#ReleasetheMemo Impeach Drumpf! Vindicate Hillary Clinton!

This is it! Drumpf is about the be impeached and there's nothing that can stop us! #ReleasetheMemo let Mueller have his day!

Other urls found in this thread:


New and shocking revelations that make this even more imperative is that it will show proof that that bigotted idiot used the FISA court to target Planned Parenthood and certain People of Color related to Planned Parenthood that had received their services. This is an outrage and one of the most dispicable things imaginable. Drumplets are scared shitless about this memo because it shows the truth about this hypocrite! #ReleasetheMemo
Demand your Representatives to release this memo immediately so Mueller can finally impeach this Nazi!

No Russian (((shills))) allowed in this thread:

Russian shills are paid by Putin and work directly for the Kremlin and are here to undermine our democracy by saying things like this memo is a "nothing burger" or that it should be hidden from public view. Fight for truth once and for all! #ReleasetheMemo


I never understood this. Is it supposed to be funny or offensive or something? It just makes you sound as retarded as Stephen Colbert

Liberals aren't retarded friend! We want Trump taken down as all. Don't you want the memo released? #ReleasetheMemo

It's definitely a burger and it shouldn't be hidden from public view.

Thank you friend for being an ally to our democracy. Can you help destroy blumpf by getting the word #ReleasetheMemo out?

This needs to be made public come on people don't let this affront to democracy be capitalized on! #ReleasetheMemo

Who is more terrified, Obama or Hillary?

I love this meme, but does this still work after Twitter shut it down?


Obama used the IRS to target the Tea party and abused FISA to spy and Trump and his campaign/

If Jared gets indicted would he flip on Don?


That would be the same memo that everyone was freaking out about yesterday but now all the Republicans seem to have forgotten about? And before that it was Susan Rice. And before that it was Uranium One. And before that it was Seth Rich. And before that it was Hillary's emails. There's always some grand conspiracy about to unravel but the idea that Trump's shitty-ass business decisions have forced him into decades of Russian money-laundering and it's all finally coming home to roost is just libcuktardwewladREEEEEEE! Hey but at least you still have resentment and denial right? Those never run out!

It's become impossible to tell if Trump supporters are serious or trolling. But then it's always been impossible to tell if Trump supporters are just trolling. Whatever, we wont forget all your memes and shitposting when the orange shitbag dictator you wish you could hand your balls to on a platter
is rotting in prison.

We'll see once the we get the memo!
#ReleasetheMemo we need the truth

The truth always works user
We just have to ensure more liberals get on board and ensure this racist bigot is taken down!
See for inspiration

>case in point
I was wondering when you paid Russian shills would arrive. Why don't you care about democracy you fascist bigot?!

Let's keep this bumped this must be on Page 1


More bumps! We need more blumpfs!


They already confirmed they will release it and it will take ~19 days.
But keeping a baseline level of "release the memo" noise is nice as a reminder till then.
Sry that the conspiracy theroy from democrats didnt work out for you friend.
Its not your fault remember its easier to fool people than it is to convince them they have been fooled.


>Page 2
We could end Blumpf now if more anons cared! Put this up at page 1

Twatter doesnt have power in the U.S house.

It's use on pol is mostly ironic/satirical.

The people who actually use it seriously are in fact mentally deficient.

eat a dick

As long as you want to #ReleasetheMemo you're not a Russian shill Vlad. Relax, Democrats love diversity :^)

I now know for sure that the memo is real. The deflection tactic aka accusing your opponent what you are guilty of is a strong move. So strong it wouldnt be used if it is not damaging.

This kind of threads with 1000 liberals in it is one of the most obvious shill operation ever.

Please get better at shilling. It is getting boring like playing Mario kart with a 5yo brother.