Brit/pol/ - Morning edition

>Macron: pay 2 play with EU

>NHS swallows up £18 'transformation fund' in crisis

>Bojo floats idea of new France link

>May vs. Lords on Brexit Bill

>Bolton blames left wing media for death threats to gf

>Quiet Labour turmoil continues

Other urls found in this thread:

Polish master race.

>May vs. Lords on Brexit Bill
>Brexit powers row: Theresa May can’t overrule House of Lords
Fucking fake news, of course Theresa May as an individual can't overrule Lords, but Commons as a whole can. Anybody who's spent 10 minutes researching our system of Parliament could tell you that.

im feeling physically sick from rage watching these TV license inspector videos on youtube.
how do they not get assaulted 2000 times a day?

>The Parliament Act allows MPs to force through legislation rejected or changed by peers in the following parliamentary session. However, the current session was extended to two years so MPs have time to pass Brexit laws needed by March 2019. It means the government won’t be able to overrule the Lords on Brexit until the middle of 2019 - after the UK is due to leave. >Scottish Labour peer Lord Foulkes the “unintended consequence” left ministers facing “some really intractable problems as a result”.
Oh fuck off
>Article 50 Lisbon treaty
>1. Any Member State may decide to withdraw from the Union in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.
>in accordance with its own constitutional requirements.
Fucking Scotfags, if there are any grounds for am extension, it's the fucking constitutional requirements of our fucking state

Woke up on the wrong side of the car again?



its snowing in croydon

temperature is dropping the next few days

wrap up warm lads

Why don't they want people to film their licenses?

hey other croydonbro, snowing tons down in addo,

Looks like the diplomatic club are awake.

how about you fucking neck yourself


allo m8, snow must of moved up to you because its slowing down here

I can't believe Brexit happened and you limeys managed to fuck it up by making Theresa May your PM.

Your country is fucked until Nigel Farage is elected PM.

White dildos are on the prohibited list. Only POC dildos are legal for sale in the UK per subsection 7 paragraph 3 of the Poz act.

I don't have 17 hours on hand.

*gets shot*

>decisive British victory

>decisive British victory.

Just a yank passing by

i hope that based doggo starts a trend


Today I am blaming the Democratic Party for shutting down the government of the USA.

> At least Brexit is still a happening.




>> At least Brexit is still a happening.


Dreamt I had a nice gf, it was so vivid and nice I actually feel a bit gutted now I've woken up.

I'm looking for a picture I forgot to save, it's of a few hijabis walking through a back lane (I think in Birmingham), with the stone wallls heavily fortified with barbed wire on top and a giant mosque looming in the distance, does anyone know what I'm talking about?


Thanks user, that's it

What a diverse and progressive image.
Thanks for sharing it user.

Do other countries government buildings have animals in them?

something something trump

Had exactly the same thing m8

Another dog pooing OP! Brilliant, I love it! It's been #1 trend for OPs lately.

Reminder that we should all join UKIP and co-opt it into the nationalist behemoth that it should be.

Wew lads, thought posting was broken for a little while there, took about 15 minutes for the post to happen.

Somethings fucked, i keep getting cloudflare errors on images


ukip is a dead meme

No, son. You are a dead person (inside).

*looses ALL the seats in local election*
Joe Owens is more likely to win kenya I mean Kensington than ukip is to make serious revival

>the absolute state of hiroshomoot

also new joe

How was Thursday's QT with the nobodies?

one of shitest in a long time

I didn't know there had been. I just looked for a random and slightly relevant pic I had saved.

Not true. Why don't you relaise that we're all allies and should be supporting each other across the spectrum instead of punching right?

>*looses ALL the seats in local election*
UKIP are not the only party that that has happened to. UKIP has managed to have huge influence on the population and politics of Britain. They have managed to overcome huge attack by the media and still - just about - stand.

If anything, anons joining up would be in the position to inherit the skeleton of the organisation, which could be resurrected under a new guise.

You can't kill ideas, user.

Loughton here, just started snowing.

>wrap up warm lads

Ukip might as well join the tories at this point, fucking lib dem leader, UKIP got big from pusing boundries and they do that anymore

A dog taking a shit is always relevant to British politics.

Heavy snow here in the middle of England, been dropping for a couple of hours now. Don't they normally have a weather warning or something? I didn't here anything about snow. Is British weather really this unpredictable?

>resurrect a civic party whose only relevance was getting us a pointless referendum


Assaulting the Chief Mouser? Another example of police brutality.

What's the minimum amount you should give to a homeless person if you're going to give them some change?

