I don't get it, just DO NOT INCREASE THE DEBT

It should be easy as fuck to balance your budget. Just reduce spending across the border. Reduce your social security 5%, your Medicare 5%, your Medicaid 10%, your CHIP 10%, your military 5%, your education spending 25%, your welfare 40%, foreign aid 70% etc. And you are golden. No tax increases required.

Doing all of these things would cause you to lose the election

You first to cleanse the country first.

This. People are addicted to their gibs. Doesn't help any that one of the major parties doesn't give a fuck about financial responsibility and only about increasing gibs for and non-white group they can pander to.

>Just reduce spending across the border.
This is why we shouldn't take advice from germany.

Impossible in a fractional reserve currency system, the money your govt borrows from the central bank gets charged interest.

Why don't every country make some rule where for every half trillion increase in debt, 30% of every politicians income in cut. 60% for the next

>You first to cleanse the country first.
What do you want, poorfag. Either hand in your EU membership application already or shut up.

This. The cuts will come naturally when you remove the leaches

just cut 100% foreign aid

don't worry pal we've got it all under control

It's almost as if some people profit from this

Debt ceiling must be raised each budgetary cycle. Debt is required to create money.

you don't decrease debt, modern economic theory is debt based where credit and currency are the same thing.

>reducing foreign aid would lose you the election
Lol wut

chose the one thing out of all the things listed which you possible could reel back without negative consequences the rest would be nigh impossible without real leadership

never listen to germany. They're absolutely clueless and retarded with their austerity meme

They told you the Trump train had no brakes but the truth was it was the America train that had no brakes. Thats why under Obama the neocon middle east axis of evil agenda continued as planned. This shithole can only move in one direction and that's closer and closer towards the edge of the cliff. Ride the tiger faggot.

Specially that of the senators. Everyone always seems to forget about those fuckers

Anyone else love seeing graphs like this??

You don't get it. None of that matters. Money isn't real therefore debt isn't real when you're the biggest bully on the block.

>It should be easy as fuck to balance your budget.
mate you, I and a couple other countries are the only ones in the OECD who are even surplus

Social security can pay for itself if they removed the cap on high income peoples. It seriously does not make sense why we straddle ourselves with that burden just to line bezos' pockets.

The rich get richer.

Let's just keep borrowing money infinitely. Nothing can go wrong.
I wish some US president would just spend absurd amounts of money and crash this whole system down.
How immoral can you be? If you borrow money you have to give it back. The end.

Another VERY EASY way we could save money is by stopping all the foreign aid. Especially to the EU, mexico, Africa, ect. We could also make countries pay their fair share into NATO(which is paying us to protect NATO countries). We could implement welfare reform(this is one of the biggest things we need to be doing, especially the welfare to non-citizens).

>They're absolutely clueless and retarded with their austerity meme
And that is why? Austerity has worked like a charm for us. Look at the interest we pay on our debt. Nuthing. We actually get freaking paid by suckers to take their money.

Poland your country is built on gibs from EU. Lets not talk about morality

>(which is paying us to protect NATO countries).
or you know just cutting your own military and pulling out of europe

Money is more of a chain to shackle goyim with at this point than it is a resource. If the economy wasn't rigged and fixed to hell and back it'd collapse tomorrow under the pressure of all the unpayable debts

>t. brainlet
Or polish? Eh same difference

or OR just hear me out we can cut taxes for companies and rich people then increase the military spending and have a shut down and starve all the welfare whores to death

pull yourself together america and just balance your budget

>reduce your education spending 25%
german education

>foreign aid. Especially to the EU
Dude, the EU doesn't receive a dime from you. Some Eastern European state receive military aid from the US, like Poland gets a few million in free old equipment, so does Portugal etc.

>cut taxes for companies and rich people
That is actually going to reduce your budget deficit. Did you not hear that Apple is going to repatriate hundreds of billions in cash?

