The Promised Neverland ch. 039 Spoilers

Text summary in next post

Other urls found in this thread:

- A sudden hole opened, they fell in it .
- something about the fauna and the flora inside
- But emma & the others children can't climb so they're looking for an other exit.
- something about the corpse of a beast
- something about roots attacking children.
- they can't burn them in order not to be spotted due to the smoke.
- Emma took a book , there's some plants descriptions in it.
- it's an adventure novel from Minerva one of the 2 books mentioned in OP

>others children
Eh? They find other kids or children = Ray, Emma, Thoma and a little retard?

- Emma was dragged onto her belly and a large chasm suddenly appears at her feet. She falls inside and finds herself in a cave with all of the missing children.

- The cave has no vegetation or insect life at all. Emma found quickly found that it would be impossible to climb up the steep walls of the stone, so instead she starts looking around the back end of the cave for an exit. She finds small flowers that grow only in the few spots of sunlight that reach the cave from the surface. Emma is so engrossed with a flower at the base of a large tree trunk that she takes a moment to see the dried up animal carcasses hanging from the tree.

- She judges their situation and believes that the underground cave was a feeding ground used by an unknown plant that preyed on animals.

- The roots of the tree attack the children. Emma takes one of Minerva's books out of a bag. She reads a page of the Encyclopedia that says that the smoke from a fire could help Ray (?) find them, but that smoke would attract their demonic pursuers. In the Encyclopedia there also seems to be a description about the plant life form that is attacking them. This book was one of the covers that Emma didn't know the Morse Code written on it, William Minerva's Survival and Adventure Story.

>that the smoke from a fire could help Ray (?) find them
>yfw Ray lost his family and was left alone
His suffering will continue forever.

Sci-fi/ fantasy world confirmed. Interesting direction they are taking.

So the fantasy adventure book was actually a survival guide, nice.



Literally shounen Seven Seeds. I'm fine with it, though.

I had another dream about this series..
Basically Ray and some others convinced a devil that he was Norman so they could escape their current location. Emma's VA was shitty.

Wouldn't that be Dr Stone?

If the adventure book is a guide, the mythology book might stand for the story of how the demons came to be.

For now there seem to be no references to Peter Pan, I don't remember a scene with
carnivorous plants. I hope that there will be refeences to the bible, like I theorized in this

Two chapters into the outside and I'm already starting to lose interest. So they meet some shitty plants and emma cheats her way through it with the book? Wow that automatically allows them to overcome whatever they encounter. Nice job. How boring.

Emma is my wife.

>tfw the picture is deleted
You still got a copy of it you can upload onto imgur in the meantime?

Should't you be busy donoring that sperm, Norman?

>reminding Norman he must impregnate women that aren't Emma
That's cruel, user.

Yeah now I'm away posting from phone, once I come back home I'll upload the missing pics

I'm starting to lose interest since Norman's shipment apart from chapter 32. Things got worse without him.

Fuck, it's been so long since the World Trigger threads that I actually missed you, shitposter

Do we get to see Anna? I want more Anna, she's so cute.

We Predator now.

She's carnivorous demon plant food now



Hey hey hey hey

I cannot upload any images, do you know why this could be happening?.

4chins is dead

We couldn't post earlier. I'm sure they are slowly fixing the site.


It is fixed! I'm the one who asked before

Why is Leslie so popular

Leslie is a cutie.

Was he another silver haired child?

He probably had a light hair color considering how his hair's drawn but we don't know the exact tone. Maybe blond, maybe white, who knows.


Nipponese EmmaXNorman fags are drawing parallels to Isabella and Leslie, which is why there's been so much new art of him

Oh yeah, I've seen a lot of those comments. I guess that makes sense.