Convince me into believing in god

t. Agonstic

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No one cares what you believe

I have no idea how i myself came to believe in god(started of as atheistic). How the hell am I supposed to convince you?

The weirder part is that I became faithful when I began my studies in astro physics.
If you want to test where you lie on the spiritual scale, look into what colors God used when he started painting our universe. Beware of misconseptions surrounding black holes.

It's obvious to your own heart that God is real. And if you actually wanted an answer to your doubts, why not pray to God and ask directly?

Thank you for you wisdom, senpai.

Most people only go from atheist/agnostic to religious if they go through some traumatic event in their life, like going to prison, becoming a drug addict or losing a loved one.
It's not something that people typically come to through reason, which is why atheists usually win these debates when it's framed in those terms.

because we will never know what happens after death. so logically speaking we have nothing to lose by believing in Jesus and literally an eternity to gain.

The fine-tuning of the following properties of the universe so precisely that a slight change would make life impossible: strong nuclear force, weak nuclear force, gravitational force, electromagnetic force, ratio of electron to proton mass, ratio of number of protons to number of electrons, expansion rate of the universe, entropy level of the universe, mass density of the universe, velocity of light, initial uniformity of radiation, distance between stars, fine structure constant, decay rate of protons, 12C to 16O nuclear energy level ratio, ground state energy level for 4He, decay rate of 8Be, ratio of neutron mass to proton mass, initial excess of nucleons over anti-nucleons, polarity of the water molecules, supernovae eruptions, white dwarf binaries, ratio of exotic matter mass to ordinary matter mass, number of effective dimensions in the early & present universe, mass of the neutrino, Big Bang ripples, size of the relativistic dilation factor, uncertainty magnitude in the Heisenberg uncertainty principle, and cosmological constant.

>It's obvious to your own heart that God is real. And if you actually wanted an answer to your doubts, why not pray to God and ask directly?
When was the last time God talked to you directly after you prayed?

>look into what colors God used when he started painting our universe.

>we have nothing to lose by believing in Jesus and literally an eternity to gain
That's where you're wrong faggot

>like going to prison, becoming a drug addict or losing a loved one.
They do this because that's probably the only place they can find hope.

But you don't really believe in Jesus. Id rather be honest and say I don't know instead of lie.

The only way of surviving past death that has a decent chance of actually working is to sign up for cryonics.

Proof for the resurrection of Jesus:

There is no better feeling of superiority to others than knowing that you are saved and they are not.

We cannot cover the whole truth of existence that is in universe, as we've lost already some information due to objects moving faster than speed of light in space.
You'd need R&M tier portal gun with mass production to even scout the already known universe before losing information on those that have been observed already, as they will fade away from our observed space in time.

As we can't scout the totality of existing truth, we cannot ever claim to have complete knowledge of truth of existence, hence we cannot prove God's non-existence.

Also, some concepts such as how did the very smallest particles on graviton level e.g. would require some hocus-pocus explanation to have popped out of nowhere if you want to remove God from the equation.
Another point would be claiming that God has to be materialised in order to prove his existence, while Christianity believes God to be transsubtantial as is our mathematical observation of concept of energy, so how coul you claim energy to exist if you cannot quantify it into a crystallised structure for example?

Science can explain all of this without using 'God'. as we progress and evolve we'll learn more about the universe.

Chances are you haven't read the bible in it's entirety and you don't live a life without sin so No, you're saved. Atleast i'm being honest when I say I dont know.

> Science can explain all of this without using 'God'
no it cannot, see

God is dead, and we killed him. Religion is for the weak, religious virtues are weak and pathetic. You'll either become obsessed with converting others (as a way for you to confirm your worth and your beliefs in religion), or you will simply start living a lie like the rest of them. They live a lie because they're empty, laughable and miserable without religion, because they have no morals, no compassion and even with the ""perfect"" morals of religion, still seek to hurt others and oppose the works of their Lord.

Don't go full retard. Your values are meaningless if they come from a book. You're nothing if you believe in religion and make it an integral part of your life. It's a sorry attempt at reimbursing yourself for not amounting to anything, and even then, it's still a lie. You still won't amount to anything. People just want to convert others because they're self-centered; they want to confirm their worth as religious disciples. They look at atheists and feel insecure. Faith is based in uncertainty and insecurity. Don't fall for the meme.

answer my post then please

>I don't have the means to discover the entire truth yet
>Just let me believe in an imaginary man-made idea that lazily and unscientifically explains the universe's conception!

It's not like science evolves every day. It's not like NASA could get more shit done if they had a bigger budget. Keep swimming in your sea of delusion; just because we can't explain something yet doesn't mean the man in the sky is real. It's something your ancestors made up to control other people, and its extension is a simple rationalization in order not to feel all alone when all hope is lost.

Science explains WHY so many properties of physics and chemistry are perfectly tuned to allow life to exist? I would like to hear science's explanation.

Also, just because I argue for a Creator/God doesn't mean that I advocate Christianity's concept of God.

Just because we can't scout the totality of the existing truth YET, it doesn't mean we should settle for a delusion. A completely man-made ideal that fits the lazy and uneducated. Anyone can understand God, it's easy to believe there's such a simple explanation to the universe. People didn't know how thunder and lightning struck, they thought it was the Gods. Science evolved, and we were able to explain that. Science always evolves, unlike God. We have uncovered many of religion's lies and inconsistencies with FACT. It's not science that is against religion. FACTS are against religion.

No matter what you say about science's evolution, it doesn't make "You can't prove my delusion is right so it is legitimate". You need to prove God is real, you can't disprove God isn't real based on the lack of evidence. We have more evidence for science than you have for God. Let's put them up against one another, and you'll clearly see who wins.

But if you need a crutch all your life and can't face life's monstrous nature, that's up to you. I don't want OP to fall for that.

The mere existence of pure evil

god is like a cage. Everyone can see into the cage, but there are some that say there is something inside the cage. But you can see it's empty. Everytime you think that it's empty you are told you just don't see it but... the cage is empty. THERE IS NO CAGE, THERE IS NO GOD

How can you deny then Christian concept of transubtantiality if scientific concept of energy is exactly the same by its nature?
> it doesn't mean we should settle for a delusion
you can't even quantify how muh of information we've lost already since the beginning of time, and we keep accelerating further away from those pieces of information all the time (as are they from us).
> You need to prove God is real
> We have more evidence for science than you have for God
see the question of energy concept above in this post. This concept of existence was already argued even before scientific method was invented lmao.
I can rely on the concept of God due to same reason, so how would you counter this?

>t. Agonstic

Agnostic isn't someone who doesn't beleive in God. That's not that word means at all. Agnosia is a K N O W L E D G E by negation. Read a fucking book before starting theological discussions, retard