I'm pretty sure swimsuits don't work like that

I'm pretty sure swimsuits don't work like that.

Other urls found in this thread:


It'll probably work if you move really fast.

If they're moving really fast enough to do that they probably wouldn't need the swimsuits at all and could just run over water.

people die if they are killed

Wait, I just noticed now that the water is electrified? I guess the point was avoiding contact with the water? But the swimsuits shouldn't be electricity insulators either.

Some cell phones fell into a shallow bath, apparently electrifying the water. To safely get across, they throw their already wet swimsuits onto what's probably a foot or so of water and somehow jump off them.

If you believe hard enough anything is possible.

This might be the most forced problem i manga history

>glasses in pool

Can confirm it's possible
t. Swimmer

Anything really is possible with swimsuits huh.

Somebody should explain the author that trowing more mobile phones into the water won't increase the voltage.

wut mango?

Cellphone batteries are designed to have low amperage, they can never be lethal. Also the minerals in the water would have quickly dissipated the electrical charge.

But who am I kidding, this is fiction, as long as its entertaining.

>Drop my phone into the lake while fishing
>All the fish get zapped
Fucking sucks

Sounds like easy pickings.

Battle Royale: Facebook Edition

Everything that happened in the scene was certainly focused on being "entertaining".

Is this real account?


What the fuck are you doing

Real Account, but which chapter?

And I thought Real Account had at least some sense in the designs of the games.

Fuck me, nothing can fill the hole Liar Game left behind.