My mom, watching the women's protest about the house of representatives

>My mom, watching the women's protest about the house of representatives
>"They're so brave I love their signs! They are the resistance!"
>me, after being called over to look at the signs
>"these people are self important and should be ashamed. They are pathetic, and if they really wanted to change things they would be out there changing it instead of sitting there with a sign."
>My mother, an intellectual
>holy fuck I think I just got a stroke

After a huge debate that left my mother still being a retard I now have a headache that encompasses the left side of my brain. Fuck my life.

It's usually the right side for me one side of my head is burning and the other one is normal when I get to these kind of debates

Debate is meaningless. If you want political change, start a war.

debate is especially useless with women. They only understand force

>Tfw my mom is the daughter of an Irish NYPD officer
>Tfw mom is still a bimbo but not a leftist

>still living at ur mom's
This is why an ethnostate will never happen

Better than my mom. Made me a vegan as a teenager (now manlet), got a piercing recently, left my dad and moved to another country when I was a teen, defended my ex gf when I found out she was a degenerate slut, literally believes in magic, but at the same time rants about Christians being stupid, poisoned my mind with all kinds of blue-pilled bs about what women want.

Don't debate your parents, it causes unneccessary family tension.

What are they even protesting again? I understand that the right to protest is important and all, it helps to give the average American a larger voice. But if they're just protesting Trump just because, its a huge waste of time. All these people really do is slap 6 year old facebook memes onto a posterboard and that somehow equates to a meaningful protest?

>and then everyone stood up and clapped!
This site really is just reddit isn’t it.

>arguing with a woman

My fellow "debaters".

yeah why the hell should women even have rights, those are for real men like you right dipshit?

jesus christ no wonder the country's fucked

>getting into political arguments with family

Underage b&

>And then the hole train clapped

think about how hard it was to raise a moron

My mom insults men but also insults women. What does this make her?

aware? woke?

>What are they even protesting again?
Judging by their signs, 'muh vagina makes me special' - 'BLM' - 'Open borders to shithole countries'

>tfw my mom hates feminists, jews and muslims

Getting women to face their logical contradictions is another great way to short circuit them. These creatures can't even open the pickle jar without help from a man or a tool. They are afraid to go out at night and afraid to go places alone. Yet these same women will act tough if you let them get away with it.

as apposed to build a wall, I'm so scared

not related in the slightest, but still fucking blows my mind so I'll say it anyway.
my dad, really and truly, believes poultry (chicken and turkey) and fish are not meat, only cows and lamb and pig and other 4 legged animals are meat.

That's so stupid. Chicken and turkey are meat but not red meat.

>Being so poor that you live with your mom.
get a job user

exactly, the flesh and muscle of an animal is meat no matter what retard logic or definition you have, and I debated him for like 20 minutes trying to make him see how retarded he was but he seems to have throughly convinced himself 0-3 legs is not meat

the survival of the fittest crew are worried that any of the inferiors could take* their shit.
and they be powerless to do anything about it.
what does that tell you about them?

I feel you, user. I tried to explain many times to my own mother that Trump isn't that devil the media makes him to be, but it's no use. Just leave her be.

yeah well she's an adult with a little life experance and you're not

>mom says if you don't vote in an election, which I never have because I consciously reject false choices, then you have waved your right to a political opinion
>goes on to admit she doesn't understand the political situation as well as I do but she's entitled to an uneducated opinion because she puts a checkmark in a box
my fucking head, man

Because everytime the demcrats dont get what they want they pull this bullshit they did it after trump became president and they left there shit all over the place

yeah unlike republicans

I get your point, but the thing here is that the biggest news network in this country was shilling for Hillary. Then there is the fact that I'm the only one in this house who knows English well enough to read news from american news. I don't see myself as wise when compared to her, but I do have more knowledge about this matter.

Being a vegan didnt make you a manlet, lul

This. You’ll learn in time.

Respect your mother. Don't argue with her it's not going to change anything.

Your dad is a troll. I like telling people that golf isn't a sport because sports have sides, you can agress and defend in a sport. Golf is a skilled hobby. You play against yourself. Golf fags loose their shit

>Getting women to face their logical contradictions is another great way to short circuit them

I agree...ish.
My feminist retard friend is a huge hypocrite, and whenever I call her out on it she gets all flustered, storms off and then blocks me on social media for like a week. Doesn't change her original view one bit

what did you say in response

I'm sorry for your family relations user.
Just be normal towards your Mother, she is clearly brainwashed and unhappy.

The biggest family debate around here is usually about whether to nuke Israel or New York first. Most females agree that feminists and LGBT activists need to be put in Muslim refugee camps.

You live with your mom.


