How come Japanese people don't commit terrorist attacks in US of A in retaliation for nuking their country...

How come Japanese people don't commit terrorist attacks in US of A in retaliation for nuking their country, but Muslims do?

Asians not hold grudges they wish upon it

Simple really, the Koran commands muslims to terrorize the infidels

They did.... with the anime cancer.

Worse than anything the Mudslimes have ever done.

Better question:
How come the Japanese-Americans we herded into prison camps during WWII aren't trying to kill us right now?

because Japs are low T cucks

Because japanese people acknowledge they lost, arabs don't, because they don't know what honor is.

Because their society is infinitely better
for the average citizen since adopting democracy.

>How come Japanese people don't commit terrorist attacks in US of A in retaliation for nuking their country, but Muslims do
Are muslims concentrated within a small island where you need to go full recovery mode in case a bomb falls? Yes? No?

Isn't that varg vikernes?

Japs have honor and know when they are fighting an unwinnable war
Now Muslims on the other hand think they can fly airplanes into building and not expect Americans to destroy their civilians the same way they did to us

>Muslims do?
It's the Jews

We did save them from communism and paid reparashunz, so there's that.

Don’t you know everyone with half a brain see’s right through your taqiyya, ahmed?
Your book literally tells its followers to commit terrorism

Japanese people have an IQ over 80 and arent under the mindcontrol of a semetic deathcult

The Japanese were one of the most civilized nations at the time of the war. They had one of the highest standards of living at the time. They weren't savages. They fought like savages though. The fire bombings and nukes were necessary to ending the war.

1) Muslim ideology says that unbelievers are lesser beings and deserve to die. Muslim attacks have nothing to do with personal grudges but ideological dogma. Non-believers can show them nothing but kindness and they will still jihad them.

2) Japanese recognise that they started the war with the USA and they lost. At the end of the day nukes were weapons used in an active war. Japanese understand the difference between war and peace. Muslims do not. Muslims are always at war with non-Muslims and can not stop attacking people. Treaties with non-Muslims mean nothing to Muslims.

3) Japanese can forgive. They can look past the bad of the past and move forward. The bombs were bad, but that was decades ago. The threat from the USA is mostly over and they have moved on.

It’s both user

they want to be us

yea how do muslims in the middle east justify following a space jew or not just all ganging up on israel for not being muslims if thats mandated by the religion?

Because they're actually civilized.

Muslims had nothing to do with 911 burgerboy

Presumably because nobody bombed the supply routes to and from the prison camps, so they actually got to eat. Reminds me a lot of this other prison camp I heard about, something like 6 million died there because of allied bombing of supply routes.

Sure lebofag

Prove to me that muslims had anything to do with the 911 terror attacks simple?

Read the Koran
There is your proof right there, I can copy and paste quotes about terrorizing infidels, taqiyya, and jihad all night long but that would be a waste of time for a waste of space Islam apologist like you

Simply because they're not fucking savages who praise the moon goddess. Also those who deserve to be punished are dead anyway.

Too busy masturbating to anime.
I am too, to be honest.
Problem with Muslims is no anime.

Because Japs are actually pretty ok as a collective people. Every brown non asian is just statistically more likely to be shit.

Japs attacked the US and they are scared shitless we would chop them into fish food again.Israel should be scared they attacked the USS liberty.
Muh Allies. We keep those two shitholes close for a reason.

Because Japanese people accepted their responsibility for the war and sought to change government and economy to match successful western ones. Japanese people recognized the benefits of not being backwards shithole.

Muslim countries, especially arabs, have failed to do this. They follow barbaric religion and squabble over shit covered rocks, then flees their shithole home to west for better life but do not make the personal changes necessary to adapt and improve. They bring their degenerate primal barbarian culture with them wherever they go.

Its a Semitic religion like Christianity created by jews in order to control the goy el masse.

I dont believe that muslims did 911 but even if they did zionist judism is the root underlying cause.

I engaged in rough coutis with your uncle in the showers while we did time together. He loved to get on his knees and beg for me to drop warm drops of salty cum all over his forehead. I have to say for what its worth he was a really trooper really stuck in there and just hung on for dear life. You should be proud im sure you take after him. Xx

I think they just pity the US at this point, so sad to have fallen so far.
Muslims are just jealous, they think, like Africans, that the white man's success is magical and that they can steal this magic by taking our land and women, both absolutely worthless but it's all they know how to do.
But they can't steal civilization, they can only ruin it

Japan already corrupted an entire generation of young americans with anime and shit.

>Jews did 9/11

I am not sure what I expected of Australian education. Maybe migrant from Afghanistan?

Asians most certainly DO hold grudges....

The nukes were pretty human in comparison to a lot of things the japs did... think about it... can you really blame someone for using a huge bomb on you when you raped half of SE asia and were notorious for POW camps that put people through hell? The japs killed so many civvies in asia they buddied up with the USA mainly for protection.

Nuking is the most civilized form of combat ever invented.

They killed Patton so that he couldn't persuade the allies to properly take control while they easily could.

