What made you make the journey Sup Forums?

Suffered unprovoked aggression by minority thugs?

Lost out on a job or college admission you deserved to a darkie placeholder?

Got sick of having your bike stolen as a kid?

Merely see what absolute poison they are to our societies and our culture?

What was it?

>in all fields

Telling the truth is politically incorrect so that's why I'm here now

your game is weak, faggot

I wanted to fulfill my dreams about becoming a meme lord but being a meme Lord AND an SJW doesn't work.

My family being complicit with organised harassment from left wing groups in my area, apparently having me believe I'm insane is preferable to admitting that I was being massively harassed.

I just realized other races of people will never ever give a fuck about me


Interestingly enough, black, spic, and nazi is the same gangs in prisons.


Everyone else was a gay aids riddled nigger loving dick worshiper.

Please elaborate

Just an insatiable love for the truth, my nigger.

Someone asked me if I was into politics. I said no. He said I should be, it's important. The week after occupy wallstreet kicked off and I looked into what these faggots were up to. Now I'm here. That's literally all it took. Never underestimate the power of a small conversation.

Sup Forums is not alt-kike, nice try.


the propaganda here is that the alt-right is depicted as all angry white men (angrywhitemenistan.jpg)
this is a misrepresentation.
avoid these threads

also the 'a;t-right' was made up. it doesn't exits

How long ago was that

what the fuck are you on about kid, and why the gay-ass meme flag?


Nice try but it's pretty clear you're the shill or just paranoid. What threads do you recommend, friend?


I choked with the bluepill four years ago when i did lsd for the first time.
Today i lurk here just because global media is full of lies. Argie media is corrupt as fuck too, but more stupid and deficient.
I actually feel kinda sick when i try to watch tv, it's fucking weird man.


Fall 2011 I think.

Ya, it's not the idiots fault. It's the racists fault, ironically.

I've always hated leftists and nigs
Ever since I was a little baby on Sup Forums having fun with raids

I always knew the end result

Don't want a future like this.

If I was a rapist I would totally rape a black woman

Obama was my true awakening to it all i guess. The way the nigger always defended his kind and shoved aside all else.
Then came the simple facts.


>f I was a rapist
I see you're white

it doesn't come naturally to him

>beat up by group of blacks
>out competed for mates
>jews are actually the fucking reason
>actually commited hate crimes

Ron Paul. I was tired of the neocon bullshit and had ran out of ammo to defend the Iraq War. I was still a Republican but felt Republican leadership was shit. I was unknowingly a neocon myself though because I thought Israel was our greatest ally. When Ron pointed out that the bloated military and our middle eastern wars were bankrupting us I knew he was right. I knew he was right about blowback.
His attack on the Federal Reserve helped me understand that our financial system is privately ran and in the hands of certain people- I then first began to notice how many Jews ran the Federal Reserve. His defense of the 2nd Amendment helped educate me on those who were attacking it- mostly Jews. Its difficult to ignore the cultural marxism's jewish roots- I have Sup Forums and the old /new/ to thank for that.

White person expecting engineers to work for Mexican wages, because Pancho says he can do what I do, so that justifies me having to work minimum wage. Pancho gets hired by white business owner, white business goes bankrupt because everything falls apart and fails. White business owner blames millennials because he couldn't hire professional help at shit wages.

That's what turned me to run my own business, because I knew I can out compete these businesses ran by complete morons. I now run a manufacturing plant in a town full of retired boomers that hate me because I now have more influence than them. Oh and I hire white people.

Quite frankly, niggers and spics are partially to blame for being here, but the greatest blame goes to a lot of business owners who are bringing these fucks into our community in mass, destroying wages and absolutely destroying the workforce, pushing skilled labor out of the area.

My not being an easily manipulated idiot

I've noticed that leftist faggot soyboys like to disguise themselves with that flag, kinda like the whole ski mask/bandanna thing on the street.

I started my journey about 20 years ago. it's a lifelong thing, and I've always been weird. I took it more seriously when I was around 18-20, quite literally taking "red pills", then got disillusioned watching the liberals spiral into madness (while my life problems distracted me from politics). Years of self-imposed blue-pilledness. I hated trump, but I became extremely suspicious during "pussygate". It reeked of propaganda. I was already familiar with Sup Forums, used it a lot over the years. I took it as a sign that I needed to start researching the most extreme, yet relatively trustworthy, counter-culture, anti-mainstream-narrative group I could think of. Pol. If there was that much pushback against trump, I knew there had to be SOMETHING juicy going on. And pol was the best place to start hunting.

I was already aware of how "toxic" pol was. But I've always been a fervid lover of offensive topics and free speech. I don't care how "mean" something is, if it makes you laugh, think, or consider something new, it's invaluable imo. I think it's more interesting when people are honest, even if their honesty is "most unorthodox!!!". So even though it was shocking, I was very open to the culture, unlike a LOT of lefites. In fact, my openness to these things has always been a sore spot between me and the left (politically, but also in my relationships).

Pol finally got me to look into conspiracies around ww2/nazis/jews, too. I avoided them previously because it was just too big of a topic. I didn't want to go at it completely blind, given the immense amounts of propaganda around it.

All that said, my journey has helped me understand myself, my history, my culture, and why I've always had a problem with lefties (even when I believed I was one). My mother was the head of our household (bless her, she works very hard). I experienced first hand how destructive marxism is. and I'm still struggling to accept and understand all the impacts.

this is a common path, similar to mine

The realization that everyone else engages in identity politics, and that if whites did any sort of self advocacy the state would get involved. I was a civic nationalist until charlottesville, that rally showed me that the ethno nationalists had a point.

I've always been right wing, mostly because I knew the teachers were lying.

This happened to me, I just started speaking in spanish though and they started treating me all nice, well I still got the jist of what was going on though and that was enough to push me to the right even if nothing bad actually happened.

thanks Juan, that was really deep

This image is accurate. Every ethnicity for itself. It’s the natural way. There’s a reason why prisons are naturally segregated.

I haven't made the journey, but I'm on the fence on the last one. It's last resort for me, as I have non-white/European friends I wouldn't want to cut ties with over genetics. I'm a filthy individualist like that.