Can someone give me an unbiased account of how marijuana prohibition started?

Can someone give me an unbiased account of how marijuana prohibition started?

It's like the whole world illegalized it all at the same time, and nobody has really given a good honest historical account of how or why this happened

Other urls found in this thread: of marijuana prohibition, long

>amerilards first learn of it from mexicans
>decide they would rather have an excuse to incarcerate mexicans than have a recreational drug
>the rest of the world follows suit because everyone does what america does

This doesn't sound likely.

>Why did X thing happen in history?

It's not a real account, it's a type of bullshit history people spew out when they want to demonize something, ie: pot prohibition.

Granted, pot prohibition is stupid af but i doubt racism is what caused it

Lots of good documentaries about it. of marijuana prohibition, long

Long story short, 1937 Harry Anslinger developed his career by being "tough on weed" and America forced other countries to do it too in 1961 Single Convention on Narcotic Drugs.

>Figured out to make more cost effective paper using hemp / hemp fibers
>Big paper guy in us snaps at this
>Mexicans come to us, some of them smoke this
>Unknown to everyone else there
>Ban it
>Ban lifted during the war for hemp ropes
It happened in the 30ies

That's what I know about it, something like that
Amphetamines and barbituares etc you could just buy at the pharmacies till the 60ies if you wanted, after that one started to get strict on all this shit.

I think we first got these laws here in the 70ies when it comes to cannabis at least

Marijuana means Tobacco in Mexican-Spanish.

The correct term is cannabis.

> Muh Hemp
Jesus Christ you stoners will go to any lengths to defend your god drug.

Indeed, the recreational aspect is the last of reasons

Then why did other countries do the same? Why did the USSR and China ban pot when they could have been making bank selling it around the world?

Was pot a potential for free enterprise, and that's why it was prohibited in communist countries?

Can you give a better reason besides muh degeneracy?

why did you ban it in the first fucking place?

Marihuana means marijuana in spanish retard. Cannabis us the active principle.

the united states has a history of using their military prowess to force their morals on the rest of the planet. it's fucked up, but it's what they do.

Bullshit, USSR and China didn't have to bow to anyone especially in regards to their drug policy. They barely did trade with the USA as is.

Soros supports it. And most people don’t even care, just like how most gays don’t even want to get married.

Because they didn’t realize that years later hippies, niggers, and stoners would promote it.

Legalizing drugs means the cartels and pharmaceutical companies lose power.

As as always, (((((they))))) don't want that.

>Soros supports it.

Like I give a fuck you brainlet. I bet a bunch of non-shady billionaires support it too because it's a great business opportunity

that's not answering the question. goddamn you moralizing fucks are such worthless pieces of shit.

Before World War I, Germany was the world cultural hub. Then it was the United Kingdom.

ZOGmerica did not become the #1 superpower until after World War II.

Hemp was a better, cheaper, alternative to Americas current cotton industry. As a result, the cotton industry lobbied to make cannabis illegal. Now, the government uses the plants psychoactive properties to continue the ban, despite it being benign in its natural form. The problem lies in THC concentrates that are coming out, and causing people to get fucked up. Still, at the end of the day, being fucked up by THC equates to having a somewhat unpleasant experience, and taking a nap. I do not support legalization. I do, however, support decriminalization. I am an American, the government can go fuck itself, and stick its nose elsewhere.

Your chart is backwards.


so, instead of investing in a cheaper, easier to grow plant that worked better than their current material, the cotton industry chose to lobby the government in order to get it banned. this is your theory? why would they not simply plant the hemp and profit from it themselves if it were really a better cheaper alternative?

I don't know the history but the answer is obvious.

The cotton industry was already a massive infrastructure. Processing cotton and processing hemp is not the same thing, nor would it use the same machines.

You're basically asking these companies to suicide themselves and build their companies from scratch and thinking it's like planting a few extra cotton bushes.

hemp and cannabis threatened multiple industries

>adapting to new technologies and materials is business suicide
that's what sears thought, and look at them now

Are you guys getting mad? Take a nap, you seem tired.

It IS business suicide.

Especially when you're trying to enter into a hemp market from scratch, where any asshole with a plot of dirt can grow hemp for cheap, and sell the product for cheap.

>any asshole with a plot of dirt can grow hemp for cheap, and sell the product for cheap.
if any asshole could do it, some asshole would have and then sold his company, equipment included, to a larger company

They pushed this in the UN as a resolution there, so coutries that didn't even know what that stuff was, banned it.

India I think, is the only country who didn't ratify it. I am not so sure about the details here.

