How do you manipulate reddit to spread propaganda?

How do you manipulate reddit to spread propaganda?

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own it, idiot

dont go there. you'll lose to their experience in brainwashing and you'll become one of them. more than you already are, that is.

I usually keep it low, trying to be neutral but always slip the redpill and I keep getting upvoted specially in r/worldnews.

Thanks Putinbots I guess.

you buy of mods to default subs like the left has. it's too late to win the meme war there.

Compromise the mods.

Not a good idea. What do you think r/thedonald was? It was supposed to help support Trump in the elections but they became a cancer that couldn't be contained post-election.


Pay better than the democrats

Pose as a lefty and try to rebuke the right's arguments in the worst way possible.

"I don't care if black men are only 6 percent of the population and commit 70% of all violent crime, we should just let them do it cuz slavery! When blacks rob asian immigrant storeowners, they're fighting white supremacy!"

Maybe that would wake up some redditors, although half of them probably already have thoughts like that to begin with.

I had to learn the hard way. Make sure you get payment from the Kremlin FIRST before you do any work.

You can start by going back to it

The alt-lite is a) necessary and b) ultimately a tremendous help to us, nobody goes directly from 0 to 1488

Reddit it's an stolen from Sup Forums/facebook platform, let's give them content, challenge their brains a little.

You are a clown.

There are people ITT who don't know that plebbit is bought and paid for and think it is anything other than a controlled advertisement platform. The hell happened to Sup Forums?

Ask ShareBlue. By KEK we are a board of peace!

lol oh god i do this better than anyone and here's how.

i'm a long-time user on the site and have been attacked and hounded by faggoty mods for spreading redpills and they always hunt down my accounts ato ban me but i keep making new ones. it's so easy to spread proaganda so here's how:

make a bunch of new accounts and build up karma on them. go to the askreddit new queue and answer a bunch of questions there until you get yourself up to 50 comment karma. then, go over to /r/The_Donald and repost alread-upvoted links from the sub that you find on the 2nd or 3rd pages so that the mindless users there upvote your reposts. do this until you get yourself at least 100 link karma. once done, wait until your account is at least 5 days old and once it is you can bypass the faggot /r/news mods and their automoderator filters. now you are free to spread propaganda.

make sure to post tons of minority crime stories, illegal immigrants stories, anti-tranny stories, racism stories, anti-muslim stories, etc make sure that after you post the link that your post shows up in the /new queue and isn't auto-removed by the automod. if you check the /new queue immediately after posting and see your post isn't there then you know that the source you used is no good and the mos auto-blocked it. immediately delete your post so that the mods don't keep seeing your name in their spamqueue and they dont get suspicious.

space out your links by 2 per hour at most and try to only post 3 links per day. the further spaced out your links the better. if you have multiple accts, switch accts each day to throw the mods off your scent

use google to find thumbnails that have minorities for criminals. many redditors enable thumbnail view which means that they'll see some nigs mughost for a thumbnail if you post the right link. google search results show u thumbnails so u know if you have the right link to post.

don't comment within your own link posts. let redditors come to their own conclusions.

This is correct. Present your arguments so badly that even people that agree with you will think you're retarded and argue against you. Why do you think that so many former-leftys that joined the right did so after years of arguing with/making fun of SJWs? When people spend so much time fighting with members of their own group, they eventually are drawn to the opposing side.

Be water.

Reddit is mostly gaslighting sane people into thinking there are way more fucking retards then there really are