>They are the resistance

No weapons
No skills
No power

Sounds more like another group of whiny losers to me.

wait you think because you can read english media you know more?
you read more propaganda. that's all

>mfw my entire family is christian & right wing

Shit like this is why I'm thankful I'm engaged to a non-western woman. She knows enough to know that she doesn't know shit about the world and understands that she shouldn't be voting unless I tell her to.

Sounds like your mom is a dumb cunt. But that's not surprising, most women are. The left tailored its message to vaginas after all. It's part of the reason why after women became a majority of the voting population that this country went straight to shit and overspending.

Pointless to debate with women. If they don't support you and you win, they will support you. If they support you and you lose, they switch sides anyways. Women are a literal non-element and why the fuck they've been involved in politics is beyond my brainlet mind I guess

You need to lure her in, then spring the trap. The bait? "Man, those greedy capitalists don't care about anything except making money." Dumb cunt agrees. Then, spring it: "If a greedy capitalist can get a woman to provide output equal in quantity and quality to that produced by a man....why don't they just fire all of the men, and save 23% on payroll costs?." She will take a second...then call you a racist and misogynist. Thereby sealing your victory.

Show her the Peterson Cathy interview. Or Thomas sowell

PROTESTS and MARCHES never solved anything.

Remember that and smile when you see the pussy hat brigade.

Vote you lazy fucking faggot

> why the fuck they've been involved in politics is beyond my brainlet mind I guess
They're easily manipulated and the voteseekers know this. To make them vote society and prevailing normie memes have been shout out to get women to become politically active. The whole "empowered" and "strong" woman thing. In the end an incredibly small number of women are politically competent, with 85-90% of them still being sheep following the Shepard, but with a few new manufactured talking points.

>live in one of the most liberal cities in the country
>try getting some ramen with a friend before they close
>sluts with pussy hats blocking all the god damn roads
>missed it and ate cat at a Chinese restraunt instead
>somehow managed to get home still
Yeah, annoying fucking everyone will really bring more people to your side.

did your mom have a good time with jordan peterson last week?

>Pointless to debate with women
This. It's a waste of time.

The only thing men should be doing with their gfs and wives is making sure that they understand that politics is not something they need to worry about. Once they understand that you're the head of the household and trust that you know what'd best for the family they will believe and vote for whatever you tell them to.

Nothing makes a woman happier than not having to worry about complicated things. Once they have a man that they respect and trust to take care of these things they're more than happy to let them do so. The best way to red pill women is to become a man worthy of their respect.

I was kind of being factitious, I know exactly why they're in politics. turn of the century and women get the right to vote, suddenly
>political wedge driven between wife and husband
>lawmakers obfuscate rather than delegate because they can now deploy feminist red herring
>women go to work, can lower wages and raise cost of living
>children left alone, can now be pumped full of state teaching
>can "empower" women to practice miscegenation and supplant native population
>hypergamy keeps men too stupid and occupied with "empowered women" to rally any political effort

If you want to wreck a nation, wreck the women

Your grandfather's a cop? What's it like growing up knowing your bloodline comes from a cunt? You should look for the folded up flag and throw it out, flags given to cops are trash rags. Real Americans love it because it represents home, not some politician who gave you a badge.

>giving your money to a (((landlord)))
get a brain, muhammed



>asking for rights you already have

Women are stupid user, even your mom.




>My son waddles into the living room to use the TV to play his video game, but I'm watching the Women's Protest
>I tell him how brave these women are to raise awareness about gender inequality
>He scoffs about how women are lesser beings only good for breeding and only like "the niggers"
>I attempt to explain once more how the science says he's wrong and that he needs to exhibit some empathy
>I've had enough of this, but he's still my son no matter how rude or autistic he is
>"Why don't you just go play your Switch instead, sweetie? You don't need the TV for that"
>">2018 >implying bing bing wahoo isn't just (((jewish))) conditioning for the masses >implying i'm an obedient little soygoy cuckface"
>There's no calming him down once he's like this so I just sigh and go pour myself a glass of wine

Knowing english means that I'm able to read in the internet what the media in my country isn't willing to show, Leaf.

>he still talks to his mom


The productivity gap also exists. In any field you can name, the output of women is MAYBE 50% of that of men. At 77%, bitches are actually grossly overpaid.

if wage gap was a real thing no company would employ men

So women should have no freedom to follow their dreams because of muh society?

All because she hated your father. She ruined you because she hated your father. When women go bad, they go bad bad bad.

If your dreams are to fuck Jamals and Chads while the state pumps your kids full of propaganda and you attend a uni for a useless degree then no, women should not have freedom. Successful society takes discipline, and rules, people need to do their jobs. If mothers aren't in homes, this is what we get, and this fucking world is bordering on a hellscape.

