Thoughts about this man?

Thoughts about this man?

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Just a typical bankster. But "young and dynamic" version.

fuck french politics in general

why do frogs describe people as dynamic? when I was learning French I noticed this a few times. same with "conformist"

Because during the elections period, the whole mediatic sphere (television, radio, information websites) sold to the Average French Elector the famous argument : "he's young" to hide the fact Macron has not program.
So, against Marine le Pen, many Frenchies followed medias voice, they were afraid by the "fascism" of FN.

Dynamic is used as opposed to "lazy". It means he's doing stuff, he's young, he's working positivly etc.


Trump redpilled him and flipped him.

i highly doubt that.

I'd fuck all the politics right out of this desu

it's true.


Enjoys roast beef apparently.

they are a perverse people. do not think too much about the french or you will start wearing makeup.

A demon waiting to hatch.

i can only handle so much infatuation

He looks like that faggot kike son from Hardcore Pawn.

>that feel when she said she won't be doing political stuff for years

I already miss her appearances on tv

Please! My baguette can only get so erect.

Here's a rare young Marion

It's hilarious that people thought they were voting a carbear in office. I'm pleasently surprised with Macron, he's short... so he has great potential. GO NAPOLEON!

Read a book about him. Pretty interesting life and he's intelligent.
However as far as his political views goes I'm confused. While he seems pro business and low taxes, socially he's unclear

quick meme for the lads

Why do the french not seem to care about the height of their politicians?

I love how memeable he is


A French user told me last week that the Jew tax was just a myth


But seriously, that story about him getting found out double-timing some business associates and literally just running away is hilarious and actually makes me like him more, although fucking some married old lady is degenerate as fuck and turns me off. I think he senses where the winds are blowing so he's ceding some ground to the populist right in order to undercut them. He seems to really only care for himself, and he wants to have power for a long time. I don't think people who believe what we generally believe take into account that as our ideas take root the will be implemented in small part into the current system. I don't think that's an effective way of actually winning and creating a non-pozzed world though. What's scary about him ultimately is how fucking competent he seems, the supreme member of the managerial class. By all accounts from what I read of the presidential debate between him and Le Pen he fucking destroyed her.

Emperor of Europe


Who cares, he doesn't even hold power. You'd better ask about Merkel & European commission.
Anyway, here it is :
>smart talker
>got everything from (((Jacques Attali))) and his huge network (especially the media and politics)
>bank / LGBT puppet
>probably gay himself
>boomers love him for no reason

He's taking a more hardline stance on immigration because he sees which way the wind's blowing in Europe. The centrist party was just a way to bring in everybody who wasn't FN or socialist.

This will eventually win him support on the anti-immigrant side and challenge Merkel for the de facto leader of Europe. She's not even in charge of her own country right now and ceded a ton of her votes to AfD. He unironically wants to be Jupiter and rule Europe, and he's already gunning for Merkel

the great white hope

Jupiter incarnate

Merkel holds him by the balls, implying he didn't get them removed.
I can't trust a childless leader who worked all his life in (((American banks))).

