Gf is heavy into conspiracy theories, especially illuminati/freemason media type shit

gf is heavy into conspiracy theories, especially illuminati/freemason media type shit

How do I convince her that it's (((them))) and not the Masons?

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After all, AIDS is a deadly, incurable disease. But no matter how you come to judge Charles Wheeler and his partners, in ethical, moral, and in human terms, the fact of the matter is, when they fired Andrew Beckett because he had AIDS, they broke the law.



If she is that stupid and gullible it shouldn't be that hard.

Why must you spam the same pasta in every thread?

Give her the Protocols of the (Learned) Elders of Zion.

Frankfurt school

>How do I convince her that it's (((them))) and not the Masons?

I'm a freemason, ama

Also we don't control shit except for the secret pancake recipe...


Illuminati is grade school tier red herrings. Show her red pills about how kikes were kicked from almost every nation they settled in, WW2 essentials, how kikes own 90 of entertainment, politics, social media, etc.

Start slowly though, these redpills are not safe for women to take.

>I'm a freemason, ama
What level are you in the club? I heard some weird satanic shit goes down on the 33rd degree.

I'm also curious to know the links between the 'illuminati' and satanism

gf has shown me a lot of things on satanistic imagery in popular culture (crowns and butterflys and the like) and I've slowly been introducing her to cultural marxism. It's interesting to see the connections between the two, but shes not yet ready to make the red pill jump. It's too easy to blame the 'illumanit'

I am friends with a "high ranking" mason. His stories about his lodge were always hilarious.

It's both, Masons and Jews are allied. Both are degenerate and see themselves as humanity's overlords/gods. Both are the main controllers of world wealth and through that they maintain a rigorous power structure fueled with nepotism.

Just state the obvious. Jewish and Masonic families are the ones who control the money. They are at the top of the hierarchy and use their power to maintain this position. It's really not that complex and is no different than royal families trying to hold power in a kingdom for example.

I always figured the Masons were just a group that groomed individuals for success. Is she right when she claims that the masons are inherently an evil group?






Illuminati believe themselves to be above the rest of humanity, they consider themselves above God and are highly materialistic and power hungry which is why the link to Satanism (a highly individualistic and materialist philosophy) exists.

They aren't inherently evil so much as their goals simply revolve around making sure they never fall from the top, which if you want your people at the top instead you'd naturally oppose.

For you and me and regular people they are evil yes.




Jews were a tribe from the east (indo-china), stole the masonic knowledge from Egypt during their Hyksos reign in Egypt and continue to use the knowledge to shape the way society progresses ever since.
Imagine having an instruction manual that allows you to program and control human thought, that's the power they wield.
Freemasons were supposed to be the offshoot from the Jewish version, separating themselves from the oath to Nimrod, but I believe the 33rd degree level members are aware of the grand scheme.
In case you want some more info:

Lana radio 314
She has flipped more women than anyone

Tell her (((they))) are Masons.

Tell her all confessions were forced out of the nazi prisoners at numenburg they had there nuts crushed by jews that the brits brought in

Replace Illuminati with Jews and you'll completely have it accurate...hmm, I wonder if (((they))) made up the illuminati meme as a red herring blanket cover for the real (((question)))

have her read david icke, he calls out the real (((them))) rothschild zionism and zionist in general...

Also looking at the rockafeller family in the world wars just shows so much shady shit

Oh David Icke... that one edgy historian that every holocaust denier sources and worships. Sure made a name for himself that clever jew.

Illuminati are literally just elite goyim who have the power to rule along side Jewish families and thus have the same exact goals to keep the power structure in place.

Should we start referring to Jews as "illuminatis" going forward?

Freemasons are zionist, work with jews/are jews. GF is right they control everything.



"The Dancing Israelis"

Something funny about the Protocols.

>in sophomore year of college
>history was always my favorite subject though not my major
>start falling for liberal brainwashing
>speaking with history prof about book assignment
>assigns me the book Hitler and Stalin: Parallel Lives
>talks about Nazis and brings up the Protocols and how they were proven a "hoax"

That day, I looked up the Protocols and read a good portion of it as further research for the paper I'd be writing. Realized the shit was real. This was my first major redpill. I've wondered to this fucking day (32 now) if the prof slipped that in to redpill my young, stupid ass on purpose.

You do realize that Freemasonry was started by Jews?

