Scarlett Johansson is morphing into Elizabeth Warren

Pocahontas biopic when?

As their looks go, these Hollywood actresses get more and more politicized.

Literally a Jew.

She looks jewier the older she gets. Even starting to get that hump back.

ooooooooooooh boooooooooy gonna suck getting old hope the young girls like me since I am in my 30s and look 20

Hollywood drones are apolitical as they don't actually have souls, they are denied this through ritual and blackmail. They do not understand or care a single bit about the state of our nation. They are crisis actors trotted out on cue to defend the intrests of the pedophile elite in exchange for various 'comped' pleasures.

Why are people listening to actors?


She's only 33. I could have sworn she was nearing 40.

Someone makeapp her.

They talk to them through brightly light screens and are they’re friends.

The left doesn't give a shit about "Food Water and Shelter" anymore.

They're completely distracted by gender issues & immigrants.

Now that's a wall I wish was never built.

Jon Bon Jovi looks like THAT?? O_O

We're everywhere and you will all pay.

OMG! She's only 33? I was thinking 45ish

its worse than, that she's a jewess.

Made me sad when I heard that too.

Looks like she hit the wall hard. Might Might as well hang her from it once it's done being built.

Essentially shes a jew, i'm pretty sure she never gave a damn about her nordic roots anyways like most brainwashed idiots do.

Being a woman must suck, she was basically the hottest piece of ass 10 years ago and now I talk to third shift gas station cashiers better looking than her

this, nice summary user


Because most normies and lefties worship celebrities as Gods. Sickening.

It must completely alter their way of looking at life, even if they're not aware of it.

she's an actress but needs cue cards what did she mean by this?

Liberal women age like cheese

Too sophisticated for you?

She was my absolute dream girl throughout the entire 2000s. What the fuck.


Full on rat face... INCOMING!!!

You now realize why quinceaneras and debutante balls existed historically...get them married before they hit the wall.

All demonic baby eaters are screaming because their reign of baby eating terror is crashing down.

>You now realize why quinceaneras and debutante balls existed historically...get them married before they hit the wall.

that bitch on the left was voted the most attractive women in hollywood at one point

shes fucking disgusting

When did this bish start looking like Ellen Degeneres?

wtf she was 9/10 material a decade ago.
what happened?
are lib women cursed to become ugly?

Wow this White feminist bitch
She even has a woman of color enacting the labour of acting as a mic-stand for her becky ass?
We need to get this trending on twitter

Plenty of women are still incredibly hot until their mid-thirties. This one has evidently been engaging in some disgusting behaviour and her looks display that fact to the world.

two kikes together like that "pure coincidence"

once an alien was there and tony was like "party's comin" and she was like "Whaaaaaat that isn't a party lmao" and it was funny. so she can speak for a whole country

gob bleds ameriga

Mila Kunis’ career has fallen so far after marrying Ashton “I love Pizza” Kutcher, the only gig she’s getting now is holding a mic for a literal nobody.

she and katy perry use to be fappable

atleast she still has her family guy checks

>two jewesses who hit the wall hard go into political lobbying
imagine my shock

It's not so much the age it's the milage. Those years of liberalism take a toll.

She must be a little dead inside that Ryan Reynolds is now a hotter star than she is, married to a beautiful blonde with a beautiful family.. she could have had all that but let herself hit the wall and is dating an unfunny actor from SNL.

liberalism and aged, jewish dick

Why are these jews talking about fellow jew James Franco like this? Didn't they have movies together?

It was probably more related to having children and she pulled out of spotlight

Because people are dumb as shit, they instantly give credit of trust to people they know from movies, even tho they are Professional Liars for hire.

Never trust actors.

someone photoshop her face into his

They're both jews, that's Mila Kunis

nope, that's magic of movies they can make you look like billion dollars if they hide your flaws under tons of make up and 3d editing

she is ugly inside and out

and fuck her ugly jew friend.

That's Mila Kunis?! HOLY FUCK!

It's all dem arab cockas.

I love the smell of right-wing-butt-hurt in the morning. It smells like....victory.


is that... is that mila kunis? oh nononono...

Are these stupid fucks ever going to get it through their heads that they're just here to entertain us and no one wants to hear their political opinions?

She's so gross now that she had a kid. Fucking yuck!

>be me, pocahontas
>standing up to muh banks
>endorse Hillary, best friend of muh banks
>go to muh bank, check out my line of credit worth millions
>never say a word about the federal reserve
>but muh banks
How is it possible to be this stupid without actually being native yourself?

what does that smell like?

holy shit mila got ugly

it's a combination of drug/alcohol abuse and endless supplies of birth control. it removes femininity from a woman.