Can a good goy upload the new shoah for us poorfags?

Can a good goy upload the new shoah for us poorfags?

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Just get the paywall. I finally did it, took 10 minutes.


This week wasn't even worth it, less than two hours on location show, piss poor quality no Svencam.

Mike is taking Monero to open accounts now too on the forum if credit cards aren't your style .

Then upload it nigger

use 4plebs nigga



>giving money to jews larping as WN's
The only good things that trs spawned are fash the nation and exodus americanus.

The last one had no Enoch and it was a snooze fest. Not to be a fanboy but I never seem to get tired of listening to him. He's so good with words it's miraculous he isn't Jewish. Even Molymeme, for how articulate he is, is really boring a lot of the time. It's got a rehearsed quality to it. Enoch has more impact with fewer words

I'm only a quarter Jewish

Enoch was on the phone, but I agree he can carry a show better than anyone else out there.

Kys kike

>Moar shekels for the (((paywall))) goyim

>Non-white butthurt detected

Paycucks pls

>not mentioning the fatherland

The host rubs me the wrong way. I can't stand him.
>calls me nonwhite/kike
>worships a show made by a kike and a puerto rican.
TRSIDF needs to leave.

thanks goy, appreciat'ya

go away shlomo

That's cool. Keep giving that new your money. Nothing bad could come of that, surely.

Usually its in the top few posts.

>44.78 mb
This is the same one from the archive. It's only 15 mins of the show Aussie.

Duration is 1:42:36. It's the full shoah.

Its a bit over 90 minutes, it was a short episode.

does anyone have any real numbers for the number of people who listen to the daily shoa and fash the nation

I can't bring myself to believe that 100,000 of people actually regularly listen to this stuff

They even admit that this one was pulled together at the last minute. It's basically a shitshow. Jayo Delaray, or whatever his name is, continues in his tradition of interrupting Mike at the moment he gets to this point. McNab talks about bikes, and Sven continues to change the subject just as shit is getting interesting.

I love this podcast. But goddamnit guys, if Mike is in the middle of a point, let him fucking finish. It's like they don't realize that a pause is sometimes a person collecting their thoughts into a nice little summary or example that puts the cherry on the top of the sundae. I love you Jayo, but goddamn use contextual cues to decipher whether or not Mike is done with a point.

Why are you giving the show away?

no meme i'd probably get arrested if i paid fuck this country

I mean if they can support 2 men on the revenue generates it is probable there are that many free listeners. Paid listeners are probably a fraction of that though.

They shared metrics about 6 months ago, they got between 75-100k per episode.

They have 4 salaried employees so its not hard to imagine its a medium sized audience. Also Ryan Faulk/Alt Hype accidentally mentioned that TRS gets 200k+ annually in paywall subscriptions.

He also said that Spencer gets over a quarter million despite doing nothing with it.

The shoah hits 100k downloads in about a day now. Last year they broke that in a week. 2016 they were getting around 70 to 80k downloads within 2 weeks.
The Shoah and FTN are bigger than most podcasts on itunes by a long shot.

Someone always ups it. Its the internet. You're never going to stop filesharing.

Still take donations too, and tons of it is in crypto.

do either of you have any links to any real numbers ?

I wouldn't have any metrics on hand.

Is Jayo Sacco Vandal?

can someone upload a jazz and jesse show? i wish they would give like once a month samples of the show like a best of.

Just dug this up from an old forum post (No longer visible to new members since the forum was closed off and reorganized)

I should put these numbers in context too: these are from a single host - back then they used multiple hosts and the fluctuating numbers come from the fact that downloads would often break one host or the other.

> support two men
Did Jesse sell his hardware store? Or do you mean Enoch and McNabb?

Funny, I haven't noticed Jayo doing that like I used to notice Sven doing it. But I agree, I don't like those interruptions.