The ancient mystery schools practices are alive today in Freemasonry and the Rabbinic religion, like in B'nai B'rith.


Prove (((they))) are the masons

Or get her to belive in isreal assasinating jfk

can someone dumb this down for me


straight up redpill this broad RIGHT FUCKING NOW you bitch
first of all, she's your woman, she should listen to what you have to say
secondly, you say she's into this conspiracy shit, well tell her the ultimate conspiracy - it's the fucking jews. say their name. say it.
then proceed to put on 8 hours of incontrovertible evidence that kikes are the top elites controlling our world and looking to destroy it. it's all out there bro. free info.

>big wars are bad for overall business
nigga wot?


Show her where Masonic beliefs / traditions come from, particularly the Temple of Solomon and the pillars Boaz and Jachin.

Show her where the word “cabal” comes from.

Show this.

>gf is heavy into conspiracy theories, especially illuminati/freemason media type shit
>How do I convince her that it's (((them))) and not the Masons?
>checks flag
Give her more meth.

what's the difference, they both work for the same 'god'

From some research I learned the Egyptians had it first, the Hyksos (Jews) stole it from the masons and created their Talmud with it. There's also a Kings Talmud, could be the same source and it's only given to the ruling/rich class.

Become a mason

by showing her albert pike and other writers who prove that masonry and illuminati is rooted in mystic judaism, u retarded?

>You do realize that Freemasonry was started by Jews?
Well that's wrong. Unless you're calling Scots jews, which, i guess is apt. But otherwise, jews weren't allowed to join until 1813, and even today aren't welcome in most places.

Guess you've not read Pike's work? He was more keen on Sufi and Aryan stuff.

How do I convince normalfags like you to leave the board?

Show her how all the people that control the banks, media and politics are fucking jews, seems that people don't want to see

Is this from Pike?
>In a speech of 1737 Andrew Ramsay makes clear the connections of the origin of Scottish Freemasonry in the Knights Templar, also making it clear that they performed the mysterious cults.

>JIDF post

Your third eye is what makes you have spiritual feelings/insights and shit, the government put fluoride in your water to calcify it and pacify you.

masonry is the goy branch of judaism

The International banking families in the cabal are barely %30 Jewish, most are catholic or occultists. Royal families are the puppet masters for freemasonry.

Don’t. Illumanalti are always helping you.

The real evil never shows its face

educate her on kabbalah magic and the links to masonry

Dont forget user. There are high chances she also has a piece of the truth. Its not all about the jews

Oh please like you didn't believe this stuff for a minute back when


No, that's from Ramsay's self aggrandising fabrication.

Show her all the slaves were brought over by Jews, and sold by Jews, in the US. It's a Twitter thread that pops up from time to time, but JACK is always quick to send that shit away

by realizing that they're all the same shit, goy. "Jew" is a deep-set trigger word. It's doesn't have any actual, legitimate application in the real world, except for the fact that a bunch of people who are ethnically similar claim to be "jews" and view themselves to be separate from other races.

The fact is, "jew" is just like "mason". It's just another name for a facet of the Beast.

If you're asking how to get her to look into the JQ, here's some suggestions. First, be very mindful of her current beliefs and interests regarding these topics. If you can, ask about how she came to these beliefs, what her 'journey' has been like so far. The more info you have, the better you can communicate on her level.

I'm assuming she's into the same weird shit as me, so I recommend specifically asking her about her thoughts on the conflicts in the middle east. Nudge her towards ww2, saying that it's important to understand the founding of israel in order to understand things like the israel/palestinian conflict. Any conspiracy theorist worth a shit will at least accept that.

If she's really bored by detail-politics, nudge her towards the history of religions and occultism and other related fields. Cater it to her preferences, biases, and beliefs. Be respectful towards her beliefs and relaxed, friendly, not too serious, but be firm with your own stance.

Ask some questions, don't try to control the convo towards any particular redpill. Since you're here, and since she's already open to illuminati, you're both on this journey together, and you both have something to teach each other. Please enjoy yourself with it. It's a wonderful chance to intellectually play with one another. Ask weird questions, open yourself up, learn how to let go of your beliefs enough to entertain her train of thought sympathetically.

She'll get there eventually. Anyone who shows even mild interest in NWO bullshit does. Have fun op. Don't be afraid to challenge her.

