Everything is going to shit and there's historical evidence that anything is going to get better. WE'RE FUCKING DYING and no one cares. Everyone is indoctrinated into hating us. We don't want to use what we have left to save ourselves. What power we have is being stripped away. There's no sign that anything is ever going to get better. The white man is DEAD. There will never be a day of the rope. That may even be a shill tactic to keep us sitting on our asses. I CURRENTLY HAVE NO GENETIC FUTURE PAST THIS CENTURY AND I FUCKING SWEAR I WILL DO ANYTHING TO FIX THAT!

Solution: go outside and stop watching anime

You need to 18+ to post here.

Why not just blow my fucking brains out instead. My descendants will be only 5% white in the end anyway.



Lol what a loser

And you're just saying that because you don't want to acknowledge the truth. Your descendants will be 5% white too. Your genetic future is over.

I'm not autistic though so I don't care about shit like that. Even do it's clear that society rejected you, probably because you're unfuckable and a social retard, and your rejection of society in return is purely a "you're not dumping me I'm dumping you" reaction

>I don't care about shit like that.
I know you don't. That's why you're retarded.

chill your tits bro grow a garden
bitches love gardens

How long on average each day would say you spend thinking about racial purity?

You just make stupid generalizations because I dare tell you what your ancestors were concerned about for millennia.

Tbh, I try to shut it out of my head, but it ALWAYS comes back eventually. Maybe I can go a whole week without thinking about it and then suddenly have half an hour of existential terror.

O have a feeling you're a kid or at least young, and what I'll say is worrying about this is a choice you are making, and it is only bad because you tell yourself it is. Continuing down this road is going to lead you to a very, very lonely future. You will be addicted to the emotion of anger and the only happiness you feel will come in brief libidinal spasms. If you think you are socially cut off now, just wait, you have much more to lose. The good news is if you are young you have time to turn it around, it just takes changing the way you think and hold onto certain emotions.

I feel like John from Brave New World. I'm already dead. I'm just a member of a corpse, a zombie wandering this planet. There is no Philia. I have nothing greater than myself to live for in this world. The future is gone.

>Everything is going to shit and there's historical evidence that anything is going to get better. WE'RE FUCKING DYING and no one cares. Everyone is indoctrinated into hating us. We don't want to use what we have left to save ourselves. What power we have is being stripped away. There's no sign that anything is ever going to get better.
It wouldn't be a fair fight otherwise

For all those reading this, I am currently quite pleased my headache is gone nothing lasts forever! Its nice outside, I think the stars will be visible tonight hope to catch a glimps of them....

Op its not all over, things do matter, and things get done everyday to prevent bad stuff, bad stuff happens all the time so does good.

>racial purity
Do you really believe this is the crux of the problem? This is just what people seem to be rallying around. Stop posting here. You are brain cancer.

I don't see very much good happening. Is there even the slightest hint of a sign of a future demographic turnaround?

I should also add it's not just about my specific race. I'm a Slav and Poland is doing just fine but even if moved to some homogenous Slavic country and had kids, their birthrates are still abysmal and humanity in general is becoming more dumb, violent, and ugly on average every year. I don't understand how that doesn't drive other humans crazy.

>giving a shit about passing on your genes when ultimately nothing we do will make a difference in the end

Then suicide sounds like a great option. Nothing matters so stop worrying about it forever.

>Your ancestors 60,000 years ago were black.
You can now go hang yourself.

>Trusting the Africa jew

>And miss out on watching autists like you chimp out over genetics?

You worry too much.

>demoralization thread
kys faggot
>in all fields

Out of Africa theory (hypothesis) is bullshit, or at least far from observable reality. White people were never black and vice versa.