Do you trust German Media?

> 104%

That is fucking disgraceful.

if you are going to lie, lie big

I can't believe the US number is that high. Nobody here trusts the media anymore.

believing MSM polls

I was surprised our number was so much lower than yours, but we have pretty different media landscapes I suppose.


Are your journalists as vapid and celebrity obsessed as ours are?

'disabling', wouldn't that be current induction like an MRI? that would be giving someone brain damage I would think.

as much as i trust the guy in the pic

Now user, I don't think this is very appropriate behaviour.

Probably not quite. But we have state-funded ABC/SBS. A lot of people distrust them as left-wing biased, but they do cover news quite broadly and the private-owned media outlets don't compete with them much on current affairs, except conservative ones like Sky news. Everything else is vapid and uninformative. I mean even by normie standards.



Could probably be worse.

>trusting the media
jesus christ how horrifying

It's so easy to tell when some Sup Forums does a bad photoshop and lowers the image quality to make up for it, like OP did.


biased ntv with biased 104% poll.

what are you expecting, credibility?

>Do you trust German
Whatever the next word is

Almost universally, women still believe the talking heads on TV, same reason why cable TV rates are as high as they are.

They assume that anything on TV is true and will gladly pay to keep watching it.