Anyone got the Barron Trump Unabomber edit?

I wasn't able to follow Britpol after your last general elections, what's happened since?

Allah is great. Death to America. Death to Israel. A curse upon the Jews. Victory to Islam.

max 0p, half the cunts in London should stayed in Bucharest if they where really homeless


The slow and steady decline of Britain.

UKIP insider here.

Can confirm if Bolton doesn't walk within the next 72 hours then the national executive committee will resign en masse, declaring the party to be over.

This is literally the end of UKIP lads. Bolton and his skank gf ruined everything.

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

Oh yes, I couldn't agree more. I made the point to other members all the time since brexit: We have to align with other groups on the right and push radical policies, otherwise we moderate ourselves out of existence.

Joining the tories, though, is not a bad strategy in itself. They have plenty of malcontented ACTUAL conservatives who are itching to restructure the party. Peter Hitchens famously says that the con party is a zombie party with no unifying identity any more, I think he is right. It could be hijacked by a committed group of a few thousand activists, just like Labour was.

If you read Bolton's manifesto from the leadership election, it reads nothing like something a lib dem would write. He clearly spells out opposition to islamification, for example.


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>ywn spray refugees with shit so you can film some shitty tv show about some eye candy

I give them foreign coinage.

He's a cocky little shit. If he had any decency he would stand down, although chances are he won't. The key thing is that the party survives - it can withstand crap leaders; it can't withstand disintegration.

Who fucking cares about UKIP at this point? Quicker they get the coup de Grace the quicker something can take their placer.

No, you dullard. Use the skeleton and flesh it out with our own ideas. Would UKIP be a civic party if we anons were the necromancers? I think not. We have to think politically and seize every opportunity.

>Farage's allies also think that a Ukip collapse could pave the way for a Ukip 2.0
This is exactly what I am talking about. A new incarnation of the party. OK, I think Farage coming back would be good for the party in one sense, because it would draw back the people who were members because of him. BUT... These people are the civics that are causing the problem of moderating the party out of existence and snubbing contact with other right wing groups.

Farage needs to keep his nose out and focus on his job as ambassador to EU and USA.

Reminder that UKIP 2.0 would have the support of President Trump, who retweeted Britain First. Trump is begging for a nationalist ally in the UK, he has practically nobody in our Government he can actually work with.

Hey bongs, stop letting irish republican commies shit up Sup Forums

The price of some young flap, poor cunts ended up with no family, no bird, and soon no party. Ive done stupid things for gash in my time, but...



So fellow brothers how many of you went to the mosque today and thank Allah for his mercy and greatness?

Stop using meme flags.



Don't want to work with the latest American ignoramus thank you very much.

What a vile little creep this man is

Chances are it was all a set up desu.


Yup, he's really fucked it, hasn't he? But don't forget the entire media will be against him so we might not be hearing the whole truth. Who knows what's actually happening?

Yes, user. Which is my point: Join the fuck up and it will be us anons who will make the coup! Is it not coup d'etat?

They are going to allow autists to get blue badges

That's ridiculous. The party will serve no purpose in the coming decade unless they start admitting that based gold-digger was right.

No one knows what it’s be a French Sainsbury.....

Just got called a racist in Sainsburys lads

just let them die
the fuax nationalists will run back to torys and thre real ones will go to liberty gb or something

Bilingual at that age, dotr cant come soon enough

What happened lad?

I got called a racist in Sainsburys

Liberty GBs gone lad. Weston shut it down and is backing AMW instead.

Bolton cucking to the media destroyed the party.

Once again proving that backing down and apologising gets you nothing.

deary me

Urm.. Are you sure you're in the right place?

This. We need to control the argument and underline the semantic difference between being RACIST and RACIALLY PREJUDICED towards individuals. The word "racist" has been smeared to mean something it does not, and the warping of our language is destroying our society and culture. Jo Marney did nothing wrong.

It also raises questions around founding a new constitution with inalienable rights such as freedom of association and freedom of speech, which again would get support from Trump. Like it or not, Trump is the biggest piece on the global board, so support from him will lead to success.


Ye but why?

then either go to BNP, Joe owen's Zionist shaving club or create a new party then, either way ukip going will be a good thing

>Urm.. Are you sure you're in the right place?
Absolutely. It's not my fault we're inundated with yankophiles. American cultural hegemony is as big a threat as the EU ever was/is.

The unification progresses.

The party is not destroyed; it is being sacrificed so that it may be reborn. Bolton destroyed himself.

But yes, never back down. Good attitude.

>It also raises questions around founding a new constitution with inalienable rights