So why pol is supporting capitalism when it is capitalism that is destroying western civilization?

So why pol is supporting capitalism when it is capitalism that is destroying western civilization?

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Captialism isn't destroying western civilization. Jews are.

then jews are better capitalists than you

But western countries are getting more and more socialist as they decline in every aspect

Also,what is your alternative?

european cooperativism like nazi germany but without imperialism

1/3 of Europeans that migrated to the USA in the 20th century returned home after doing so.

It's inconceivable that a majority of minorities in the current USA/Europe would be able to support themselves in a more or less purely capitalist environment.

Sup Forums doesn't support capitalism we are national socialists

Speak for yourself, Western dominance did not come about due to highly regulated economies and a large public sector.

It's about time

It should still be low taxes and little regulations. While protecting european interests and borders

And looks where that has gotten us. Capitalism is why the west will fall and china will become the new big superpower of the world.

>implying the point of (((capitalism))) isn't to point at the (((bourgeoisie))) to make (((communism))) more palatable

If I was a brainlet I would we be an unironic flagfag too

this. being paid for your work or services by another and setting a price that benefits you the most is not bad. jews corporatizing, regulating, cornering, outsourcing, and controling the banks that indenture upstart businesses to crippling debt and interest is the problem. shut up you commie fuckin fag.

People like Ford and Carnegie didn't try to destroy civilization.

>Look where that's gotten us

Governments meddling with markets in an otherwise capitalist system is doubly bad as it decreases efficiency, and gives the illusion that capitalism is at play. You seem to have made this mistake.

No freedom of association, licences required for damn near anything, enough red tape to span continents, corporate taxes nearing 50% - what the West is practicing may not be socialism per se, but it sure isn't capitalism.

they were humanists/freemasons not capitalists

>Ford and Carnegie
>not capitalists
u wot m9?

Corruption is destroying the West....
Capitalism need to be well regulated to work... just like anything else.

if a company outsources to another country, they should be hit with a tariff that makes the price of their product equal to that it produced in the US. get the ridiculous epa laws off the books that are over the top and are only there for revenue generation and agency relevance. The only reason companies leave are to exploit labor and production compliant regulations regarding product use and disposal beyond that of tax reasons. As taxes were brought into a general level of equality with that of other nations we outsource to, now we no longer have the need to provide china or any other ation with a middle class. So fuck your chinese factories, your vietnam factories, your poo call centers, and all your other shit. sell your junk to all the other broke ass shit countries and we will do us bitches. See how " super power" you are trying to sell junk to Zimbabwe fucker.

do you really want to compare carnegie, a god believing enlightened humanist, with this greedy soulless merchant?

I didn't compare them.
I was pointing out that there were once upon a time capitalists that didn't want to destroy civilization.
Hmmm, I wonder what the difference between them and these modern merchants is?

b-but he started in his garage /s.

I support Communism. I just also hate niggers.

>I wonder what the difference between them and these modern merchants is?
greediness, Carnegie did believe the more rich he was the more generous he was supposed to be and by the time of his death he intended to give it all away

How many posts is it going to take you to name the jew?

This is a slide thread. Do not contribute to it. Sage. Drop a redpill and move on. Only you can prevent slide threads

so trump is jewish, why you support a jew


Because this board is full of bootlicking Redditors and has rampant astroturfing
>Actually believes what people here say
user, the West is getting destroyed in the name of profits

>Molymeme graphs

its not

True capitalism has never been tried! Just the other day I was forced to bake a gay wedding cake.

>still getting triggered by commie memes

i've seen these threads at least 1000 times and i always wonder how people can get triggered again and again and again. like if you push a button and they do the same thing over and over. some even write walls of texts.

Because instead of blamming rich people, they blame jews, that btw are very rich and do all that for profit, so it's totally different, you see.

I'm not a supporter of capitalism. I want you slave fuckers to carry my ass through my life.

Sup Forums is a national socialist board. Defenders of capitalism are scant around here.

because we aren't communists who want have the stated intention of destroying the west?

> EU flag
Go suck a cock and fuck off to leftypol user

jews and cultural marxists killed western civ

>Yuri Bezenov, KGB defector, Ideological >Subervison, (AKA killing the west)