Your mother a bommer?

Stupid bitch should of made him tendies. He didn't have the good boy points, but it always works.

Unfortunately your mum is a sjw, who wants make Communist States of America

I had a close family growing up. If you didn't it's your family's fault. I shouldn't have to suffer from it. If other people decide to live their lives badly it's their fault. I don't care about muh society.

Why should I live my life for the sake of my vapid peers?


Damn, son. I feel for you. This makes me appreciate my mother. When I fell, she brushed me off, made sure I wasn't badly injured, then told me "life is pain, better to get used to it early". I had a job of one type or another since I was 8. This is the kind of parenting that needs to return if we are ever to survive as a nation.

You are absolutely wrong on that one. Debate your parents often and vigorously. That is your payback for having to follow their authoritarian rules for the first 18 years of your life.

Political discussion amongst family members is common. People sit in front of the TV and watch things like game shows, the news, or different shows as a family and discuss things or play along with the game show.

So living in a world where hypergamy is frowned upon and women care for their children in a community funded by nuclear families where one parent alone makes enough for a stable income is suffering, hello Jew. To answer your question, the people without close families don't have close families because the state took them. You should care because if you value your family, like you claim, you should want that to stop. It WILL happen to your family, most likely with your generation at the head of the family. You are not an island, the people you deride have been added to the enemy horde, either reverse the tide or join them in the zombie welfare state of individuals.

Or don't, communities will form again with or without your input, and nobody will want you around with that attitude, you don't strengthen bonds with that attitude, so it goes back to the original point of your family dying anyway.

>I don't care about muh society.
And that's why this society won't exist in one hundred years. The only vapid one here is you, for completely failing to understand the procession of civilization, how humans subjugated their self-destructive instincts to sow the seeds of a world they knew they wouldn't live long enough to experience. With each generation building on that and living better lives than the last. And now, all of that thrown away because a bunch of short-sighted whores would rather destroy the family, refuse to breed, and invite savages all so they can have a good time for one decade of their lives. Because a jewish snake tempted them with the lie that that was freedom.

I'd rather not waste my time, as it does literally, absolutely nothing at all

He means vote for your least favorite politicians with carefully place homemade explosives

I like freedom. I like individual liberties. I don't think the government has a right to tell people how to live their lives. I'm sorry I don't want big daddy government ruling everything. People tried to enforce too many draconian rules in my lifetime. I want there to be far less of them.

Man Canadians are stupid. You already have a wall called the U.S.A. Barriers work, and debating that point is something only soft headed libtards would attempt. BTW, it's spelled o-p-p-o-s-e-d. Apposition is the act of placing one object directly adjacent to another.

Post your mom's feet.

Why do I suddenly hear "Dueling Banjos" in my head?

Nah. Happened to me too.

>talking politics with your parents
you deserve it

Survival of the fittest does not apply with a well armed, insurmountable government is willfully and forcefully allowing this to occur, particularly when it comes to race based quotas on college admission, job hiring, etc. Again, you are not to bright it seems.

I think people should have the choice of whether or not to live their lives a certain way. I think the government banning more choices results in more victims who did nothing wrong. You live in an imaginary world where people can't get sick. You acting like options is a bad thing shows your sheltered background.

This. Women will also naturally gravitate towards their significant others political views after awhile. I got my libshit cutie to go full 1488 on her tumblr after a month of dating, I can screencap some chats if you want, it's pretty funny to look at the transition.

Provide some examples? From true Republican conservatives, not the Bush's etc. These are liberals.

Families discuss things like politics. Families sit around the TV and discuss life issues and play game shows together. Do you live in some fantasy la la land where families discuss nothing?

Experience does not equate with wisdom. His mom in particular seems a fine example of much bad experience leading to a lack of wisdom and insight. If fact, she seems downright vapid.

what you need to do is assume the mantle of man of the house and fuck your moms roast beef pussy HARD. fuck her hard and deep and blow your steamy load into her cum dumpster aka her vag

Story tiem

>work at hospital as valet
>60ish women comes out of the ER
>she says shes waiting for a taxi
>as we wait, she starts talking about the perilous state of the world
>I say “if there were zombies, there would be zombie activists defending zombie rights in the streets”
>she laughs and says, “oh yes it is quite a strange world”
>I then decide to turn up the heat and perform a liberal litmus test
>”you think thats crazy, in toronto if you dont support your three year old child transition into a transexual, the state will take your kid away on grounds of child abuse”
>she smirks “well I think thats a wonderful thing, imagine being oppressed like that by your own parents”
>” three”
>”yes at three”
>say nothing else
>pray god smites her before she makes ot home