"S-so much for the tolerant left!!!!!1!"

>"S-so much for the tolerant left!!!!!1!"

Paradox of tolerance.

Intolerant people will end tolerance.
You shouldn't tolerate intolerance.

Other urls found in this thread:


TL;DR the left is intolerant when it helps fuel their nefarious interests. People act against them because their ideas cause human resistance to them.

> Karl Popper was born in Vienna (then in Austria-Hungary) in 1902, to upper middle-class parents. All of Karl Popper's grandparents were Jewish

Exactly, so we are gonna kill you and all the Jews.

>you have to be intolerant otherwise other people will be intolerant


Bullshit cartoon. Free speech protects against tyranny, controlling free speech is the opposite

Btw the nazis were extremely popular in their time. By logic of the cartoon, they would have seized control even quicker, because they could just blame their enemies in the name of false tolerance.

>"Let's give them a chance."
I believe the actual words regarding Hitler's rise to power were basically "You're an ill-bred filthy bastard peasant and I'll never recognize your authority."

What does that have to do with anything?


Pinochet did nothing wrong

So.. A system based on equality is the same as a system based on the genocide of Jews and people of color?

Why are only European countrys subject to be tolerant to being replaced by foreigners? It's as almost as if a group somewhere seeks to genocide them, where are the calls to make Africa Chinese, or Chinese African, or Israel to become African? Why have nearly every communist movement in history been lead or influenced by Jews?

Europeans are the ones who genocided people and now you're upset?

>system based on equality
Top fucking kek.
Communism is a system based on fucking murdering productive people and stealing their shit so that worthless, lazy and unproductive people can get free gibs, and the "intellectual" vanguard of the revolution gets full, totalitarian control of the state and it's resources, practically enslaving all the denizens of the state.

this, so much this.
atone for the sins of the father, it is only just.

Tell me who did my people genocide, you worthless mongrel?

That tolerance paradox is true you know. Liberalism was the tool that the marxist kikes use as a shield to spread their disease. You know what to do.

>any white guy who has an identity is a nazi

Murdering people is not okay, but Stalin murdered people. Not Communism itself. Communism isn't about genocide, it's about equality. Meanwhile, Nazism is completely about genocide. There's no comparison.

Making soap is so oldschool. You ain't seem nothin' yet Pedro.

as always

feds pls go, why don't you try a little harder

Okay, so stop letting in Muslims then.

But the paradox of intolerance is that those who claim to be tolerant are in fact the intolerant. So yes I agree, the 'tolerant' people need to be wiped out.

What's wrong with Muslims?

If your form of government is so fucking bad people would rather be under a totalitarian regime.
There might be something wrong with your ideology and/or positions

They tend to be quite intolerant.

I agree. I don't like our government. But Nazis are unacceptable.

I find this so fucking cringy.

if I intolerate acts that i deem evil, should my ideas be tolerated or intolerated?

>We shouldn't tolerate intolerance!
>What's wrong with muslims?
I dream of the day we'll have an OP that isn't a complete retard.

Actually, most are peaceful. Have you ever left your inbred Republican neighborhood and actually met a Muslim?

this is why you should be a monarchist.

Muslims don't support genocide.

IQ waah, fucking lefties, waah hitler.

IQ >100
>Doesn't this mean we must also then not tolerate islam and destroy those who preach it?

Re edit with Nazis replaced by Muslims when??

Communism is about the genocide of the "bourgeois", full stop, you fucking retard. Everywhere it has been implemented, mass murder or the productive people who are the fuel of any nation's economy, has followed.
The fact that you think that murder is not okay should be reason enough for you not to support communism.

And personally, I got zero problems with murder and genocide, if it is done for just reason and against groups that threaten my in group. If we Finns implemented national socialism and for example, murdered all somali immigrants here, I'd be 100 percent fine with that. Somalis are not part of my ingroup and their presence here is harmful to my people. However, under communism, me, and my family, would get our shit stolen from us to feed the leeching immigrants and other parasites, and if we resisted, we'd be murdered. Thus, there is zero reason for me to support communism, it is completely against my self interests, whereas national socialism is for my and my ingroup self interest.

