Allowed in ethnostate?


Other urls found in this thread:

how do you tell where the breast ends and fat begins

Human zoos.

Allowed in fatnigger

As cattle, sure.

Are you going to eat her? Anyone that size is useless



imagine being that...
...and we sit here and complain about not getting laid


This thing goes to grease-powered electric plant.


remember when we had those? good times

she is big enough to be a state.

pure aryan

Never underestimate some good fat as a lubricant for WW3-Machinery.

How do you tell where the leg ends?

Looks pretty white to me

that thing probably gets laid.

yes our ethnicity would be nothing without her

>Sup Forums 2018

that's the sad truth

Her front butt merges into a thigh butt and then finally a knee butt.

what about these guys

I would unironically ironically feed her to the pigs

>"america visa...check"
>"you may proceed miss Obongo Javier-Cruz"
>"Sergent, emmenez la créature à la douche et envoyez le gas"

Where can I buy those bras? Asking for a friend.

Stop lying, youre asking for your mom...

a little spice is always a good thing ;)