If heaven is real, and I remarry after my wife dies, when me and my current wife die, who am I married to in heaven?

If heaven is real, and I remarry after my wife dies, when me and my current wife die, who am I married to in heaven?

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You're not married in heaven


So does god steal my wife? Does that make me a cuck?

The wife you loved the most

That's why it's called Heaven

its til death do us part, mate

neither of them; it’s heaven after all

So you're saying, if I kill my wife before divorcing her I might be stuck with her for eternity
>inb4; going to hell
I'll just ask for forgiveness

What age will she be in heaven? If I loved her most when she was 13 will she go back to that age?


Checked and kek'd

Indeed, OP is retarded. Heaven is an eternal relationship with an all-loving god we call God.

You get to play cards with Jesus and Mark Twain, bro.

Just dig it.

That’s kinda gay

technically death does you part so nobody

There's no individuality in heaven unless you manage to transcend a.k.a. achieve sainthood..

no one can control your self
or whatever the fuk is called.
It's just trickery I guess.

Some one asked literally this exact same question to Jesus.

fucking boomer-tier post right here

>until death do you part
The answer is neither.

Heaven isn't real, that's how it works.

We have many lives at the same time until we die and merge with our overself.
It is most likely that the new wife and old wife are the same soul in different bodies.
Everyone loves everyone else equally when you are free of your body, so you don’t need to have special designations for one person over another.

that sounds really dumb

No, stupid. Btw for God to be all-loving (one of his many eternal attributes that makes him a perfect being) he must be in a loving relationship with someone, so the father loves the son. When you enter Heaven you enter into a permanent and eternal relationship with him.

That same day the Sadducees, who say there is no resurrection, came to him with a question.

"Teacher," they said, "Moses told us that if a man dies without having children, his brother must marry the widow and raise up offspring for him.
Now there were seven brothers among us. The first one married and died, and since he had no children, he left his wife to his brother.
The same thing happened to the second and third brother, right on down to the seventh. Finally, the woman died.
Now then, at the resurrection, whose wife will she be of the seven, since all of them were married to her?"

Jesus replied, "You are in error because you do not know the Scriptures or the power of God. At the resurrection people will neither marry nor be given in marriage; they will be like the angels in heaven."

the judge.
goes to jail for being stupid
now he got to pay his wife money

Remarriage is considered adultery

Your actual soulmate. And they are with theirs.


>implying that when you die and go to heaven you have any recollection of your time on earth or any person you met in your lifetime
>implying existence in heaven is anything even remotely similar to what you experience as a living human being

For all you know, existence in heaven could be just a hive mind of identity-less souls living in eternal bliss.

Can I still fuck my wives in heaven?

If all of your cognitive ability and memory are stored in your brain, will you still be a person when your brain is gone?

Your vows included the afterlife. Your first wife is in Heaven while you and your second wife are burning in Hell for adultery you vow breaker.

Mat 22:24 Saying, Master, Moses said, If a man die, having no children, his brother shall marry his wife, and raise up seed unto his brother.

Mat 22:25 Now there were with us seven brethren: and the first, when he had married a wife, deceased, and, having no issue, left his wife unto his brother:

Mat 22:26 Likewise the second also, and the third, unto the seventh.

Mat 22:27 And last of all the woman died also.

Mat 22:28 Therefore in the resurrection whose wife shall she be of the seven? for they all had her.

22:29 Jesus answered and said unto them, Ye do err, not knowing the scriptures, nor the power of God.

Mat 22:30 For in the resurrection they neither marry, nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels of God in heaven.

.. powerful.

In the LDS Church, when you are married in a Temple you are married forever. On Earth and in Heaven

Cognition is achieved by the soul rubbing two sticks together and creating a spark and transferring its power into the physical realm. So your meat vessel dies and your soul will just create another spark in another vessel.


