Tokyo Ghoul:re

How do you rate Touka's performance in the latest chapter?

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But she didn't even appear in the latest chapter?


you deserve the many yous you're going to receive


The cutest

I want to marry Touka

Those shoulders.

>great titties
>black panties
>kissing kaneki's nipples
>caressing his hair while his head rests on her thighs after the deed

Goddammit, user.

I still dont get it, can someone explain?


Overall with other anime/manga girls in terms of performance this week


Pretty bad. It looked like she took an advantage of a kid who just didn't know better. Probably because the encounter with Mutsuki made her realize some other girl is going to steal her shit if she won't hurry.

Post cute Hinamis

>take advantage
This sounds like tumblr.

Wonderful. I'm still enjoying the tears of all the fags that got BTFO



What was meant by this?


Best girl.

Delicious salty tears of a sinking ship are the best

For what purpose, breeding monsters is not needed.


Interestingly enough, Aqua and Touka share the same voice actress.

After that chapter Ishida need to put sex in every chapter for trolltime.

Best girl won!

I still cant believe how even after being tumblr they could ship hide and kaneki
Its like if people shipped me with my bro
What the fuck

If only...

There's no use trying to see the logic in fujos. We just have to be content laughing at them when they get utterly blown the fuck out

A jap youtube user did a complete analysis of the tarot symbolism in this chapter and it appears that Ishida is using a lot of inverted symbolism.
From this we get:
Strength, happiness, conception (of a child)/pregnancy, obstacles
Anger, jealousy, temptation, power. But also an awakening, revelation, a new start and a change of heart.

Touka has successfully trapped Kaneki, in other words.


Touka BEST girl.

>kaneki stuck with a smoking hot girl he likes
The poor guy

Should I read this chapter? I can't stand Toukawanking.

virgin with no experience/10

Fuck off dumblr.

>Strength, happiness, conception (of a child)/pregnancy
So Re is going to end as a typical shonen manga. Kaneki and Touka with kids, and just to show how beta Kaneki is one of them is going be named Arima.

I am an etofag but the chapter itself was god tier

>these are the tokyo ghouls arima and eto

Come on. Kaneki was spilling his spaghetti just because Touka asked if he was a virgin. He doesn't hace the guts to fuck her.

Dont worry, its just nips trying to deny her goddess deathflags
Agreed, the last page made me get hyped as fuck

>Kaneki's cute daughter is named Eto
I didn't know I wanted this

He literally asked her if he could grab her tits.

Kaneki's child is literally going to be arima, isn't it?

The series is going to end with Kaneki faking his OEK's death and going on under the name Haise while raising his and Touka's children

Just form the fapping material por there is more content appart from the sex.

You're right, he didn't fuck her.
He made love to her.

He just did though. So this post is automatically false.

Kaneki was the more forceful one after things started, he wanted it just as muxh as she did you fujo fuck.

>tumblrwhales still trying
oh I'm laffin
They don't understand friendship and comradery
They take every single sign of friendship between males as faggotry

Twins are likely due to the recurring yin-yang symbolism as well.


>Trips confirm
Eto is gonna take touka kid, and his name will be arima
Autistic family reunites

>This fucking duo
Hope she comes back soon.
But with a probably emobetaneki and a not so smug eto I doubt its going to be as fun

>girl mounted guy
Ken is such a faggot

I'm literally Furuta in real life

Forget about monster hunting, let it be a sex scenes all the way even final fight chapter.

Shit taste.

Only good shit in cochlea besides mutsuki/torso

Let me say it again. Kaneki was acting like a shy kid whose friend asked him if he has kissed a girl, then he cried forma muh friend Hide and Touka's friend.
This seems as if Touka just fucked him because she didn't want to end as a chrismast cake.

Jesus Christ how many threads did we have since spoiler thread?

Must be around 10-12 by now.

how much until :re ends.

He was fucking her in missionary literally a few pages earlier.

And Lelouch was the carriage driver


>Tumblrfags so mad they're stroking out.

Was it chibi?

So you got cucked by a girl you like and now want to breed her literally hundreds of times?

You are delusional. He wanted to fuck Touka and he did. That's that.

But he still let her get on top of him. That'll cost you points in MMA

Absolute delusion.

At this point it's obvious that Kaneki wanted Touka just as bad as she wanted him.

>being this upset
It was adorable consensual vanilla sex. But please keep crying, it's super entertaining

so is hide going to rape touka in front of kaneki via berserk style?

Christ no. Chibi can't nip himself out of a convenience store encounter with the shop clerk.
I transcribed the entire text in his video so I could look up different kanjis, so here.