They used to grow it all over the place here, it was common in the old days. There are many places names and expressions that reflect that. Though the hemp they grew were not aimed at recreational use, you know to make a lot of these substances and grow more of that shit etc. It was grown for the fiber, you know ropes, clothes and whatever.

It came with the hippies though and then the police started to crack down on it. People didn't even know what it was. Like during ww1 shipping and so were cut off / limited. So there were no tobacco, and as a substitute people started to smoke this plant that's used to flavor beer in stead (humle in my lang dunno anglo). So they quite clearly were not aware of this shit at all lol

One surving expression is
>Totally in the hemp
It doesn't mean what you think, it means that you are out in the field, which again means far off / stupid.

Same as to be "helt på jordet" means, totally on the field

Why does the current agriculture industry lobby for mono cropping, when there are healthier, more environmentally friendly options available? Change cost money, and, when the system works, why change it? Industry is always backwards, which is why subsidizing better, more efficient ways of doing things as an incentive should be at the forefront of our governments agenda. Instead, you have the Coke brothers throwing millions at the government, so that they subsidize their gmo crops, use their fertilizer made from their oil products, as well as their herbicides, which their gmo crops are resistant too. It all comes full circle my dude =]

If you think explaining the reasoning behind something is being mad, sure.

aha, makes sense. I probably remembered wrong, it was cotton and not wood based paper.
It's a very long time since I heard about this, fuzzy.

>Why does the current agriculture industry lobby for mono cropping,
they dont

Please KYS.

no results found
stop making shit up stoner

It was the paper industry as well, though I believe textiles were the bigger issue.

That would not be included. You have to look up each company lobbying, and see how they do business. To make it easy on you, all our biggest crops use mono-cropping. Maybe do some research before you speak on a topic you know absolutely nothing about.

i farm 900 acres and i and every other farmer i know rotates corn and soybeans
nobody wants to monocrop because it fucks the soil

>Mogul Willian Randolph Hearst has a vested interest in making newspapers from wood pulp instead of hemp
>Mexican potsmoking gang of Poncho Villa causing trouble on some of Hearst's tree farming land
>Hearst, with the help of some friends in the mainstream media and law enforcement, create campaign against what spoopy Mexicans call "Marihuana" so that average Americans associate the cannabis plant with intoxicated Mexicans and uppity black jazz musicians
>Hearst's campaign successful almost entirely thanks to clever PR and advertising
>war that was actually about hemp solely justified based on racebaiting propaganda about intoxicant most Americans didn't use or know about
>much later cannabis becomes drug of counter-culture
>similar propaganda tactics as before except now it's dirty commie hippies and uppity blacks instead of Mexican gangsters and uppity blacks
>even pot smokers widely believe the war is about the intoxicant when it was actually an excuse to suppress industrial hemp

literally a soyboy

William Randolph Hurst owned a whole shitload of paper Mills and Timber for those Mills. Hemp/marijuana became easier to breakdown for industrial/commercial purposes from the invention of the decordicator. Hearst, threatened with a significant loss of profits from the change to hemp paper from traditional paper. He also owned newspapers (Hearst Publications). He printed a bunch if basically bullshit stories about niggers and spics raping white women high on weed. He was responsible from changing its name from cannabis to marijuana to associate it with spics. Marijuana is a Mexican tabacco plant. Hearst was the original fake news. Also, Citizen Kane was a whole movie about what he called his mistress's pussy.

If you do this, good on you. The majority of people growing soybeans and corn in America monocrop.

> but Y mono-croppin tho?
> das rayciss an sheeit senpai
> dem YTs needz dem sum diversity in dey feelds

another idiot who doesnt understand agriculture

if you plant 10 acres of wheat you harvest 10 acres of wheat.
only have to configure the combine once and even in ancient times, you only needed to cut bind, thresh and winnow one type of grain.

if you plant a random assortment of grains you cant harvest them all at the same time, you have to separate out the different grains, threshing and winnowing are handled differently, and the seasons they grow in are different.

youre a moron.

We've had it in history for thousands of years but psychoactive cannabis was kind of bred out of Europe after classical antiquity, they valued it more for its fiber strength and bred Cannabis for fiber rather than for medical uses (in Rome it was used medically, particularly for childbirth to slow down bleeding and make uterine contractions stronger but not as painful)

So basically we had about 1200 years of not being exposed to drug grade cannabis and it stopped being part of our culture. It wasn't something white people normally did. But it was still done in Asia, and with trade during the age of discovery came "Cannabis sativa indica" the subspecies to designate Cannabis strains from India and Asia that were still potent as drugs. It began to see increased use in spanish colonies in the 18th and 19th century, They called it "Marijuana". For a time it was also popular among working class whites, especially soldiers, in the south. But the spanish common name gave it a stigma that it was a "mexican" drug. Now go into the early 20th century, it had also been taken up among blacks, particularly in the Jazz scene.