Because it would bring greato dishonoru

Look I know "jews did 9/11" has turned into a eye-rolling meme but there is fucking truth to it. Read up on the 5 dancing israelis and their arrests, read PNAC, read about operation northwoods, read about the AIPAC and zionism in general. Just pay at least a bit of attention to what the kikes have been up to before you start calling people bullshitter conspiritard crackpots.

fucking this nuking japan twice was better for them and the rest of the world

Because the west has no back bone anymore, the reason Japs don't fuck with us is because we nuked their sorry asses which is what we need to do so we can fix the middle east.

I think you need to open your eyes its not that hard to see jews are behind all Semitic religions hence are responsible directly or indirectly for 911 japcuck

They absolutely retaliate.
Uh, Japanese made high-fructose-corn-syrup. They got us good. Really good.

Money. Why would they bomb their best trading partner? Anyways WWII was circumstantial and the US and Japan went to war for pragmatic reasons that just barely made logical sense at the time. It was not a death struggle between incompatible civilizations, although the death toll might make you think otherwise.

Not inbred. Believe that people who do wrong will be reincarnated into a cockroach

Heavily inbred. Believe that they must kill people who dont worship a pedophile and murderer

Lol I want to kick the shit out of that old manlet euro-cuck faggot so bad.

Gee I wonder if you're a Christian.

I got a sneaking suspicion.


Limp wrist-ed fag kicks and no-power punches. The lack of self awareness is stunning.

Because Japanese people arent retarded desert people who worship a pedophile rapist.

Because the Japanese are humans and recognise that nuking them actually saved lives and WW2's end result was actually of benefit to them as their country is much better off now.
Muslims arent human and are commanded to murder anyone who doesnt worship a pedo and pray to a stone.
And they are fucking inbred so badly they cant learn from their mistakes

I have not call anyone "conspiritard crockpot" but I thank you for new words. They are very descriptive.

You may continue to believe silly things and commit to the mental gymnastics required to justify them in your mind. I understand there are also many who believe vaccines cause neurological disorders in children, the earth is flat, real socialism has not been tried yet, and Islam is the religion of peace. You may also continue to be the joke for more rational individuals.

If all abrahamic religions are equally responsible for 9/11, by your logic, the pope john Paul 2 is also complicit. It is an absurdity. I suppose also that Jews are responsible for Islamic violence in Afghanistan, or paradoxically Jews are responsible for the Islamic republic of Iran and its many acts of violence. If North Korea received nuclear technology from Pakistan and Iran, then the Jews must also be responsible for this. No?

Perhaps you will see how ridiculous your beliefs and flawed your logic is. Unfortunate I believe you will prefer to commit to denial and mental gymnastics instead. It is not entirely your fault to be misled, however it is your responsibility alone to apply reason when examining new information.

because its shogi, not chess or checkers

they have been successfully cucked

so true xD

Actually, nuking japan twice wasn't enough. they should have got nuked at least four times

You are not entirely wrong, however to say Japanese people appreciate being victim of nuclear attack is absurd. It was an unfortunate event which led to losing the war. What is appreciated is that the USA did all it could to make amends and build a positive relationship after. It does no good to hold generational grudges if a people or people's wish to move forward. Japanese and USA partnership is one based on forgiveness, cooperation, and understanding. It is the same for USA relationship with U.K., Canada, former Warsaw Pact client states of USSR, and Germany, and to lesser extent Vietnam and china. Former enemies who become stronger with cooperation.

>call any country "cuck"

Projection is not emotionally healthy user. I hope you get well soon. It is sad to see what your once great nation has become.

they should be

Jews themselves are not responsible.

But Judaism is. Judaic thought and tradition, the idea of a jealous God who accepts the existence of no other gods is responsible for leading countless Christians Muslims and Jews to commit acts of unspeakable horrer to each other and the world.

It is bigotry embedded in the fundamental principles set out by Abraham. All religions who worship this God of Abraham or "yhwh" are subverted by the racist and exclusionary values. The concept of a "chosen people"

The "chosen people" idea is so fundamentally harmful that it corrupts any good that scholars may have coming from Judaic, Christian, and Islamic thought.

And there is good and valuable revelations about the human condition and societies that have been made by scholars from all these traditions.

This is the influence if hellanism. The force for freedom, individuality, and unaversalism. Pioneered by the Athenian tradition. Spread to Judea by the Roman's where the values obviously affected jesus and the apostles and taken into the caliphites by the conquering and engagement with Byzantium.

However this "chosen people" dogma affects the work of certain scholars heavily, which is why I tend to disregard the value of scholars such as Augustin of hippo who although make good observations about the world, they are not wholesome as they ate view through the theological lens established by Abraham.

Based Czechia.

>How come Japanese people don't commit terrorist attacks in US of A in retaliation for nuking their country, but Muslims do?
Implying mudslimes kill because their countries get bombed. They kill because their Holy book tells them to.

Wow I really hate posting from the US, I'm a leaf traveling and I feel revolted seeing the burger flag above my post lol.