How can a guy in full army gear including face paint and a burly beard loom like such a soyboy Faggot?
Oh.. the patch..
Nice Halloween costume

Education spending in the US is pretty much a state matter. But the federal government also spends billions on shit like No child left behind or Common core standards. The 25% reflects the bullshit programs.

We need to increase our military budget. I would love to pull out of Europe, as soon as we started packing everything up, they(euro countries) would be begging us to stay. Most people don't realize how much stability a US military instillation in their country creates. It keeps their neighbors honest.

Ok, give me $10000 and I will never give it back to you. Very moral.

>That is actually going to reduce your budget deficit.
they have gone well past the laffer curve this time

>cut military 100%

budget balanced. that's easy.

>We need to increase our military budget.
just tell europe and the world to fuck off, the you can cut your military and fix your budget

Reducing aid to Israel?

>I would love to pull out of Europe

America could pull out of all bases in Europe and Japan and nothing of value would be lost. This could easily safe 5% of your costs.

>they have gone well past the laffer curve this time
Is that why Ireland with its 12.5% corporate tax rate is sooo rich?

Then how else will Israel extract all our wealth via the fed?

>Is that why Ireland with its 12.5% corporate tax rate is sooo rich?
its not actually rich and rather average, they only appear to have massive GDP per Capita and growth rates is because multinational companies record their revenues there

GERMANY for instance hasnt paid the 2.5% GDP into NATO, in how long? Ohhh, that's right, never. Poland is one of the only countries that actually pays their 2.5%.

Lol. Like Polish EU contributions :P

the world economies committed hara kiri when they decided to move away from a commodity backed system of currency desu.

He shits the truth.

What was wrong with the old way is that you didn't show us the old way. Write it out step by step and it is roughly the same, but done in the other direction.

You say that now. Wait a few years, while you keep letting mudslimes flood your country. You think countries like turkey, ect, aren't eying the islamization? Once they import enough mudslimes, you'll be easy pickings to invade. But hey, I'd love to close down our army base there in Germany. Like you said, would save us a lot. Hell, let's do away with NATO completely NATO adds nothing of value to the US. Hell I'd like to do away with the UN as well, while we're at it. All cost savers to the US, that add nothing of value to us.

As for thee second part of this post, to someone else. You realize what the communists Chinese did after we passed our tax cuts, right?

> foreign aid 70%

Foreign aid is some of the most profitable spending the US does. A dollar in foreign aid can yield the us thousands in military savings and economic benefit.

the solution may be to devise some way to back currency with clearly defined national infrastructure

The old way was 8-3=5, 16-9=7 and 5- (2+1)= 2

A bit easier than "the new way", won't you say?

Only because we're interventionist right now. Besides our major allies(Japan, AU's, UK, maybe a couple other), we need to let them handle their own countries affairs/problems. Would be a win/win. People around the world complain about us 'meddeling' in their affairs. Screw it. While stopping all that, it obviously saves us money. When shiz gets bad enough, the world will be begging us to help again. All around win for the U.S. after all that, maybe other countries will stop trying to rip us off in trade negotiations, ect.

We don't do that because part of our government wants to stay in debt (particularly as it concerns trade) and the other part is too retarded to get us out of it.
Military is a big killer too. And every year we overproduce to hell and back, and it's so bad that they literally give away APVs, sniper rifles, machine guns, thermal gear, and more to police departments because the military is overstocked. That's literally tax dollars going up in smoke every goddamned year and being given away to dummies that barely know how to handle the basic 22 they already have.
We could roll back military growth, maintain what we already have, focus on automating weapons and making better, more conservative estimates at what we need in the future, and we'd be debtless within the next decade.

gib shekels to israel goy

t. never paying membership dues

Bump, because of the ignoranc.

It looks like it started with Lyndon Johnson

If Trump is able to significantly cut social security, medicare, or medicaid, I would take back every negative thing I've ever said about him and would be a die-hard Trump supporter for life.

>Sweden takes no prisoners today.
Fuckin #rekt