One by one, show her the massive Kike influence in each conspiracy
Mention Jewish affiliation in passing at first, then let her know how you find it odd that so many of these strange (((coincidences))) have heavy Jewish ties

dude give it a rest you masonic cretin.

>2 posts
Well you're easily triggered. But if you have the links you allege, please show it because i'm keen on both.

because you always come on here and shill for masonry like the tool you are

>against lies
I see you're a fan of fake news then. Wonder what you have to fear from the truth.

Truth of masonry? There is none. basically a huge larp that hasn't died out yet.

And this is dodging and reflecting. Seriously, what do you have to fear? Why are you always so triggered?


Jews control the masons, duh.

Masons were hijacked by (((them))) long ago. It's the same shit, except for being a Mason is like being in preschool.

That's right.

How, and to what end?

This and red ice in general

New World Order, One World Government. It's the Mason agenda. Of course they'll make it look like all the countries are not puppets of the same master just for shits. It's more fun that way, and easier to fuck with people.

lol wat

masonry is jewish now

it perhaps was not a very loooong time ago but now it's completely ran by jews.

>It's the Mason agenda.
How, though? Like what would the hundreds of disparate lodges all speaking against them be for that real control via banks and media can't accomplish?
>It's more fun that way
I'm guessing you're not a business owner.

i hate these side threads made by meme flags
we all know its for data collecting
'freemason AMA
i'm a jew ask me anything pol
is that really who control the world pic related some rothschild'
its sicking and boring and i hate seeing your threads over and over again

>disparate lodges
They are interlinked at the highest level, don't kid yourself. It's a secretive club with a lot of deception at play.
>speaking against them
Explain, who do you think they speak against?
>real control via banks and media
where do you think (((they))) get the new recruits that (((they))) need?
>I'm guessing you're not a business owner.
What is better? Pepsi or Coke? Control both ends of the spectrum and you have complete power.

>Saudi Arabia
What are you afraid of then? Why did you even reply with the sole intent of bashing the legitimacy of the thread?

all the answers are here

>They are interlinked at the highest level
Proof? Because in places like Aus and USA, they're not even nationally linked.
>Explain, who do you think they speak against?
Jews. Have you not read the degrees?
Start with Mark Master for fun. It's an allegory about the Jews being struck down for rejecting Christ.
>where do you think (((they))) get the new recruits that (((they))) need?
Family, mostly. Otherwise universities and internally. Not lodges full of people who either won't be qualified, or probably won't agree with them.
>What is better? Pepsi or Coke?
The hell does that have to do with anything? The point being that no one in charge of things is out to "have fun" with customers, because that would be bad business.

>posts this pic over and over again all over pol
come on even you kikes should try a bit harder

You dont, shes right and youre right, tell what you know and you'll realize its all connected.

Look on Apple 3D maps at the new jewish synagogue in Monaco. Has a huge masonic symbol on the roof.

> they're not even nationally linked.
Obviously your low rank in the order does not qualify you to such information.
>Jews. Have you not read the degrees?
This means nothing to me. There are Jews, and then there are (((jews)))
>Not lodges full of people who either won't be qualified, or probably won't agree with them.
Hence the ranking system. You're still good for lodge dues even if you don't qualify for promotion.
>The hell does that have to do with anything?
A lot.
>no one in charge of things is out to "have fun" with customers
> because that would be bad business.
On the contrary. It is better for business. Control both sides and you have complete control, pitting the two sides against eachother for ratings and profit.
Thesis and Anti-Thesis. Hegalian Dialectic.

>Obviously your low rank
>in the order does not qualify you to such information.
Or perhaps such "information" doesn't exist? And is in fact, contradicted by actual information? (Ie. financial returns by lodges and grand lodges, which are open to inspection)
>This means nothing to me.
Evidence? Yea, seems it.
>Hence the ranking system.
Ranking system?
>It is better for business.
We already confirmed you don't run a business.
>Control both sides and you have complete control
That's a separate issue. Of course you play both sides. That's why (((they))) love "democracy". It's also why it can be beneficial to own two similar businesses in close proximity. Because you're always better off being your own competition.

> financial returns by lodges and grand lodges, which are open to inspection
What is money laundering.
>Ranking system?
Oh, please...
You know I've seen a lot of MasonIDF threads recently.
So how much do they pay you for this?