Because the idea of "blowback" is absolute bullshit. We've waged outright war with several countries. None of them produced terrorists which target us. We've interfered and meddled in other countries' affairs. None of them produced terrorists. We've intervened and sent troops to various countries at various times, none of them produced terrorists.

Yet this one particular group of people who follow this one particular religion want to attack us because they believe we are the Great Satan. They want to topple and conquer and subjugate the entire planet and either force the rest of humanity to either accept a life of dhimmitude, conversion to Islam, or the sword.


Because of our interventionist foreign policy? Well, if it were because of that, we'd see tons of terrorists from Central America and the Caribbean.

Because of the wars we've fought? Well, if it were because of that, there'd be a lot of Germans, Italians, Japanese, Vietnamese, and North Koreans out for our blood.

Or maybe it's because this particular group of people feel that, as people of the Sunnah, the Sunni Muslims, the inheritors of the legacy of the prophet Mohammed, it is their sworn duty to uphold their covenant with God and fight the kuffar until they either accept their dhimmitude, convert, or die.

No, that couldn't be it. That couldn't possibly be it.....

They know better.

Fucking this

>posting a bait image made by a notorious Korean 2chan troll

Because Islam inspires the warrior spirit

You have to be a fucking idiot to not think anime characters are modeled from caucasoid facial features
Compare a mongoloid face to a caucasoid face you dip

If you look far enough back into history you can find a way to justify any belief by manipulating belief and understanding. This is not unique to any culture or religion. However the conclusions you reach will not be logical if you use this information to justify a specific outcome such as "the Jews are to blame for _____".

Confine yourself to the present, to recent history, and accept that the most simple explanation is almost certain to be the correct explanation. The violence exhibited by Muslims is rooted in their own dogma and twisted interpretations of historical event, combined with an ideological affinity towards violence and victimhood or otherness from societies which are more successful. Quite simply; they desire the trappings of advanced civilization but refuse to adapt their own culture to the modern values that enable this. I apologize to digress slightly.

To simplified what I wrote in previous post: it is not sound logic to blame millennia old grievances or events for current strife. Not solely. If you are to blame abrahamic religions, the first being the Jew, for the conflict between the successor religions of Christian and Islam without considering the impact of centuries filled with myriad other influences and conflicts then you are being intellectually dishonest with yourself.

I apologize for my English. I fear I do not articulate as best.

Well said.

Japan most certainly holds grudges.

They're not your standard run-of-the-mill human. Japanese are preparing an attack on the USA unlike anything seen before.

They'll bomb the USA so much you'll be able to sail from Japan to Portugal in a straight line.

Fear the Samurai vengeance.

Too bad it doesn't inspire an IQ spirit

Yea. They're warriors but savages.

you both are pussy faggots.
nuking japan was worse than the holocaust
most asian countries welcomed their japanese overlords anyway.

typical low IQ Templar post. hahhaha fuck of idiot

Depends on the artist. Western faces tend to be more angular, and traditional beauty in Japanese culture emphasizes pale skin and fox like feature. It is generally not polite to discuss openly. Round faces and blunt nose are to be like a cow.

For great warrior spirit they are not very good at winning wars.

The savagery I mentioned ties into that. Of course their unadvanced civilizations couldn't win a war against state of the art military forces.

Civilized, cultured, along with a higher IQ

The Japanese deserved it, obviously.

>Hah, Westerners... always running to jokes when their hearts are full of fear!

Not only against more modern opponents. Between themselves. Or the Pakistanis against the Indians. Or the saudis against the Yemenis.

It seems obvious they are about as proficient in warfare as street gangs.

Please swissman. You are better than this.

>It seems obvious they are about as proficient in warfare as street gangs.
I'd agree but it's beside the point, a warrior spirit doesn't mean winning or fighting in an organized way.

>still believing they were nuked
The sites were crawling with people in a couple of days, people survived the point blank explosion and reports say japs were payed off to say it was nuked.
It was actually a immense fire bombing attack, it was a plot to intimidate the ruskies.

Please ask it in Quora, i really wanna see normies reaction

Asians are low test soyboys who accept their American masters

Why don't you ask it, then return and post results?

Be the change you want to see in the world, monkey.

They killed Patton because he was incredibly redpilled on the Jews and their control of the Soviet Union.

Japanese cultural ideology is different.

I thought the Jews feared the samurai. This is not a samurai. This is a Cuck herbivore.

>You may continue to believe silly things
You may continue to call the truth a silly thing to believe in. Knowledge is power so it's your loss at the end of the day.


And this is weak troll post under memeflag.

You are entitled to your opinion, but not your own truth. You will grow out of this and become a better person, or you will not.

good question, could it be the shit religion that is Islam or them being semites? Could be more than that because niggers have the same victimology mentality as semites.

I take it you didn't even spend a minute to look into some of the things I mentioned. How do you know I don't have the truth when I have more information regarding what happened than you do?

You have no reason to be so arrogant if you have only looked at half the evidence.

both of these faces exist in the europid spectrum as well as the mongoloid spectrum

stop posting if you are clueless

because jews don't like muslims more than asians

The Japanese are civilized.