Now go into the 1930's. Dupont wanted to market its new artificial fiber, Nylon. Nylon's main competition, was Hemp, particularly for rope, cloth for tents and sails. So Dupont sought a way to get Hemp off the market. Between that and some factions in congress (those who were also in favor of alcohol prohibition) and other businesses (timber companies competing over paper pulp markets) they sought to criminalize "Marijuana" and connect it with Hemp to make it illegal They capitalized on racial stereotypes (Mexicans and Negro Jazz Musicians) to get the public to accept it, made "documentaries" like "Reefer Madness" and the Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 was passed, making you have to get a tax stamp to grow hemp and to sell it, they started arresting people for possession and selling without the tax stamp.


>1 post by this ID
Nigger you don't even understand the fundamentals of crop rotation, KYS. We are shooting ourselves in the foot with current agricultural practices. Stop shilling for the Jew.

Nothing to do with racism. That was the good goy explanation. It's because muh textiles didn't want a cheap plant making their existing sourcing methods and processes made obsolete

Now let's jump forward a few decades after WWII. Now we're in the 1960's, and drug abuse is becoming a widespread problem, partially because of CIA programs like MK ultra which exposed people to psychedelic drugs trying to see if they can mind control people with them.or use them to incapacitate enemy troops without killing them. It spread way beyond that and academic circles into popular culture.

So now the government had a vested interest in stopping drug use. The Marihuana Tax Act of 1937 was declared unconstitutional, so they drafted a new law, the controlled substances act of 1971. They also used their clout in the UN to make all countries declare a list of drugs illegal under the singular convention on psychotropic substances .

So the US made it illegal and pretty much forced everyone else to make it illegal too.

Marijuana being schedule I, was largely in part done by Nixon for racial reasons (targeting blacks who vote democrat, and the "Jewish doctors" who were in support of keeping it legal) He's even been recorded on tape saying it.

>Henry Ford’s first Model-T was built to run on hemp gasoline and the car itself (body panels) was constructed from hemp itself. On his large estate, Ford was photographed among his hemp fields. The car, ‘grown from the soil,’ had hemp plastic panels whose impact strength was 10 times stronger than steel.

but just blame the lazy niggers and spics or whatever

only about half right

> hearst invests in pulp wood for paper production, tries to corner the pulp paper market
> dupont develops "nylon" textiles, totally gonna be the new hotness!
> swedish inventor invents a hemp rhetting machine that turns hemp into usable fibers at a tiny fraction of the cost of pulp paper or synthetic nylon
> hearst and dupont shitting bricks
> hearst's brother in law is cousin of dupont ceo, harry ainslinger
> ainslinger is a methodist (no fun allowed puritanical shitstabber)
> hearst and dupont send ainslinger to washington as the first "drug czar"
> ainslinger invents the scary sounding word "marijuana", which is not used anywhere in the world to describe anything
> claims "marijuana" is a new drug used by mexicans and jazz musicians to enslave white girls
> hoover accepts this idiocy without question cuz it comes with huge stacks of cash
> ainslinger remains "drug czar" from 1930 till 1962
> 32 fucking years pushing the same retarded lies and nobody ever questions his claims
> US pushes UN to impose "marijuana" prohibition on member states
> still nobody asks "what the fuck??"
> 80 years later, cannabis is finally getting a fair shake

thats actually how it happened.

"mono-croppping" and crop rotation are entirely separate issues you dipshit.

"mono-crop" means planting the whole feild with one (mono) crop instead of a mix of different plants that "work in harmony" (somehow...) to reduce or eliminate the use of pesticides (again, somehow)

this supposed "synergy" is like planting marigolds around you tomatoes to keep the horn worms away.
it doesnt work, and certainly doesnt work on a large scale.

crop rotation is about polanting different crops ONE AT A TIME in the same feild, in different seasons and years to reduce pests like root nematodes, tobacco worms and whatnot, which only survive on certain crops and die off if you plant soya instead of corn the next year

you are a moron who never worked a field in his life.

Anslinger and his merry band of moral outrage lost on alcohol prohibition, so they went after weed.

I’m about to go balls deep. If I see Anslinger, Hurst, or Hoover I’ll ask them what the real story is.