>they will be like the angels in heaven
There are different kinds and ranks of angels. Some are better than others. Will all white people be one kind and POC another or will it be bases on merit in which case most whites will be one kind and POC another?

jesus gives out free hjs in heaven no need for a wife

To the trash my faith goes
I just wanted eternity with my waifu and my ded dog in some cool ass planet

you wont be going to heaven senpai

Can I fuck God's quivering puss


To even think about anyone else after your spouse dies means you never cared for them at all. Marriage isn't a game. Its a holy union of souls.

Don't get married if you can't handle it.

Either that bloodline was completely sterile and haven't done justice to a perfectly fertile woman, or that woman was barren and was the curse and death of that bloodline.


72 virgins

But are there niggers in heaven?

Are those what Mexicans look like? Some kind of disgusting goblin? I hope they smell better than they look and that's saying a lot where I live.

Thats literally how faggot marriage became legal here.

>be boomer
>want to be popular and cool with the kids
>"ho ho ho, two fags should be able to marry each other! After all why should straight couples get to be only miserable one!! ho ho ho"

Only Jews go to heaven, since Yahweh is their god. True Aryans go to Valhalla.

So they say, they say in heaven there's no husbands and wives
On the day that I show up they'll be completely out of their forgiveness supplies
And I can't use the telephone
To tell you that I'm dead and gone
So you won't know

Marriage in front of God isn't some joke you can do again and again and still act as if it's something serious. Until death does us apart means you stay married untill one of you dies, but it doesen't allow you to marry after that, you're betraying your wife. youtube.com/watch?v=dRSsxUjulLY


Never read the Bible
Mormons don't go to heaven


Yes every nation

What if it was her dying wish?

I spent many years in Afghanistan and two weeks in Mexico. I was shot at, bombed and had friends die. I'd take Afghan over the smell of Mexico every single time. I'd also rather take a bullet than die of bubonic plague or some shit like that due to Mexican "food".

So it's a lot like globalism? Well I guess the Jews really will create Heaven on Earth than... Oy Vey!

Sorry, I was using logical and chronology.

Sounds a very cuckish wish to give desu senpai, I wouldn't risk myself taking such shit seriously.

But there isn't a god, the universe is indifferent to us

brap is for asses.

interesting but what does this mean

Christ LITERALLY answered this the last time you kikes asked.


I'm married to Sup Forums so you faggots better not cheat on me.

who tf is this christ guy?

Are there little girls in heaven?

All he said was that people weren't married in Heaven. He didn't tell you it was OK to break the vows you made before God.

If i do find a wife who actually stays and isnt a degenerate nigger fucker, and i dont get to spend eternity with her in heaven, then im not interested in heaven,

In the Kingdom of God men neither marry nor are given in marriage but are like the stars of heaven in brightness.

What if it's too late and you go there and you have no choice and Heaven ironically becomes your Hell?

Sup Forums is a Hindu board please take your fake religion elsewhere

According to christian theology you would follow in Christ's path and become one with God.


Digits confirm

This, there's no point then

Your soul will be wiped, and reused into a new body. What makes you, you, is essentially an advanced reusable harddrive.

What age are we in heaven bros?

>wants to miss out on eternal pleasure just for some roastie
Pedestalizing beta detected.

Look up mind body dualism. The body is the engine but the soul is the container and the form in being.

>willing to give up on eternal pleasure for the sake of eternal pleasure
Please tell me you aren't that high time preferenced.

You won't be 'you' in heaven. You will instead be the eternal you that you always have been and always will be. Your wife and her new husband will be that you too.

Dammit, I meant >eternal pleasure for the sake of temporal pleasure

Damnit, I meant >Your new wife and your old wife will be you too.

Nobody said you wouldn't see her again, you just wont be married.

If you remarry you go to hell.

Sounds like a cold case file. This bitch fucked and killed 7 brothers? Is no one else suspicious?

Both will be your wife

Perfect thread for /x/. Not pol related, sage for dumb mutt question

this is the correct answer