数字の19と15、意味 は?」
125話のラス卜で描かれ たこのシーン。
ここには数字がニつ隠 れていたと考えられま す。
そして、数字とタロッ卜 力一ドの意味合いが関 係している東京グール。
その数字の意味からし て、どういった展開が待 ち受けているんでしよ う?
まずは、画像を反転さ せた右のをご覧くださ い。
数字の19に見えます ね。
そして、19は太陽の力一 ドを意味しており、幸せ な状況や将来が期待 できるという意味があり ます。
また、タロツ卜力一ドという と正位置と逆位置で意 味が全ぐ変わってきま す。
今回は絵を反転させて いるので、逆彳立屋の意 味があると考えられま す。
そして、逆位置の19と いうと妊娠という意味が あります。
これは、この件を機にニ 人の間に子供が生まれ るという示唆なのでしよう か?
また、次は、左の画像 をご覧ください。
カネキのクロスした足が Xに見えます。
そして、カネキの足から そして、カネキの足から モモにかけての体勢はV に見えます。
二つをあわせると15とい う数字になります。
こちらも絵を逆さ(こして いるので、逆位屋の15 という意味が込められて いると考えられます。
そして、15の数字は悪 魔の数子。
基本的な意味は欲望 や嫉妬、ねたみなどの 邪な心を意味します。
しかし、逆位置だと全く 違う意味となり、

ここでは、覚醒,1」セツ 卜-新たな出会いなどの 意味があります。
つまり、今回のイ牛でカネ キは心をリセツ卜できた のかもしれません。
二つの意味をあわせて 考えると、

心をリセットして、生ま れ変わったカネキ。
それは妊娠し、子供を 生んだ卜一力と生きる寧 を選ぷ運命が待ち受け ているといラ寧なのかち しれません。
現在だとタロッ卜の意味 どおりの展開が多〈描か れてきました。
はたして' 二人は子供 を生むことになるので しょうか?
そして、半喰種と喰種 の間に生まれる子供 は、

人間の血が薄い、喰種 クオ一ターのネ隶な存在に なるのか?
それとも喰種の血のみ を引き継ぐのか?
はたまた、全〈新しい積 の言延生となるのでしよう か?
今後の展開に期待で すね!
ではツイッタ一 @17101199^^0^53111, チヤンネ儿概容、動画 の説明彳閬ちみてみてく ださい。
そして、こ視I吾いただき ありがとうございました。 漫画ネタ八レ考察〔叱 より楽しく

70 chapters
This arc, a kanou arc, eto arc and epilogue
The 206 chapters seems to be happening at this pace

Anyone else get chest pain from this chapter? My heartboner is throbbing.

>Someone doesn't like this shitfest excuse of a romance, it must be a tumblr fujo!
The only romance I like in this manga it's just a possible Takizawa/Little Bin.

>Strength, happiness, conception (of a child)/pregnancy, obstacles

I hope we get some conception, but it was literally their first time. Will Ishida hint they are still sexually active in the future? Maybe sleeping in the same room?

>Anger, jealousy, temptation, power. But also an awakening, revelation, a new start and a change of heart.

Tarot cards just indicate elements in a characters future right?

Could this be alluding to Mutsuki? Because anger and jealousy sound right up her ally.

She wanted to fuck him and that's that. They only fucked because she brought the topic up. If he wasn't a faggot he would've walked straight up to her in the coffee shop and fingered the shit outta her.
Stupid enabling betaness. Read vampire hunter d and fist of the blue sky.

This. I could never fap to something this pure.

are you serious with that shit

he cried tears of happiness after blowing his load and if he really didn't want to have sex with her he wouldn't have even gotten an erection in the first place

The penis in my heart is also erect.

Chapter was 100% healing.

So netorare when?

You have got to be baiting. Someone has to initate the fucking and she was always bolder than him. He clearly wanted it. Just move on.

>that last page

That's fucking pathetic. Tumblr must be pleased because Ken is a transfemale and touka a transmale as of this chapter

>GutsxCasca confirmed. Fujos BTFO! Now Casca and Guts can go on to lead happy lives together and there's nothing you losers can do about it! Cry moar lol

"Arima, he was a Ghoul Investigator and probably the bravest man I ever knew. "

> if he really didn't want to have sex with her he wouldn't have even gotten an erection in the first place
Not strictly true, I'm sure if she applied herself, Touka could induce an unwilling erection.
The doujins are being drawn as we speak.

People have been saying that Nips confirmed Touka is gonna get Pregnant, Any of u weebs know if there's some kinda secret Jap card in this chapter that confirms this?

>one of them is going be named Arima.

I can imagine it now.
>You're named after the person who murdered your grandmum and used her corpse to murder countless more! He's also part of the reason my arms are mangled- but don't worry, he was only pretending

Yeah that's fucking gay. In not the same person idiot. He clearly wanted it but letting a girl lead you by the hand into her bed chambers is gay.

Ok, tell me where in the previous chapters Kaneki showed any interest in fucking Touka.
>It was adorable consensual vanilla sex.
And Touka is the wise woman who cured Akira showing her how sad kids are with Aogiri gone, because Aogiri is the perfecto placer to raise kids.

>having sex is gay

>Literally "eww cooties."

Can't wait for this to happen in SnK with Eren and Mikasa

That translation was wrong.

Touka was telling Kaneki it was alright to touch her when she noticed him leering at her boobs.

Still doesn't change the fact Kaneki initiated at least half their kisses.


What did you expect of Kaneki, honestly? At least he didn't let her do everything.

From that position he's in complete control, so no. Touka was uncharacteristically submissive this chapter.
>I hope we get some conception, but it was literally their first time.
Not a problem. There are enough teen parents out there who got pregnant on their first time.
I happen to know a dude, a class friend who knocked up a girl who was 12 at the time when he was 15.
Only narrowly avoided serious legal trouble because they were both underage, but that's not the point. Point is he only had sex with her without a condom once and it was on their first time.
>Could this be alluding to Mutsuki?
Almost certainly.