UHHHHH Google?

UHHHHH Google?

Other urls found in this thread:


sure there's a logical and innocent reason for it OP grow up

type > historical european people

This is real.

He's right. It's just the jews doing their thing.


Das juden!



It's the way the Google Algorithm works.

Notice typing "Couple" results in purely white couples?
Adding "White" makes the search redundant and adds on search prefixes which include other search results. It's stupid as hell, but that's the way their shitty algorithm works, which is also why I don't use Google. It's a piece of shit. Not because it is SJW (Although I'm sure it is pretty SJW in the company politics), the algorithm is just shit.
Notice in;
the second pic is a screenshot. It's a screenshot to the exact same page. The reason is, is because it works in both the top way, paid websites having priority, and the last one, most clicked links. Which means that's likely a Reddit thread.



The algorithm it's not a uber generic machine learning process. It's thinkered for specific cases.

The idea of throw tons of niggers when things like "race" and "historic europeans" is searched it's 100% intentional.

We need to test keywords to search for beautiful white people fucking other beautiful white people or simply doing things.

I want pictures and images of white people, how do i do it?
Answer my google-senpai.





I know this wasn't your intention but now I have to go fap to some black women getting COLONIZED

it really is


>Proudly bipolar.

This bitch is either just giving an excuse to be a bitch at work or wants to make herself a special snowflake for an actual medical problem I doubt she has. Being bipolar is not something you are proud of because I am and have to take 7 pills a damn day to keep me level. Without it I don't sleep for days end up doing crazy shit because I can (like uprooting stumps in the yard because I could) or walking miles upon miles away from the house because of so much energy at 2 am. And then you crash and want to kill yourself and sleep for 20 hours at a time.

Fuck this bitch.

Thanks for your input Google.

Just do 1200 pushups in a row next time and film it


google bases it's search results on your history. Maybe if you stopped looking at interracial cuck porn this wouldn't happen.

War will cleanse society and force the change we seek in the world.

What have you done today to bring war? What have you done to make the war happen as soon as possible?

The West needs Heroes.

I don't want to live on this planet anymore.

It factors in your browsing history, email, etc when you search so maybe if you weren't into watching BLACKED the results would be different

lol niggerz

Are you sure you don't just have diabetes or hyponatremia? blood sugar (or salt) spikes can cause super strugglesome mood swings.

white couple -black

Sounds like you have a case of being a faggot, instead of taking all that medication try not being a faggot?

>Proudly bipolar
That is the craziest shit I've ever read. Hells bells

I hate california

Na its bipolar, I have a great doc and with my meds I am 100% human many would even say pleasantly upbeat. There have only been a few times I have been without them once I found a doc with 1/2 a brain to figure out the right cocktail. Mostly due to health insurance companies fucking me and trying to say they will only pay for 1/3 and shit. They tried to do that to me like 3 times and 1/3 might as well be none, and fuck the withdrawals on top of all the swings.

Tried going without for a good chunk of my life. Doesn't work. Nothing worked till I found the right doc. Like when you are manic you can't even force yourself to sleep, my brain would just keep running and never shutting the fuck up. You just HAVE to go do something no matter what and although you can do great things while manic the fall from it isn't worth it.



this is the way searching works
bot searches the page for "white" and "couple"
pages that include both of those words are more likely to include mixed couples because the writer of the page bothered to mention the races at all
pages with just a white couple are much less likely to state that they are a white couple in the text and instead would just call them a "couple"

Wrong. Tested on fresh reformat.

It's not all bad, whites get some good stuff too

blackwashing is getting sad at this point


uhhh google?

Don't you NEED less sleep while manic anyway?


No, if you test it in a fresh browser with no cookies etc. it still will blackwash the results.

calm down there Nick

comment section of a netflix commercial where they post an interracial marriage with a cucked white man. and the comments are from "black men" which were made before the upload date of the video

coders are always the worst people. everyone always talks about STEM majors being autists but it's CS/software engineering majors who the biggest contributors

genuinely spooked me

>the right cocktail.

Honestly? I think it's a nutrient issue.

of course a faggot would fall for AIDS tier bait

No worries leaf, the eternal bong is here to make sure you dont make that mistake in future


Cucked white bois

Google is fucking Satan

Your brain always needs sleep. It allows your brain and body to go through a series of restoration processes that are needed for functioning like a human.

Imagine your body like a machine, when manic you are running it overtime, it heats up, parts wear, and all of that leads to critical failures and worse of all it no longer produces an output correctly. Basically at the end of a manic cycle with no sleep you are full of energy but your brain and body don't function properly at all. Dizziness to point you have trouble walking, nausea occasionally leading to vomiting with the dizzy, and headaches that feel like you are hungover.

And then you crash and your body needs to recoup lost time and you sleep for days on end and in the time you are awake your brain is so fried off of sending happy chemicals to your body you feel incredibly depressed.

Could be, but it works so I ain't fucking with it. Ever since I have been on this set of meds everything has been great. Made more friends, gone out to more places, sleeping like a human, and my studies in college have been going a lot easier too.

I'm not trying to defend google, but this isn't their fault. This is the fault of people over at reddit intentionally fucking with the search results by falsely tagging things and upvoting them so the top images change.

They have an several sub reddits dedicated to this shit.


>I wouldn't worry about it,goy

Real pushups not those girly halfies with yer elbows next to you rib cage.

>what is social engineering

What other web do you use instead of google user?

these need to stop... just someone flooding there system with picture searches to get what they want.

Yea ya nigger, fuck off and die you peice of shit.

sooner or later the toll will come due

Don't forget this too lads

Remember when leftists were subtle and patient? How they tricked 90% of millennials into supporting gay rights with cute tv/movie couples like Willow and Tara in Buffy the Vampire Slayer?

Now it feels like there's a 24/7 assault on straight White people. You go to the theatre and see movies where all the bad guys are White and use search engines with algorithms that have obviously been tampered with.

This is a good thing, of course. There are more redpilled people than ever before. A good parasite is one that is able to go unnoticed by its host.