I do not care about the deaths of non-Finns.

the problem is that ideas and people that aren't necessarily 'intolerant' are branded racist/nazi/intolerant simply as a means to silence them. ambiguity and vagueness play a huge part in the fallacious arguments of the 'tolerant'.


It doesn't matter that most are peaceful. All that matters is they're the largest terrorism perpetrators in the world. Snakes hide in grass, my little cuckold.

Yes they do moron. Islam was spread by the sword and all those who refused to submit to it were murdered.

I live in Belgium, what do you think? It doesn't matter how peaceful they are if they believe sharia law has primacy over the laws of the land, and if they think suicide bombings "can be justified", as around 30% do. Maybe you also picked up somewhere that muslims hate homos with a burning passion?

He's right, we should not tolerate Jews or Muslims.

This guy volks.

I agree OP, no tolerance for anti-white kikes

>Karl (((Popper)))
>idol of George (((Soros))), who named his open society after Popper's books
No thanks.

Have you ever left your inbred democrat bubble and actually lived in a Muslim society?
No you haven't.
Don't bother me for timestamp.

One lawyer bitch went inside one of our courtrooms with that scarf on her head.
The judge told her to either get it off or get the fuck out because it is a sign of disrespect AND against the laws.
She was kicked out of the court and threw a bitch fit about muh culture and muh respect.
They don't integrate, they come as muslim and stay muslim until everything around them is muslim as well.

>Gas kikes, shitskins, and race traitors
>No more tolerant people having to worry about the intolerant

Fixed your paradox.

>it is rubbish system. it is for fool. I lost friend to them, no crime they did, just kill. Rubbish. Some people here think it is good, it is not good. They would be first kill.

- South vietnamese cab driver I met one time

Sooo, let me get this straight..
>If you're being tolerant, the intolerant people will win
>Intolerance will always beat tolerance
>Therefore, intolerance is wrong

>you are free to make any argument as long as it agrees with me
good old tautologies. People (Americans, at least) figured out centuries ago that banning 'intolerant' speech was a terrible idea because then whoever is in power gets to define 'intolerant' and suppress others.

If your tolerant society can't win an argument against an intolerant one, then it deserves to be destroyed. That's the whole principal behind the 'marketplace of ideas'. You get the society you deserve, not the society you desire.

what in the hell did you think happened to the inhabitants of mecca when they first decided they weren't letting Mohammed and his hordes in.

they aren't around anymore.

>We will allow you to preach your ideas
>As long as you don't commit violence

Wow, so hard. Do I get a civics medal?

>europeans genocided
who cares?

>when anything short of leftist propoganda is intolerance

>Nazism is completely about genocide


This has everything to do with it.

You just admitted to supporting genocide. Go kill yourself.

user you forgot, words = violence to these people.
Not using gender neutral pronouns to them is the same as stoning homosexuals.

Most I've met are loudmouths who make lots of trouble, people don't like them whether you want to admit it or not. People are just afraid of announcing it.

What is taqiya



When people are running over and killing innocent protesters and marching with tiki torches while shouting Nazi shit then I think it's safe to say that they're fucking Nazis.

Communism cannot lead to equality.
It necessarily leads to poverty and inequality as talented individuals with skills flee communist places to free places that recognize and reward them for their talents.
This is why only communist places shoot people that try to leave; all of the talent tries to leave.
It always ends the same way and it will never end differently--famine and disease as the farmers and doctors leave.

Right wing terrorism kills more than Islamic terrorism.

Fuck off, we should not tolerate you.

>kill all white people is perfectly fine because it's a 'metaphor'

we really need to use the same type of arguments against them. if only to show them just how ridiculous it all is.

