Is the global warming scam the most harmful case of popular science we've seen in modern times?

Is the global warming scam the most harmful case of popular science we've seen in modern times?

Lets not all pretend we weren't taken in by this film when An Inconvenient Truth first came out

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It's summer here.

didn't he predict Manhattan would be flooded including ground zero and everyone laughed at him and later on the exact thing happened?

also nice pic. apart from the fact that NASA never claimed this.

are you comparing ocean levels rising to the point of sinking manhattan to a fucking hurricane?

also, here's the link

Trusting some shit poster's picture of Abbo dandruff over NASA

This happens in RI every few years stop complaining.

>the most harmful case of popular science

no the globe/heliocentric model is

I guess someone has been reading the temperature gauges wrong...

> the arctic sea ice that wasnt supposed to be there, well derp, it was there alright
> turns out its colder than usual not warmer


Cause the other pole is melting even more rapidly. Also only gained in 2015 so you can take your cherry picked data and ho fuck yourself.

Also someone tried to bullshit their way out of this one by saying it was the weather not the climate.
But the problem is that the advancing sea pack is driven by overall temperatures not casual fluctuations due to localized weather... seawater takes alot of cooling to freeze so having some unusually cold weather blow through for a couple weeks is not going to put a dent in it.

> "The Polar Ocean Challenge team is not the first global warming expedition to be faced with icy troubles. In 2013, an Antarctic research vessel named Akademik Shokalskiy became trapped in the ice, the problem was so severe that they actually had to rescue the 52 crew members."

I remember that shit and I laughed so hard I lost my sides, because it only proved what I knew at that point.

Neither one of them are melting, if you have read.
> Arctic sea ice they thought would be melted to allow passage through was still blocked, and it was colder than readings had anticipated
> Antarctic ice is gaining faster than it is melting, and in 2015 a research boat got trapped in the ice pack. Had to be rescued by helicopter or they'd fucking starve to death.

Also I want to make this very clear... there is another DYNAMIC going on with the climate that is NOT being talked about hardly at all. And it is a much more powerful counterbalance to all of the shit that goes on in the atmosphere.

> "But the freezing process leaves behind cold, dense water that sinks to the sea floor, forming part of an oceanic current that drives circulation on a global scale."

While the dense cold water that spreads out across the bottom of the ocean is only a couple of degrees colder, that water piles up and starts disrupting water currents. Also "a couple degrees colder" is an insane amount of energy, considering water mass.

Melting ice ends up making the whole fucking ocean colder all across the world.

Don't insult the guy who invented the internet.

>Lets not all pretend we weren't taken in by this film when An Inconvenient Truth first came out
I was taken in by Mann's NPR interview decades ago. He predicted we will all be dead by now.
No, I wasn't taken in by the bullshit of an "Inconvenient Truth". Bottom line is, if you can't state a scientific hypothesis, it's not science. A bunch of retarded left wing SJW faggots screaming they're pro science doesn't change that.

"Love Story" was about Al and Tipper. Tipper died, but got better.
Gore's mother sang the "Union Label" Song when Al was in the crib. The song was copyrighted in 1975. Al Gore was 27 years old.


>muh global warming is totally real
>carbon is the cause
>carbon input increases in 2015 as usual
>arctic ice grows
>but AGW is totally real goyim

I got a bridge in Brooklyn for sale if you're interested, user

desu I kinda want global warming to be a thing so we can start colonizing places like siberia, northern canada/alaska, and antarctica.

Antarctic nazi bases and white homesteading is my dream.

Its really happening. The issue is that it will take more than a lifetime for shit to really hit the fan so people just ignore it. As the oceans fill up with the waste of humanity the pH keeps dropping. This will cause the ecosystem of the ocean to revert to blue green allege at some point in the not to distant future ( +8 to 10C and i forget the pH trigger). Once blue green takes hold of the oceans oxygen production will crash and most of the sea life will die. This cannot be allowed to happen which is why I am in favor of WW3 to thin the population down to about 1 billion worldwide maybe less. The moral of story is the modern world is living on borrowed time so enjoy while you can.

rookie mistake. your suppose to push your prediction out till after your dead so no refunds. kek

>wow global warming studies are so unreliable! Scientists must be paid off shills!
>look this one scientist says soy is bad! No way he is paid for by food lobbying groups!

Behead dhose who insult Climate Scientology

>completely unqualified person makes retarded statement so 97% of scientists must be wrong

Melting sea-ice, like the arctic, will not change sea levels. This is a grade 1 experiment with a bucket, water, and some ice

Climate change is the new religion for trendy/atheists/"educated" .
A) You have to totally accept with your heart that man is causing the climate to change by burning fossil fuels/industrialization and causing the apocalypse.
B)You have to repent from your evil ways and stop driving your evil SUV and living the modern life and you will stop the apocalypse.
C) Anyone who questions these beliefs is a branded a heretic and is shamed and ostracized.