In fact it caused a massive famine in Russia.

Also, you'd wonder why "Capitalist" countries are keeping porn legal. It's because many of the state regulators and people currently in control are pedophiles, deviants, disgusting power hungry assholes, thieves and Crony Capitalists.

In fact the FBI and CIA are full of pedophiles and people who want to do harm to the country. Look into the rogue CIA who were instilled into the government under Clinton and how it almost turned the country into a nightmare

lmao cummies

Found the virgin

I can convince this socialist to stop being a socialist. It's not that hard to destroy the Frankfurt School of Thought's disciples

I`m bit skeptical of that, considering the history of marriage laws in soviet union.

"Trotsky is associated with the abolition of the state and the family; Stalin with their reintroduction. To re-introduce marriage is not oppressive, as Trotskyists and Feminists argue, but merely a return to the age-old custom of all human societies: a recognition of human nature. Trotskyism, with its promotion of Gay Marriage, reduces the two sexes to one, and Marriage to the status of sexual partner."

They reinstated it after realizing Trotsky's vision was destructive

Virginity is a positive that way you know some Aids ridden Nog hasn't ruined the women

A little more:

"The communist economy does away with the family. In the period of the dictatorship of the proletariat there is a transition to the single production plan and collective social consumption, and the family loses its significance as an economic unit. The external economic functions of the family disappear, and consumption ceases to be organised on an individual family basis; a network of social kitchens and canteens is established, and the making, mending and washing of clothes and other aspects of housework are integrated into the national economy. In the period of the dictatorship of the proletariat the family economic unit should be recognised as being, from the point of view of the national economy, not only useless but harmful. The family economic unit involves (a) the uneconomic expenditure of products and fuel on the part of small domestic economies, and (b) unproductive labour, especially by women, in the home - and is therefore in conflict with the interest of the workers' republic in a single economic plan and the expedient use of the labour force (including women)."


Trotsky was a fascist-aligned traitor in the first place, he never was a bolshevik but political opportunist. In 1910`s he was opposed to Lenin, After the revolution he joined bolsheviks only to start aligning with fascists.

Perhaps so. Furthermore,

"Why did Stalin turn? No doubt it was partly because the family had stubbornly refused to die out, and its official revival would be generally popular and help to deal with genuine social problems; but the main reason was surely that the regime had simply allowed too large an area of Soviet life to escape its control. It was not only that the

{p. 38} Soviet concept of 'free marriage' - involving divorce and abortion at will - had proved a social failure. It was rather that no fully articulated Soviet attitude towards marriage and the family existed at all. The only answer was, so to speak, to 'patriate' the family - to glorify it as a popular, essentially Russian institution.

In other words, on this question as on so many others, Stalin resorted to compromise between Marxism-Leninism and the Russian tradition. The family was good because it was created by the Russian people; hence it was good because it was socialist too"

How exactly does capitalism have anything to do with sexual expression?

Chocolate capitalism,prostitution,porn industry and dating industries come to mind.

>Trotsky was a fascist-aligned traitor in the first place
>Perhaps so.
What kind of an retarded autismo conversation is this??? He definitely was a communist, what is the retards version of not a true scotsman fallacy?

Prostitution and sex slavery happened under the golden age of Islam too. Did you ever hear about how Muhammad wanted to turn Spain into a sex market for Muslims?

You're not wrong, friend.

Here's one of the strange things. I don't think the OP is a Communist but more so necessarily agrees with the works of Marx and Engels.

Both of them did come to the conclusion that "as the mother grows away from the children, they are neglected and grow up as savages".

I think there is a fundamental Mismatch between a Communist and a Utilitarian Socialist. It's a bit more interesting than I thought.

We need to be honest with ourselves. Not everyone is fit to reproduce. For those who are not, there is no good reason why they shouldn't have casual sex and get whatever satisfaction they can get out of it, as long as they remember to use birth-control. Sexual restraint is for people who have both the means and the will to get a good long-term partner.

Hahaha this sure looks like a reliable source

Just as reliable as Bitcoin.

I`m doubtful that he was a communist never in life, considering that he started as Narodniks(agrarian anti-Marxist socialists), later joined Mensheviks(social democrats) and after death of Lenin formed the united opposition with right-wing mensheviks whom supported market economy. During his excile he kept in contact with national syndicalist groups and other proto-fascist elements.

>Sex is not commodity
Everything in this world is a commodity to be bought in sold, in one form or another. There's a limited supply of women and competition.

Given that perspective, virginity should raise the value, as you're buying the produce new.


> bourgeois cultural hegemony

starbucks faggot detected

It looks like the right and far left can both agree that meaningless sex is degenerate.

Look Boyo, I'd prefer to have someone smart change their opinion with facts instead of closing off the conversation.

The things is, the "far right" are merely national socialists. They're all on the left which is why when you took a person from Germany during the 1940s and put him in Russia it wouldn't be long for him to convert ideologies.


Alright "buckaroo", see my post above that you faggot.

Alright friendo, it's nigger faggot.

And I do agree with that.