You must be new here


Fighting for equality= "anti-white." Wow, that white fragility.

If a competing group of people threatened the existence of my people, why should I be ok with that situation and allow it to go on, and potentially doom my people to extinction? Why should my people be sacrificed so that another group of people may thrive?
Genocide in order to defend your in-group from hostile foreigners, is completely justifiable and entirely within our self interest to do.

I accept no future where my people do not exist and if avoiding such future demands genocide, I am fine with it. The survival of my ingroup is the most important thing in this world because the quality of life and survival of my own offspring is largely dependent on them having a strong ingroup they can be a part of. The struggle for survival is never ending, and it is not pretty. Those who are unwilling to bloody their hands when violence becomes necessary, will be swept away by a stronger tribe who is willing to use force to get their way.

Answer my questions, you sheltered champagne socialist.

You tolerate intolerance because at any time the higher power can declare any descenting voice intolerant, even if they speak truth. Blanket protections protect everybody. Deal with it.

This comic went round a while ago.

It's dumb af especially since it purposely cuts Popper's original argument short because this was just a preamble to concluding free speech should be protected regardless.

What are paid protest/actors?

>we shouldn't tolerate intolerant nazis!
>proceeds to import millions of muslims

one morality for me and another for thee, fuck off kike.

Post the Muslim version

>HA SEE, his great great great grandbrother was half jewish on his wifes sons side!

Well why couldn't she wear what she wants? That is a violation of her rights.

"Being intolerant against Nazis and being a literal Nazi are the same."

equality is a jewish meme, a million niggers are not equal to me

>Intolerant people will end tolerance.
>You shouldn't tolerate intolerance.

Exactly, which is why its essential that anyone with a different opinion from me be killed. As paradoxical as it may seem, you can't tolerate people with different opinions, ever.

The paradox goes even further because a lot of intollerant and oppressive idiologies are intollerant because they claim they're protecting the people from an intollerant enemy while their enemy is claiming the same.

Well, it's not exactly wrong is it?

sage goes in options, lads.

Communism necessitates the murder of talented people as they try to flee the impoverished shit-hole that communism inevitably creates by creating a living situation which anyone with two brain cells can see is unfair. Why should janitors and physicists be paid the same? So, the physicists try to leave for greener pastures and get shot. Why should doctors and garbage men get paid the same? so the doctors try to leave for greener pastures and get shot. Now, you only have worthless physicists and doctors and your country starts to rot as no one left wants to put in the time to become a physicist or doctor (because it's hard) and would rather be a janitor. Do you know what happens to a country full of janitors? It rots.
Communism only appeals to retards that want other people to do the hard work and are incapable of seeing that hard working people deserve to be more compensated that they are so that they stay and do the hard work.

It's an article of our code that say people can cover their face/head in a tribunal.
Plus not taking off your headwear in general is a sign of disrespect.

Calling for genocide is violence.

>gender neutral
Nouns don't have attitudes (no one would call the invariable second person English pronoun, "you" "case-neutral" or "number-neutral".) The appropriate terms are "common gender" or "unmarked for gender".

You shouldn't make tolerance the central pillar of your worldview. That it is logically inconsistent should enlighten you to the reality that tolerance is not consistent with anything beyond nihilism or pacifism, because one MUST make moral judgements. Tolerance appeals to lazy and naive.

running people over is clearly causing harm. how is shouting 'nazi'* shit causing harm? what it is doing, is causing offence. there is a huge difference.

* again nazi is used simply as a synonym for a bullshit modern construct.

yes, yes it is wrong you fucking brainlet
cuck yourself

Anyone who isn't a sociopath?

And then he genocided 12 million fucking Jews.

Nazis are the political equivalent of an over-active immune system. They are what happens when people start advocating for communism.

12 million, what do you mean 13 million?! it's fucking 14 million.


That's a fake Antifa account.

Is it sociopathy to kill for food too? Most of them died of diseases and then some got killed for being inferior boo hoo